
Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Army Names First Female 4-Star General

Ann Dunwoody is a 33-year veteran of the military

(Newser) - A 33-year Army veteran today became the first woman in US history to be named a four-star general, CNN reports. Ann Dunwoody, 55, will oversee Army Materiel Command, which outfits and equips soldiers. "The Army nurtured me and mentored me, and today the Army offers me the chance to...

Lad Mags Hurt Mens' Body Image

But it's pics of women, not men, that get guys down

(Newser) - Turns out, guys also get self-conscious when looking at images of sexy women. While studies have shown that women's self-esteem takes a dive when they look at models in Cosmopolitan and such mags, the same holds true for men who browse Maxim and the like, LiveScience reports. The problem for...

Ladies First in Shaping Obama
 Ladies First in Shaping Obama 

Ladies First in Shaping Obama

Obama's "modern masculinity" won over Hillary supporters

(Newser) - If behind every strong man is a strong woman, then Barack Obama has a veritable female army at his back, Janice Turner writes in the Times of London. But despite the powerful feminine influence in his life, one of his primary challenges was to win Hillary supporters, who saw him...

43% of Women Have Sex Issues, But Few Are Troubled

Experts caution that dysfunction is relative, say 12% bothered is lower than thought

(Newser) - Just under half of the female population suffers from sex problems, ABC News reports. A new study found that 43% of its 32,000-women sample reported problems with low desire, arousal or difficulty with orgasms, but only 12% of women said such problems cause them personal anguish.

Female Journalists Own This Election
Female Journalists Own This Election

Female Journalists Own This Election

From Couric to Brown to Maddow, women have kicked butt in '08

(Newser) - This has been a banner election cycle for women, thanks to the Clinton and Palin candidacies and the heavy play given to "traditional 'women’s issues'" like health care. Maybe that’s why glass shards are falling from the ceiling around TV newsrooms, writes Rebecca Traister in Salon. “...

Infidelity's Up, as Women Lead Charge

Older men, younger women appear to stray outside of marriage more often

(Newser) - Studies show infidelity rates rising across the board, the New York Times reports, with women closing the cheating gap on men. Lifetime infidelity rates for men over 60 jumped from 20% to 28% between 1991 and 2006, while women leaped from 5% to 15%. The trend affects young and old—...

Six Key Misconceptions About Women Voters
Six Key Misconceptions About Women Voters

Six Key Misconceptions About Women Voters

Top of the list: females not a unified voting bloc

(Newser) - The campaigns are desperate to know what makes women voters tick, but much political thinking is still marred by gross misconceptions about the key group. MSNBC lists the most egregious:
  1. Women are a homogenous voting bloc. Not only do they not share a common geography, attitude or philosophy, but even

Gaming Industry Slow to Find Its Feminine Side

Under 20% of workers are women—a demographic games have barely tapped, either

(Newser) - The video-game industry has yet to really tap into the female audience, the Los Angeles Times reports, and a big reason looks to be how male-dominated the business is. Women make up fewer than 20% of the industry’s total workforce, and a mere 3% of programmers. Some fault education,...

Big Families Bring Big Rewards
Big Families Bring Big Rewards

Big Families Bring Big Rewards

One (non-celebrity) mother writes of the joys of her hefty brood

(Newser) - With Angelina Jolie and Sarah Palin in the parenting spotlight, could big families be back in vogue again? Meagan Francis wonders just that in the Christian Science Monitor, but the mother of 4—soon to be 5—doesn't particularly care about being hip. Instead she writes about the rewards that...

No Skirting the Issue: Politics Now Women's Game

Candidates are obvious sign, but best commentary, comedy comes from females

(Newser) - This election is all about women—and Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton can't take all the credit, Sarah Hughes writes in the Independent. The candidates are the most visible, but female commentators, comedians, and protesters have set the tone and are asking the difficult questions. "The good ol' boys...

