
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park
No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park

No Way Mitchell Hits Latest Pitch Out of Park

Bungled baseball steroids report bodes ill for Mideast efforts

(Newser) - Those who think George Mitchell will achieve progress in the Middle East point to his record of robust diplomacy in Northern Ireland 10 years ago. One hopes, for the sake of peace, that Mitchell follows his work there and not a more recent example, Will Leitch writes for the New ...

Israel, Palestine Need Outside Support for Lasting Fix

Neighbors must be involved: Friedman

(Newser) - The dominant theory holds that the two-state solution is the answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. But the war in Gaza has pushed tensions past the point where an equitable sharing of geography is enough, argues New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. He wants a "five-state solution—Palestine, Egypt, Jordan,...

Israel Bombs Gaza Tunnels
 Israel Bombs Gaza Tunnels 

Israel Bombs Gaza Tunnels

Escalating violence threatens ceasefire as US envoy heads to region

(Newser) - Israel bombed smuggling tunnels under the Egypt-Gaza border today in response to yesterday's killing of an Israeli soldier, CNN reports. The escalating violence is threatening the fragile ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians. The strikes occurred just as George Mitchell, President Obama's envoy to the Middle East, was scheduled to...

Israel Renews Attacks on Gaza
 Israel Renews Attacks on Gaza 

Israel Renews Attacks on Gaza

Air strikes, border closing follow Israeli soldier's border death

(Newser) - In the worst violence since both sides declared ceasefires, Israel today launched new air attacks and sent tanks and bulldozers into Gaza following a border explosion that killed an Israeli soldier, the BBC reports. There has been intense fighting in the south and a Palestinian farmer was killed. Israel closed...

Israeli Soldier Killed in Gaza Border Attack

Militants breaching ceasefire believed to have set blast

(Newser) - An Israeli soldier has been killed and three wounded by an explosion along Israel's border with the Gaza Strip, reports the BBC. The attack appeared to have been carried out by militants in a breach of last week's ceasefire declaration, although no group has claimed responsibility, according to Palestinian authorities....

BBC Refusal to Air Gaza Appeal Sparks Uproar

Network fears appearance of bias in charged issue

(Newser) - The BBC has been lambasted by politicians, religious leaders and its own staff for the network's refusal to broadcast an appeal for Gaza aid, the Guardian reports. Executives of the publicly funded network say they must adhere to a strict code of impartiality, and that airing the appeal could be...

US Navy Hunts Hamas Arms Ship

Iran sends supplies to allies in Gaza

(Newser) - An American naval force is on the trail of a ship believed to be carrying Iranian arms bound for Hamas, the Times of London reports. Iran is working to resupply Hamas fighters in the wake of the three-week Israeli assault on Gaza using vessels purportedly sent to fight piracy along...

Gaza Conflict Triggers Talk of War Crimes

With battles on pause, new fight begins over legality of assault

(Newser) - Now that its 22-day offensive in Gaza has ended, Israel is facing a new battle—over the legality and morality of its military action. Several human rights groups, in Israel and elsewhere, have accused the army of committing war crimes in Gaza's cities and denying medical care and refuge to...

Israelis Near Gaza See Slim— or No—Victory

Residents still fear rockets, think war should have continued

(Newser) - When Israel began its raid of the Gaza Strip three weeks ago, the government said its goal was to end rocket attacks and sniper fire into the country's south. Polls show that most Israelis supported the war, despite the staggering civilian casualties. But in interviews with farmers and other residents...

Gaza Faces Years of Reconstruction
 Gaza Faces Years 
 of Reconstruction 

Gaza Faces Years of Reconstruction

Blockade, destroyed tunnels make rebuilding nearly impossible

(Newser) - Now that the guns have fallen silent in Gaza, the Palestinian enclave faces what might be the most difficult reconstruction project in recent history, writes Patrick Cockburn in the Independent. Rebuilding in the densely populated zone will face two major obstacles: the economic blockade by Israel and Egypt, and the...

