
Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>

Hey Saudis, Let the Women Play!
 Hey Saudis, Let the Women Play!

Hey Saudis, Let the Women Play!

Time for the IOC to enforce it's no discrimination rule

(Newser) - The most beautiful sight in the Olympics' opening ceremony came when Egypt’s 26 female competitors strode into the stadium, writes Mona Eltahawy, an Egyptian Muslim, in the Washington Post. Women also carried flags for Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, filling Eltahawy with pride. And then came Saudi Arabia—...

Women Will Never Outpace Men in Distance Running

(Newser) - Women will never run a marathon faster than men, a sports scientist tells Time. Although women have higher body-fat ratios and presumably a larger emergency energy store, females do not have the muscular power that males have, and that may be the "differentiating factor." When matched for weight,...

Traveling Pants Fits Its Audience

Film is better than average at depicting female friendships

(Newser) - The continuing story of four friends who share a tight bond and comfortable jeans, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 is nothing “revolutionary,” critics agree. But it has something to offer for “tweens and teens,” they note. The film is “the equivalent of being patted...

30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study
 30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study

30 Mins Daily Won't Cut It: Study

Researchers recommend at least an hour daily to keep off pounds

(Newser) - Thirty minutes of moderate exercise daily may not trim off the fat after all, a new study says. University of Pittsburgh researchers say it takes at least 55 minutes per day, five days a week, to keep off the pounds. The study followed 200 overweight women, and found that only...

Cindy McCain: 'Look to the Women'
Cindy McCain: 'Look to the Women'

Cindy McCain: 'Look to the Women'

In healing, Rwanda can set an example for the rest of the world

(Newser) - Cindy McCain’s recent voyage to Rwanda stirred up memories of her last visit, in 1994. The campaign of genocide then ravaging the country has ended, and Rwanda's recovery is a model for the rest of the world, the would-be first lady writes in the Wall Street Journal. Women own...

Percentage of Working Women in Record Drop

Surprised experts thought 'motherhood movement' caused drop

(Newser) - The percentage of women in the US job market dipped this decade through a period of economic recovery for the first time in 48 years—and the faltering economy is bound to do even more damage, reports the New York Times. Like men, American women are leaving the workplace due...

More Girls Get Into Gaming
 More Girls Get Into Gaming 

More Girls Get Into Gaming

Half of Wii users and majority of PC puzzle gamers are female

(Newser) - After years of male dominance, the video game industry is seeing a growing number of girls pick up the controllers, SiliconValley.com reports. More than half of "casual" PC card and puzzle-type game users are female, but girl-play goes further: More than half of Nintendo Wii players are now...

Equal Pay Is Obama's Women Card
Equal Pay
Is Obama's Women Card

Equal Pay Is Obama's Women Card

Dem plays to economic issues, away from polarizing abortion

(Newser) - Barack Obama isn't talking about Roe v. Wade much before female audiences these days, Politico reports, focusing rather on a case seen to have undermined women's rights to equal pay. In highlighting Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tires rather than abortion, the Democrat is tapping into economic concerns while steering clear of...

Obama Campaign Fixes Gender Balance
Obama Campaign Fixes Gender Balance

Obama Campaign Fixes Gender Balance

New female hires should help him reach out to Clinton voters

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign has been getting more women on board at high levels, Politico reports. Female activists welcome the new hires, while campaign insiders say the "boy's club" image that dogged Obama's campaign during the primaries was never correct. Among the biggest names are Patti Solis Doyle, former campaign...

Aniston to Face Jolie This Fall
 Aniston to Face Jolie This Fall 

Aniston to Face Jolie This Fall

Jolie pitted against Aniston in box-office tussle

(Newser) - Finally, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston will have their day to duke it out—in theaters, that is. Brad Pitt's current partner and ex-wife will go head-to-head on Oct. 24, when both have a movie coming out: Jolie in Clint Eastwood's missing-child drama Changeling and Aniston in the romantic comedy...