Oprah Stirs Saudi Women
 Oprah Stirs Saudi Women 

Oprah Stirs Saudi Women

Star's message of empowerment hits home in male-controlled kingdom

(Newser) - The Oprah Winfrey Show has become a Saudi sensation, giving hope to women isolated in their homes with the talk show queen to keep them company, reports the New York Times.  Women in the conservative kingdom are delighted to see Oprah tackle taboo subjects like sex and race. Many...

Facing Palin, 6 Women's Groups Endorse Obama

NOW gives Dem its first nod since Ferraro

(Newser) - Six women's rights groups endorsed Barack Obama for president yesterday, asserting the historic selection of Sarah Palin does not make up for John McCain's lack of support on issues important to women. One of those groups was the National Organization for Women, which has not endorsed a presidential candidate since...

Is Pornography Adultery? Time to Sharpen the Debate

Smut may be losing its stigma, but at what price to marriage and our own decency?

(Newser) - Does looking at pornography constitute cheating? If so, a lot of men are in trouble in today's age of instant access. Ross Douthat explores the issue in the Atlantic and finds the extremes of the argument unhelpful. No, digital smut won't bring about the end of civilization, but don't be...

Working Women Leery of Palin
Working Women Leery of Palin

Working Women Leery of Palin

Female solidarity aside, it's the economy, stupid —and Obama's feeling their pain

(Newser) - Working-class women may decide who makes it to the White House, and while Sarah Palin piqued the interest of many undecideds, her gender isn’t enough to override their main concerns over soaring food and gas prices, unaffordable health care, and record-high unemployment. The Los Angeles Times takes the pulse...

It Shows in Her Walk, Study Claims
It Shows
in Her Walk,
Study Claims

It Shows in Her Walk, Study Claims

Sexologists say they can tell who's prone to orgasm from gait

(Newser) - You can tell from a woman's walk what kind of sex she has, a bunch of researchers in Scotland claim. Women who are able to have vaginal orgasms from intercourse alone have a sashay distinct enough that these "trained sexologists" could distinguish them 4 out of 5 times, the...

Are Curls Typecast as 'Crazy'?
 Are Curls Typecast as 'Crazy'? 

Are Curls Typecast as 'Crazy'?

Hollywood guilty of perpetuating stereotypes about tangled tresses

(Newser) - "How come a third-act makeover always seems to involve a flatiron?" asks Sara Vilkomerson in the New York Observer, pondering Hollywood's penchant for casting curls as a sign of chaos. Vilkomerson skewers mainstream film culture for hammering home the "straight is sane" message, calling it the "Princess ...

Working Moms, Conservatives Question Palin

Fellow multitaskers wonder about VP pick's judgment, values

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's candidacy adds a twist to a familiar "mommy wars" debate: Most social conservatives argue that the mother of five, one a special-needs infant, can handle the heat of the nation's second-highest job, while liberal working women by and large disagree. "You can juggle a BlackBerry and...

Is Palin a Woman's Woman?
 Is Palin a Woman's Woman? 

Is Palin a Woman's Woman?

Women divided over conservative female veep pick's stand on women's issues

(Newser) - John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as his running mate is drawing a mixed reaction from the female swing voters his campaign is desperate to woo, reports the New York Times. Some conservative women who have been lukewarm about a McCain presidency are energized by the pick, whereas many...

Battle Is On for the Female Vote
 Battle Is On for the Female Vote

Battle Is On for the Female Vote

McCain's veep choice could draw some vital votes away from the all-male ticket

(Newser) - The GOP is betting that John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate will put 18 million dents in the Democrats' White House hopes, the Washington Post writes. The party hopes the choice will woo disaffected Hillary Clinton voters, while many Democrats dismiss it as pure political pandering....

Japanese Women Dodge Men ISO Mommies, Stay Single

Plunging birth rate causes national alarm

(Newser) - "WANTED: Female to cook, clean, wash my socks, bear and raise my children, and generally enable my workaholism—all while maintaining your own career in a sexist environment." Sound good? Given the choice, many Japanese women are saying to heck with marriage and staying single, reports the Washington ...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>