Hamas Reclaims Control; Gazans Face $2B in Damage

(Newser) - Uniformed Hamas fighters emerged on Gaza City's streets today as leaders of the group vowed to restore order in the shattered Palestinian territory, the AP reports. Hamas proclaimed victory as Gazans picked through the rubble, which included some 4,100 homes and 1,500 factories valued at nearly $2 billion....

Israel Speeds Gaza Pullout to Beat Inauguration

Aim is to get troops out before Obama is inaugurated

(Newser) - Israel hastened its withdrawal from Gaza today, saying the troops could be out in time for Barack Obama’s inauguration tomorrow—assuming the Palestinians keep their end of the ceasefire. But some rockets were fired after the ceasefire was declared, and Hamas’ armed wing has promised to rearm ASAP, the...

Israeli Gains in Gaza Are Elusive
 Israeli Gains in Gaza  
 Are Elusive 

Israeli Gains in Gaza Are Elusive

Amid tenuous ceasefire, officials wonder if they have weakened Hamas

(Newser) - As the world waits to see whether the truce declared this weekend in Gaza will hold, Israelis are asking themselves just what the 3 weeks of vicious fighting has achieved. There is hope that damage to tunnels may prevent Hamas from rearming and resuming firing rockets across the border, at...

Israel Begins 'Gradual Withdrawal' From Gaza

(Newser) - Israel began pulling troops out of the Gaza Strip today after Hamas echoed the call for a ceasefire, the Times of London reports. As troops started leaving, Gazans came out of their homes to survey the damage. Mosque loudspeakers declared "victory," but Palestinians appeared too stunned to...

Palestinians Agree to Ceasefire
 Palestinians Agree to Ceasefire 

Palestinians Agree to Ceasefire

Israel agrees to withdraw from Gaza if truce holds

(Newser) - Hamas and other Gaza militants have agreed to an immediate ceasefire, and will allow Israel a week to pull troops out of the area, a Hamas official said today in Egypt. Israel said it would withdraw if the truce was upheld. It had declared a unilateral ceasefire beginning early this...

Gaza Skirmishes Defy Ceasefire

Militants fire rockets; Israel responds with air strike

(Newser) - Skirmishes have continued in Israel and Gaza after Israel declared a unilateral ceasefire yesterday, the New York Times reports. Militants fired rockets at an Israeli border town, and Israel responded with an air strike. In Gaza, a lone gunman faced off against Israeli troops. Hamas has said it will fight...

Israel Quiets Guns in Gaza
 Israel Quiets 
 Guns in Gaza 

Israel Quiets Guns in Gaza

Goals achieved, PM says; Hamas rejects ceasefire and makes demands

(Newser) - Israel ended its 3-week assault on Gaza today by enacting a unilateral ceasefire that Hamas has vowed to ignore, Reuters reports. Israeli leaders voted today to halt the offensive, which has killed nearly 1,200 people and incited strong reactions worldwide, MSNBC reports. “Goals have been achieved and even...

Israel Pummels Gaza Before Ceasefire Vote

2 children killed in UN school shelter: Palestinians

(Newser) - Israel launched 50 air strikes on Gaza last night ahead of a Cabinet vote on a unilateral ceasefire, the BBC reports. A tank shell hit a UN school, killing at least two children among hundreds of people who had taken refuge there, Palestinians say; Israel says it’s looking into...

Israel Nears Decision on Gaza Ceasefire

Cabinet may approve unilateral move at meeting tomorrow

(Newser) - Israel’s security cabinet will meet tomorrow to discuss, and likely approve, a unilateral ceasefire in Gaza, the Jerusalem Post reports. The move comes after negotiations in Egypt and the signing of an agreement with the US designed to halt smuggling of arms into Gaza. The ceasefire does not include...

Hamas Divided Over Continued Fighting
 Hamas Divided Over 
 Continued Fighting 

Hamas Divided Over Continued Fighting

Locals want to stop violence; exiled leaders say keep it up

(Newser) - Hamas is split over its next steps in the continuing bloodshed in Gaza. Local leaders want an end to the violence, while exiled bosses in Syria want to keep battling until all their conditions are met, the Economist reports. Outside leaders are putting pressure on Hamas, particularly its Syrian arm,...

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