More Women Wield Smartphones
 More Women Wield

More Women Wield Smartphones

Female buyers doubled last year, as devices got cheaper, sleeker

(Newser) - More and more smartphones are going into female hands and pocketbooks, the New York Times reports, as women catch up with their male counterparts in adopting not only iPhones but BlackBerrys, Treos, and other models. The number of American women toting smartphones more than doubled last year, to 10.4...

Sex Success Bodes Well for Chick Flicks

Fabulous turnout gets studios eyeing female demographic

(Newser) - The studios were wowed by the huge turnout for Sex and the City, and a slew of sisterly imitations could follow, Variety reports. Movie executives have been leery of chick flicks in the past, and they still hold doubts about projects with slim crossover potential. But with four other femme-centered...

Carly Fiorina Puts Feminine Face on McCain Campaign

In exchange, ousted HP CEO gets rehab

(Newser) - The inner circle of advisers to John McCain is small, loyal—and almost completely male. But one woman has gained the candidate's respect and become a key surrogate for him in the media: Carly Fiorina, the ousted CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Each has something to gain—Fiorina is helping McCain with...

Mrs. O Gets Her Own View
 Mrs. O Gets Her Own View 

Mrs. O Gets Her Own View

Following Cindy McCain's path, Michelle Obama will guest-host June 18

(Newser) - Following Cindy McCain's lead, Michelle Obama will co-host The View on June 18, the AP reports. ABC’s mid-morning gabfest asked the wife of the presumptive Democratic nominee to be a guest, but she said she’d rather jump into the often-lively chat and guest interviews, as McCain did in...

'Sisters' Colleges Recruit in Middle East

Single-sex education remains strong in region

(Newser) - Facing fewer applicants than comparable co-ed institutions around the US, representatives of top women’s colleges toured the Middle East this spring on a recruiting mission, the New York Times reports. While women’s colleges have become a niche market for US applicants, single-sex education remains widespread in the Middle...

DNA Scientists Finally Clear Gender Barrier

After 5 male subjects, female genome sequenced for first time

(Newser) - Dutch scientists have sequenced the a female human genome, reports the AP. The first human genome was sequenced in 2001; since then, scientists have mapped four male individuals' DNA. "It was time, after sequencing four males, to balance the genders a bit," says the lead researcher.

Let's Hang Up on the Female Booty Call
Let's Hang Up on the Female Booty Call

Let's Hang Up on the Female Booty Call

Aussie writer blasts trend after hubbie receives steamy text

(Newser) - When her husband got steamy text message from a drunk female colleague, Janine di Giovanni had had enough: "Go back to the male booty call, I say." Marshaling evidence from a big French study and anecdotes from friends, Giovanni writes in Australia's News Network that too many women...

Women-Only Saudi Hotel Raises Debate on Progress

Critics worry about segregation

(Newser) - Saudi businesswomen are embracing a hotel for women-only that frees them of the pressures from a society in which they can't drive and, until January, couldn't check into a hotel without permission from a male guardian. But others are concerned the Luthan Hotel & Spa simply reinforces the kingdom's gender...

Farewell to Hillary, and to Sexism
Farewell to Hillary, and
to Sexism

Farewell to Hillary, and to Sexism

Candidacy exposed America's hatred of women, says columnist

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton will almost certainly not be the Democratic nominee for president, and the end of her campaign is a relief for Marie Cocco in the Washington Post—but not for political reasons. The end of the Democratic primary, she writes, will also put to rest the sexist rhetoric of...

Has Airbrushing Gone Too Far?
 Has Airbrushing
 Gone Too Far? 

Has Airbrushing Gone Too Far?

Digital Barbie-fication of women called unhealthy trend

(Newser) - Shutterbugs have long altered pics, but now critics are cringing over the effects of airbrushing on young girls. French lawmakers have even approved a law against inciting "excessive thinness." But would such a move work in America? Maybe not, "but there are a whole lot of impressionable...

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