United Nations

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>

Brits Tried to Quash UN's UFO Investigation

Disclosed UFO files reveal campaign to discredit Grenada's PM

(Newser) - The disclosure of 8,500 pages of previously-classified British government documents related to the study of UFOs has revealed one telling episode, writes Lee Spiegel for Aol News . Back in 1978, while Speigel prepared a presentation on UFO sightings on behalf of the government of Grenada for the UN, the...

Number of Libyans Needing Aid: 1M

Rebels reject Gadhafi associate's call for dialogue

(Newser) - Government forces have launched new attacks on rebel-held towns of Zawiyah and Ras Lanuf amid UN calls for increased aid to the region, Reuters reports. More than a million people—both those inside Libya and fleeing the country—now need humanitarian assistance, the UN said. Its aid coordinator is particularly...

Food Prices Climb to Record High

February sees eighth straight month of increase

(Newser) - World food prices climbed for the eighth straight month in February, hitting a record high, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization announced today. The organization’s price index climbed 2.2%, to an average of 236 points, according to the Wall Street Journal , the highest level since records began...

Libya Rebels May Seek UN Airstrikes

Opposition debates requesting strike on Gadhafi compound

(Newser) - Libyan rebels seeking to topple Moammar Gadhafi are considering asking for airstrikes against the dictator under the United Nations banner, sources tell the New York Times . Rebel leaders say they are firmly opposed to intervention by other nations, but, “If it is with the United Nations, it is not...

North Korea Begs West for Food

But US, others, not so sure that's a great idea

(Newser) - North Korea is so hungry that it has, for the moment at least, abandoned its trademark bluster and started begging foreign governments for food, the Washington Post reports. But the US, which was the largest provider of food aid to North Korea until it shut off shipments two years ago,...

West African Leaders Push Ivory Coast's Gbagbo to Leave

20K flee country as violent confrontation looms

(Newser) - Last chance for a peaceful resolution? West African leaders met with Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo today to try to resolve the country’s post-election strife, the BBC reports. The heads of Benin, Sierra Leone, and Cape Verde met with Gbagbo, who has refused to step down despite international support for...

Christmas Bombings Spark Unrest in Nigeria

Some fear escalating violence ahead of elections

(Newser) - State police are swarming into central Nigeria following a series of Christmas church bombings that killed 38, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Following Saturday's explosions, angry youths barricaded roads and attacked people passing by yesterday, and houses and a truck also were set ablaze. UN chief Ban Ki-moon blasted the...

Israel to Boycott UN Racism Summit
Israel to Boycott
UN Racism Summit

Israel to Boycott UN Racism Summit

Meet-up will commemorate bitter Durban meetings

(Newser) - Israel has announced that it will boycott the UN’s 2011 racism summit because the event is being billed as a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Durban racism meeting, which produced a declaration critical of Israel and Zionism. “As long as the meeting is defined as part...

Ivory Coast Militants Blocking Likely Mass Grave

Situation worsens in beleaguered nation

(Newser) - Masked gunmen with rocket launchers are blocking access to what officials believe may be a mass grave site in Ivory Coast, the United Nations said, as concerns grow that the West African nation could return to civil war. The UN reported that heavily armed forces allied with Laurent Gbagbo and...

South Korea Launches In-Your-Face Military Exercise

Unofficial envoy fears 'crisis'

(Newser) - Despite global fears of a violent confrontation, South Korea launched fighter jets and fired live artillery in a military exercise close to the North Korea border. But the two-hour operation ended without incident, and Pyongyang officials promised not to retaliate, reversing earlier threats of a "deadly" response. Residents of...

UN Finally Lifts Saddam-Era Sanctions Against Iraq

Control of oil revenue returned to government

(Newser) - The United Nations has finally lifted sanctions to prevent Saddam Hussein's regime from gaining weapons of mass destruction—4 years after his execution. The Security Council voted unanimously to lift sanctions on weapons and civilian nuclear power and return control of Iraq's oil and gas revenue to its government, AP...

If Marshall Island Sinks, Will It Still Be a Nation?
If Marshall Islands Sink,
Does Nation Still Exist?
in case you missed it

If Marshall Islands Sink, Does Nation Still Exist?

All kinds of thorny legal questions lurk

(Newser) - The rising ocean is swallowing the Marshall Islands, and the tiny nation’s 61,000 residents are wondering: What then? Will they still have a country, complete with a UN seat, and control of their fisheries and now-submerged minerals? “We’re facing a set of issues unique in the...

UN Rights Chief to World: Play Nice With WikiLeaks

She raises alarm over moves to cut off funding, starve it of server space

(Newser) - Hackers aren't the only ones not happy about companies deciding to stop doing business with WikiLeaks. The United Nation High Commissioner for Human Rights said yesterday that attempts to cut off WikiLeaks' funding and deprive it of server space "could be interpreted as an attempt to censure the...

Germany Must Step Up in Euro Crisis
Germany Must Stop Carping, Step Up in Euro Crisis 

roger cohen

Germany Must Stop Carping, Step Up in Euro Crisis

Berlin's not getting the bigger picture, writes Roger Cohen

(Newser) - Is the euro the new League of Nations—a grand experiment that eventually gets abandoned and left to waste away? With bailouts in Greece and Ireland and threats to Portugal and Spain, the currency “can no longer take its survival for granted just because its collapse would be unthinkable,...

Amid Tragedy, Haiti Readies for Vote

No clear favorite among 18 candidates

(Newser) - Facing recovery from a pair of natural disasters and an outbreak of cholera, work is cut out for Haiti’s next president. Who that will be, however, is anyone’s guess: of 18 candidates, no one campaigner has pulled ahead, the Wall Street Journal reports. With some 80% of pledged...

Haitians Attack Peacekeepers
 Haitians Attack Peacekeepers 

Haitians Attack Peacekeepers

Protesters believe Nepalese soldiers started illness outbreak

(Newser) - Protesters who blame United Nations peacekeepers from Nepal for a deadly outbreak of cholera have attacked a base in northern Haiti. Shots were fired as protests spread through the city of Cap-Haitien and at least two people are believed to have been killed, AP reports. Six Nepalese peacekeepers were injured...

Cambodians Raped, Killed at UN-Backed Camp

So-called 'social affairs center' really internment facility: human rights groups

(Newser) - Cambodians being held at a UN-funded internment camp are frequently beaten and raped, treatment that has resulted in at least three deaths. Guards at the “social affairs center” say its residents are free to leave when they choose—but human rights watchdogs and ex-inmates say Prey Speu is an...

UN Issues Fresh Call to End Cuba Embargo

Resolution passes for 19th year in a row

(Newser) - The United Nations has, for the 19th year in a row, passed a resolution to drop its longstanding economic embargo against Cuba. The resolution, once again, passed by an overwhelming majority, with 187 nations voting in favor of it and only the US and Israel voting against it, CNN reports....

China: Those Weren't Our Bullets in Darfur

Beijing is trying to block UN report to the contrary

(Newser) - China is attempting to block publication of UN report stating that Chinese bullets were used in attacks against UN peacekeeping forces in Darfur, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The report states that 11 different kinds of Chinese-made bullet casings were found at sites where government-allied militia members attacked UN or...

Cell Phones Can Be Saviors for World's Poor: UN

Report shows gadgets can lead to better livelihoods

(Newser) - For the financially comfortable, cell phones may make life a little easier—but for those in less-developed countries, the gadgets can be the difference between a life of poverty one of relative comfort, a UN report finds. “Mobiles have spawned a wealth of micro-enterprises, offering work to people with...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>