
Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>

Livni Heads to Washington to Cut Gaza Deal

Critical step toward truce would block Hamas arms smuggling

(Newser) - Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is on her way to the US to sign a deal central to a Gaza ceasefire as diplomatic efforts intensify to stop the fighting, reports the Jerusalem Post. The agreement, designed to stop Hamas from rearming, would step up intelligence agency cooperation to stop weapons...

Gaza Neighborhoods Fall to Machine Gun Battles

Israeli troops shoot it out with militants in suburbs as Egypt tries to broker ceasefire

(Newser) - Israeli troops are battling Hamas militants in the suburbs of Gaza City, filling residential streets with the chilling rat-a-tat-tat of machine gun fire, reports the BBC. Israeli forces have advanced deep into several neighborhoods, and air strikes hit 60 targets in Gaza overnight, including tunnels under the Egyptian border and...

Hamas Down But Not Out: Israel
 Hamas Down But Not Out: Israel

Hamas Down But Not Out: Israel

Rift between Syrian, Gazan wings of Hamas hamper negotiations

(Newser) - Hamas forces in Gaza have been damaged but remain intact enough to fight on, Israeli officials told the New York Times. The onslaught of Israeli airstrikes and ground attacks has shaken the Hamas network, with some groups fighting randomly without coordination from senior leadership. Infrastructure in Gaza has taken several...

Stop Gaza Fighting, UN Boss Pleads

'Society being destroyed' in Gaza, says Ban Ki-Moon

(Newser) - UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, where Israeli tanks and troops were driving even deeper into Gaza City today in search of Hamas positions. Ban Ki-Moon, preparing for a trip to the region to personally push for a ceasefire, mourned the loss of...

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight
 Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight 

Blair: Gaza Ceasefire in Sight

Israeli leaders torn over next step

(Newser) - “The elements of an agreement” for a ceasefire in Gaza are in place, Mideast envoy Tony Blair said today amid negotiations in Cairo including representatives of Israel and Hamas. But in Jerusalem, Israeli leaders were weighing an escalation, the Washington Post reports. PM Ehud Olmert is pushing for a...

Israel Again Pauses to Let Gaza Aid in

Death toll reaches 898 as new humanitarian supplies arrive

(Newser) - For the fifth day Israel has paused in its onslaught of Gaza to allow residents to retrieve food and supplies, CNN reports. Israel allowed 160 trucks through two border crossings but said it would resume attacks after three hours. Although one Israeli official suggested that the operation may soon conclude,...

Egypt, Jordan Fear Fallout From Gaza War
Egypt, Jordan Fear Fallout
From Gaza War

Egypt, Jordan Fear Fallout From Gaza War

Facing citizens' anger, governments may be held responsible

(Newser) - As Israel's Gaza offensive wears on, officials in bordering Egypt and Jordan worry that the carnage is imperiling the possibility of a two-state Israel-Palestine solution. Egypt and to a lesser extent, Jordan, fear that responsibility for the humanitarian crisis there will fall to them, and that they may be forced...

Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics
Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics

Hamas, Israel Deploy Deadly New Tactics

Civilians pay the price of 'asymetrical urban warfare'

(Newser) - The disturbing civilian death toll in Gaza is a result of new tactics being deployed by Hamas, Steven Erlanger writes in the New York Times. Hamas militants, trained by Hezbollah and Iran, are said to be systematically hiding weapons in schoolyards, mosques and hospitals, fighting in civilian clothes, using tunnels...

Israelis Drive to Heart of Gaza City

Death tolls edges to 900 in 16-day offensive.

(Newser) - Israeli forces pushed toward the heart of Gaza City today in continued defiance of a UN call for a ceasefire and killing close to 30  Palestinians, Reuters reports. Nearly 900 people have been killed in the 16-day offensive. Israeli forces and tanks backed by helicopter gunships battled Hamas militants as...

Gaza Tunnels Focal Point of War

(Newser) - The massive tunnels supplying food, medicine, and rockets from Egypt into Gaza are the bane of Israel's military, and a lifeline for Palestinians and the economy of Egypt’s destitute Sinai, the Los Angeles Times reports. Smuggling has been immune to military action, to the consternation of Israeli leaders. If...

