United Nations

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Congo's Troops Accused of Raping, Murdering Citizens

UN envoy points finger at government troops

(Newser) - Congolese government troops have raped and murdered their own country's civilians, says a UN envoy to the region. Ironically, the alleged abuses were committed by troops deployed in response to the mass rape of 300 civilians and more than 50 children by rebel forces in the Walikale region this summer,...

Obama Calls on China to Free Nobel Winner

Pressure mounts on China to let Liu Xiaobo go

(Newser) - President Obama called on China to release Liu Xiaobo today, after the jailed dissident became the latest Nobel Peace Prize winner. “China has made dramatic progress in economic reform and improving the lives of its people,” Obama said, “but this award reminds us that political reform has...

UN Report: Israel 'Executed' Yank Activist on Flotilla

Teen Furkan Dogan was shot 'point blank in the face as he lay on the deck'

(Newser) - The killing of an American activist on board a blockade-running aid flotilla amounted to an "execution" by Israeli forces, a UN committee has found. Furkan Dogan, 19, was shot point blank in the face as he lay on the deck "conscious or semi-conscious for some time" due to...

UN May Tap 'Envoy' to Greet ET
 UN May Tap 'Envoy' to Greet ET 

UN May Tap 'Envoy' to Greet ET

(Newser) - ET, phone the General Assembly. United Nations scientific advisory committees are about to debate whether to place the organization's Office for Outer Space Affairs in charge of coordinating humankind's response if and when extraterrestrials make contact. The unit's boss is Malaysian astrophysicist Mazlan Othman, called "absolutely the nearest thing...

Obama Calls Ahmadinejad's Speech 'Offensive'

Especially because he made it so close to Ground Zero

(Newser) - Barack Obama was definitely not a fan of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s UN speech , in which he called for an inquiry into 9/11 conspiracy theories. “It was offensive. It was hateful,” Obama told the BBC today. “Especially for him to make the statement here in Manhattan, just a...

Obama to UN: Time for Mideast Peace Is Now

Ignore the cynics, Obama urges

(Newser) - Barack Obama gave his second speech to the UN General Assembly today, and spent most of his time calling for support for the US’ latest stab at peace in the Middle East. “Peace must be made by Israelis and Palestinians, but each of us has a responsibility to do...

Ahmadinejad Threatens 'War Without Boundaries'

Iranian president promises retaliation for attacks on nuclear sites

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad threatened a war with "no boundaries" if Western powers attack potential Iranian nuclear sites, ABC News reports. While in New York for a meeting of the UN General Assembly, the Iranian president again said his country would soon become a nuclear power, adding that the US and...

NY Welcomes Ahmadinejad... With Protests

Paterson, Gillibrand head up demonstrations

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is getting a rousing welcome to the Big Apple this week, but not in a nice way: Several of New York's top politicians are protesting Ahmadinejad's regime while he attends a UN General Assembly meeting, reports the AP. Among them, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and David Paterson, who denounces...

China's Drunken UN Diplomat: I Don't Like Americans

Sha Zukang goes on drunken rant

(Newser) - An apparently drunk senior UN official tore into his colleagues, the organization, and Americans in general last week at a retreat at an Alpine ski resort, according to Foreign Policy . “I know you never liked me Mr. Secretary-General,” declared Sha Zukang, the undersecretary general for Economic and Social...

UN Accuses Rwanda of Genocide in Congo

Leaked report details atrocities

(Newser) - It looks like the UN is ready to use the G-word. A leaked 546-page report obtained by Le Monde says that war crimes committed by the Rwandan army in the Congo in the '90s could possibly be classified as genocide. The investigation outlines years of atrocities, and accuses Rwandan forces...

UN Probes Congo Rapes of 200 Women, Baby Boys

Peacekeeping forces couldn't stop attacks

(Newser) - The United Nations has launched an investigation into reports that close to 200 women and baby boys were gang raped over a series of days by Congolese rebels and Rwandan fighters—just a few miles from a UN outpost. "The secretary-general is outraged by the rape and assault,"...

Donors Slow to Respond to Pakistan Flooding Crisis
As Pakistan Drowns,
the West Sits on Its Wallet

As Pakistan Drowns, the West Sits on Its Wallet

UN fears country's image problem is to blame

(Newser) - Western governments and individuals don't seem to care about Pakistani flooding victims nearly as much as they did about Haitian earthquake victims, UN officials say. The Pakistan crisis has left millions of people in urgent need of assistance but donations are trickling in much slower than needed, officials tell the...

Queen Elizabeth Hits New York

She'll stop at Ground Zero, the UN

(Newser) - Queen Elizabeth will take a whirlwind tour of the Big Apple today, stopping by Ground Zero and the United Nations in her first visit to New York in 35 years. She’ll address the UN General Assembly, much as she did the first time she visited the city in 1957—...

Toronto Loses Power During Queen's Visit

Outage may cancel or delay scheduled state dinner

(Newser) - A power outage struck late this afternoon in Toronto, where Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are visiting at the end of a 9-day swing through Canada. The prince was at a downtown hotel when the lights went out and gamely presented the Duke of Edinburgh Awards for community service to...

UN Denounces 'Torture' at Massachusetts School

Shock treatment of autistic kids crosses the line, official says

(Newser) - A top anti-torture official at the UN wants the US government to investigate the use of electric shocks to control disturbed and autistic children at a Massachusetts special school. Students at the Judge Rotenberg Center are fitted with electrodes and given shocks by staff members when they engage in forbidden...

Gunmen Trash UN Gaza Summer Camp

Militants torch camp seeking to shield kids from extremism

(Newser) - Dozens of masked gunmen attacked a United Nations-run summer camp for Gaza's children yesterday, tying up guards and setting the camp on fire. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack, the AP reports, although the UN camps are competing with camps run by Hamas, which teach an anti-Israel doctrine...

Israel to Ease Gaza Blockade
 Israel to Ease Gaza Blockade 

Israel to Ease Gaza Blockade

Tony Blair brokers a deal

(Newser) - Israel is expected to agree to a deal brokered by Tony Blair to loosen up its much-reviled Gaza blockade today. Under the plan, Israel will create a list of prohibited goods, rather than a narrow list of approved goods that can pass its blockade, and that prohibited list won’t...

Ahmadinejad to UN: What Nukes?

In 'predictable' speech, president denies Iran is developing weapons

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmandinejad took the stage of the UN today to slam the US for "not only (using) nuclear weapons," but also threatening "to use such weapons against other countries, including Iran." As usual, he sparked a mass exodus by the US, French, and British delegations. The...

Wow! Obama Saved Us from the Canadians!
Wow! Obama Saved Us from the Canadians!
Charles Krauthammer

Wow! Obama Saved Us from the Canadians!

That nuclear summit looked a lot like a waste of time, didn't it?

(Newser) - President Obama convened the biggest meeting of world leaders on US soil since the founding of the UN in 1945. And what did this week's historic gathering accomplish? Well, it generated a nonbinding statement saying that Ukraine, Chile, Mexico, and Canada will get rid of some enriched uranium. “What...

Karzai Blasts 'Foreigners'
 Karzai Blasts 'Foreigners' 

Karzai Blasts 'Foreigners'

Harsh remarks illustrate strained ties with US

(Newser) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai lashed out at the UN and international community today, accusing them of interfering in last year's presidential election and seeking to weaken his authority. His tirade came just days after he got a lecture from President Obama. He didn't specifically mention the US, but his harsh...

Stories 481 - 500 | << Prev   Next >>