health care reform

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Health Reform Foes Are on Wrong Side of History

Access to health care should increase, not fade

(Newser) - The history of health care in America has been one of steadily improving health and lifespans as access to quality health-care has increased, writes Nicholas Kristof. The 1940s saw the greatest recorded increase in American lifespans as military mobilization improved access, he notes. This trend is now reversing, however, because...

New Law Means Idaho Sues Feds if Health Reform Is Enacted

State's 'sovereignty' at stake: governor

(Newser) - Idaho’s Republican governor signed into law today a bill that requires the state’s attorney general to sue the federal government if health-care reform is enacted that mandates coverage for individuals or business. “I put a real high priority on the sovereignty of the state of Idaho,”...

Dems: Public Was Divided on Medicare, Too

Leadership circulates '60s poll numbers to reassure members

(Newser) - Democratic leaders hope the example of Medicare will strengthen their colleagues' resolve in the fight for health care reform. Aides have been circulating poll numbers from 1962 that showed a public deeply divided on the Medicare proposal, with 28% in favor, 24% against, and 33% with no opinion, writes Greg...

Obama on Fox: Health Care Reform Will Pass

This is about reform, not 'procedural rules,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama tells Fox News he isn't worried about the legislative acrobatics under way to pass health care reform—and voters shouldn't be, either. "I don't spend a lot of time worrying about what the procedural rules are in the House or Senate,'' Obama said in a rare...

GOP: If We Can't Stop Reform, We'll Repeal It

Lawmakers pledge to overturn law

(Newser) - Republicans may not be able to stop health care reform, but they're already thinking about repealing it should they win either house of Congress. The "Repeal It" movement has won pledges from dozens of lawmakers and candidates, reports the Washington Post , including all the Senate hopefuls in Kentucky, Nevada,...

Not So Fast: Rushing Health Bill Is 'Idiotic'

Rather than deem and pass, let's slow down

(Newser) - Now that Democrats are considering “shoving” health care reform through with deem and pass, it’s time to ask: “Is this sane?” One thing is certain: “Rushing to do the wrong thing is, in a word, idiotic,” writes Kathleen Parker, and it’s high past time...

GOP's Take on 'Deem and Pass' Is Sheer Hypocrisy

They used it 35 times, writes Norman Ornstein

(Newser) - Hey, Wall Street Journal editorial board and other Republican “acolytes” and apologists: There is nothing remotely novel or “unconstitutional” about House Democrats using “deem and pass” to push through health care legislation, writes Norman J. Ornstein. You’ve already achieved “a ridiculous level of misinformation and...

Dennis Kucinich Switches to 'Yes' on Health Care

President Obama made direct appeal to the liberal Democrat

(Newser) - President Obama's wooing of Rep. Dennis Kucinich worked. The liberal Ohio congressman says he will vote for health care reform even though he has serious reservations about the legislation. Kucinich voted against the bill in the House last year, and he's the first "no" vote to publicly flip, reports...

GOP Savages Pelosi Strategy for Passing Health Reform

Critics say Democrats' tactic is unconstitutional

(Newser) - The GOP ratcheted up the already intense campaign against the Democrats' push to pass health care reform yesterday, targeting an obscure legislative move Nancy Pelosi said she might use to get a version of the Senate bill through the House. Outraged Minority Leader John Boehner called the "deem and...

GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain
GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain
election 2010

GOP Paints Pelosi, Not Obama, as Health Care Villain

2010 election strategy focuses on unpopular House Speaker

(Newser) - When it comes to this year's House elections, the GOP wants voters thinking about Pelosicare, not Obamacare. Pinning health care reform on the unpopular House Speaker—and casting Democratic incumbents as her minions—is a key part of the Republican strategy for 2010: winning the support of 2008 Obama voters...

Rush Jams White House Phones: It's 'Ballgame'

He urges listeners to call about health care reform

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh helped snarl the White House switchboard today when he gave listeners the toll-free numbers and urged them to call to chat about health care reform. “The system is being overwhelmed by calls,” one employee told Roll Call this afternoon. It's only the second time Limbaugh has...

Rush Endorses Socialized Medicine (Accidentally)
Rush Endorses Socialized Medicine (Accidentally)
Irony Alert

Rush Endorses Socialized Medicine (Accidentally)

Limbaugh's pledge on Costa Rica raises eyebrows

(Newser) - Remember when Rush Limbaugh promised to go to Costa Rica if the Democrats’ health care reform bill passes? Well, good move Rush, because Costa Rica’s health coverage is rated as “excellent” by the American Journal of Public Health, and its life expectancy is second only to Canada in...

Obama Will Make His Case—on Fox News

President agrees to interview tomorrow

(Newser) - President Obama takes his pitch for health care reform to unusual territory tomorrow: He's agreed to an interview on Fox News at 6pm. Obama will take questions from Special Report host Bret Baier. "Obviously, they have a pretty big audience share," explains Robert Gibbs, "and I think...

Democrats Who Vote 'No' May Be Vulnerable
Democrats Who Vote 'No'
May Be Vulnerable

Democrats Who Vote 'No' May Be Vulnerable

Nate Silver identifies 10 seats, 6 in NY, subject to primary challenge

(Newser) - Some House Democrats could be in a pickle when it comes to reelection this year if they don’t vote for the health care reform bill this week, writes Nate Silver. He’s identified 10 who might face primary challenges based on their ambivalence about the legislation, pressure from activist...

Pelosi May Skip Vote on Senate Health Care Bill

House could use procedural trick to 'deem' it passed

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi thinks she can pass the Senate health care bill in the House without forcing members to vote on it. Instead, she’d have lawmakers vote on a package of popular fixes for the Senate bill, and deploy a House rule that allows that vote to be used to...

Glenn Beck Thinks God Wrote the Bill of Rights

Fox host mangles US history

(Newser) - Glenn Beck mangled US history pretty spectacularly in a health care rant yesterday, attacking Tom Harkin for saying that reform would make health care “an unalienable right.” Beck’s response: “Tom! I don’t know if you’ve read the Declaration of Independence, but you don’t...

Pelosi: Health Bill Horse Trading Is Over

Democratic leaders play hardball ahead of House vote

(Newser) - The store is closed for House Democrats looking for sweeteners to sway them into voting for the health bill, Nancy Pelosi warned yesterday. Pelosi stressed that she won't be making any changes to the final legislation for the sake of holdouts, meaning that there will be no more "Cornhusker...

Health Reform Ad Rips High-Flying Insurance Execs

Latest blasts in home stretch fight

(Newser) - Health reform advocates are going into the home stretch battle with an angry ad campaign slamming insurance company execs as smug private-jet jockeys wallowing in profits and other people's pain. "Health Insurance companies are out of control," says a narrator, with a picture of insurance executives high-fiving. "...

Rove: Obama 'Detached,' 'Aloof' on Health Care

 Rove: Obama 
 'Aloof' on 
 Health Care 

Rove: Obama 'Detached,' 'Aloof' on Health Care

President 'outsourced' leadership to Congress

(Newser) - Never a fan of change you can believe in, Karl Rove lit into Barack Obama today, calling the president's lead on health reform "outsourced to Congress," making him appear "aloof and disengaged." And not to put too fine a point on it, but asking the House...

Obama: Cut Pork From Health Bill. Senate: Say What?

Prez gets pushback from senators looking to hang on to pet projects

(Newser) - There's $600 million in Medicaid payments to Vermont, $100 million for a Connecticut hospital, and the infamous "Cornhusker Kickback," among others, and President Obama wants to yank those porky projects from the health care bill. Democratic senators, being senators, beg to differ. "We're going to do what...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>