Obama Not Planning Deals With Hamas
Obama Not Planning Deals
With Hamas

Obama Not Planning Deals With Hamas

Prez-elect aide denies report he'll call up Israeli foe

(Newser) - An aide to Barack Obama has denied a report that the president-elect is planning low-level or back-channel negotiations with Hamas, the Jerusalem Post reports. Obama considers Hamas a terrorist oranization and won’t deal with its leaders “until they recognize Israel, renounce violence, and abide by past agreements,”...

No Chance of Talks With Israel: Hamas

(Newser) - A top Hamas leader says the Gaza war has killed the last chance for settlement and negotiations with Israel, the AP reports. Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal today condemned Israel's attack on the Gaza Strip as a "holocaust" in a fiery speech on Al-Jazeera. Mashaal's comments come as Hamas...

Every Civilian Death a Hamas War Crime
Every Civilian Death a Hamas War Crime

Every Civilian Death a Hamas War Crime

Group delights in the deaths of its human shields

(Newser) - When Israelis kill civilians in Gaza, it’s Hamas that’s committing the war crime, says Alan M. Dershowitz of the LA Times. Hamas delights in using human shields, or duping Israel into returning fire at civilian targets, earning itself international sympathy with each casualty. Hamas has taken to heart...

Israel Warns Attacks Will Intensify

(Newser) - Israel dropped leaflets on the Gaza strip today warning inhabitants of an escalation in the 2-week offensive against Hamas militants, the BBC reports. The leaflets assured civilians that the action was against “Hamas and the terrorists only” and urged people to stay away from military targets. The development could...

Israeli Pummels Gaza, Pauses
 Israeli Pummels Gaza, Pauses 

Israeli Pummels Gaza, Pauses

Air strikes hit 40 targets overnight

(Newser) - Israel continued to pound Gaza last night and this morning as air strikes hit 40 targets and killed 15 Hamas fighters, CNN reports. Attacks were halted for the 3-hour pause this afternoon to allow Gaza residents to restock supplies, the third such pause in the two-week-old conflict. Health workers say...

UN Calls for Gaza War Crimes Probe
UN Calls for Gaza War Crimes Probe

UN Calls for Gaza War Crimes Probe

Rights official accuses Israel of ignoring international law

(Newser) - The UN's top human rights official has called for an investigation into possible war crimes committed by the Israeli military in Gaza, the Guardian reports. She singled out an incident this week where up to 30 Palestinian civilians were killed in a home shelled by Israeli forces and the surviving...

Israel's Only Option: Destroy Hamas Entirely
Israel's Only Option: Destroy Hamas Entirely

Israel's Only Option: Destroy Hamas Entirely

Krauthammer: Olmert has a second chance to defeat extremism

(Newser) - There are only two possible outcomes of the war in Gaza, writes Charles Krauthammer: the complete destruction of Hamas or an internationally supervised truce à la Lebanon. Under immense diplomatic pressure, Israel is hinting it will accept the French-Egyptian ceasefire plan. That would be "a terrible mistake," writes...

Israel Rebuffs UN, May Call in Reservists

Cabinet mulls new phase to offensive as bombs rain on Gaza

(Newser) - Israel pushed ahead with its military operation in Gaza today, despite a unanimous Security Council resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire. On the 14th day of the offensive, warplanes bombed the outskirts of Gaza City and tanks shelled a house in the north of the Strip, killing six Palestinians from...

Obama Is 'Prepared to Talk to Hamas'

Secret contact under consideration: sources

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama is prepared to break with Bush administration policy and open lines of communication with Hamas, sources close to the transition team tell the Guardian. Advisors believe that ostracizing Hamas isn't working and support a move by Obama to quietly contact Hamas, perhaps through intelligence agencies—the same...

UN Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza; US Abstains

(Newser) - The UN Security Council tonight passed a resolution—with the US abstaining—calling for "an immediate and durable" cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, the BBC reports. The vote was 14-0. It's unclear how much of an effect it will have on the ground, and Israel appeared to be resuming...

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev   Next >>