Michelle Obama

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First Lady Sends First Tweet
 First Lady Sends First Tweet 

First Lady Sends First Tweet

Michelle Obama promotes project to help military families

(Newser) - First lady Michelle Obama sent out her first tweet ever this week while attending the World Series in St. Louis, reports USA Today . "Military families serve our nation too," it reads. "Let's all show our appreciation by #JoiningForces with them. Get involved: JoiningForces.gov ." The...

Obama No Fan of the Kardashians

Would you want your daughters watching that stuff?

(Newser) - In a recent iVillage interview, Michelle Obama let this little tidbit slip: Unlike, apparently, most of America , the president is not a huge fan of the Kardashians. Asked if any TV shows are off limits for the first daughters, Michelle replied, "Barack really thinks some of the Kardashians—when...

Michelle: I Sneak Out Unrecognized 'Frequently'

People don't notice her because they're not expecting her, she tells 'Today'

(Newser) - Apparently that Michelle Obama Target trip was not an isolated occurrence: The first lady often goes out unnoticed, she revealed this morning on Today . “It’s amazing how people don’t recognize you,” Obama said. “They don’t expect to see me at Starbucks or at Chipotle....

First Lady Aims for Jumping Jack Record

Michelle O wants team to jump into record books

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is looking for at least 20,425 people to help her break a Guinness World Record next week. The first lady will lead hundreds of children doing a minute of jumping jacks on the White House's South Lawn on Tuesday, kicking off a 24-hour challenge, AP reports....

What Did Michelle Buy at Target?

She likes bargains, too

(Newser) - You might have been wearing dark glasses, Michelle, but we saw you shopping at Target. What were you after? One of the two-for-one bikini bargains? The White House isn't talking, but a source tells People magazine that she picked up toys and food for First Dog Bo in the...

Obama Lays Wreath at Pentagon

Obamas mingle with family members of 9/11 victims

(Newser) - After visits to New York's Ground Zero and a memorial in rural Pennsylvania where Flight 93 went down, President and Michelle Obama continued their solemn remembrance of 9/11 today at the Pentagon, the AP reports. The president lay a wreath at a bench and small pool that memorialize the...

Obamas, Bushes Pay Respects at Ground Zero

Moment of silence at 8:46, moment first plane hit

(Newser) - President Obama opened a sun-splashed day of solemn remembrance today by honoring the 9/11 dead with a visit to ground zero, bowing his head at the cascading pools of the North Memorial Pond created in the footprint of the demolished north tower of the World Trade Center. Obama, hand in...

Forbes Lists World's 100 Most Powerful Women
 World's Most 
 Powerful Woman Is... 
'forbes' top 100

World's Most Powerful Woman Is...

Angela Merkel, followed by Hillary Clinton

(Newser) - Want to get onto Forbes ’ annual 100 Most Powerful Women list? Better get yourself into one of these six categories, which is where all of this year’s candidates came from: billionaires, business, lifestyle, media, nonprofits, and politics. Candidates were ranked by money, traditional and social media influence, and...

Glenn Beck: Michelle Obama Behind Biracial Spider-Man

Apparently he's an attack on our 'traditions'

(Newser) - Glenn Beck seems to think the new half-black, half-Hispanic Ultimate Spider-Man is part of some kind of conspiracy to change America. On his radio show yesterday, Beck groused about the change. “The new Spider-Man is really quite great, he looks just like President Obama,” he deadpanned, in a...

DC Dignitaries Honor Betty Ford

Former first ladies attend funeral

(Newser) - Lots of former White House residents, including first ladies, paid homage to Betty Ford today at her funeral in California. Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Reagan (escorted by George W. Bush), and Rosalynn Carter were among the attendees, reports the AP . "Millions of women are in her debt today...

Michelle Obama Wraps Euphoric Africa Tour

First lady was warmly received

(Newser) - Michelle Obama today wrapped up her weeklong tour of Africa, a whirlwind trek in which she hobnobbed with schoolkids, celebs, and dignitaries, and was hailed as American royalty by enthusiastic crowds. As Nelson Mandela's wife, Graca Machel, said: "We welcome you as a daughter of African heritage and...

Michelle Obama, Girls Visit Nelson Mandela

Daughters, mother join her on South African trip

(Newser) - Arriving in South Africa today, Michelle Obama met Nelson Mandela for the first time and said her husband was unhappy he couldn’t join them. “Michelle Obama certainly convinced the dignitaries she is excited to be here, and said her husband is 'pouty' that he isn't,”...

First Lady’s Africa Trip Re-Ignites Criticism

Africa advocates say White House overlooks troubled continent

(Newser) - Michelle Obama's trip to southern Africa this week is giving new life to criticism that the Obama administration is overlooking the troubled continent, reports the Washington Post . The president has been to sub-Saharan Africa only once since taking office— a 24-hour trip to Ghana in 2009 —and critics...

Obama: Family Would Be 'Fine' With One Term

But says he's still got work left to do

(Newser) - President Obama says the first family would be just fine if they were just a regular family. “If I said, ‘You guys, I want to do something different,’ they’d be fine,” Obama told the TODAY show this morning. “They’re not invested in daddy...

Obamas Hit By Dueling Royal 'Blunders'

Prez screws up toast to queen, Michelle dares to go bare (gasp)

(Newser) - President Obama just can’t catch a break in London. After screwing up the date in the Westminster Abbey guest book yesterday, Politico reports that he miscued while toasting Queen Elizabeth at last night’s Buckingham Palace state dinner. The orchestra, apparently believing he was finished with his remarks, started...

President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama Meet Prince William, Kate Middleton, the Queen, and Other Royals at Buckingham Palace (PHOTOS)
 Obamas Meet William, Kate 

Obamas Meet William, Kate

US president, first lady welcomed at Buckingham Palace

(Newser) - The Obamas were grandly received at Buckingham Palace today, greeted by a 41-gun salute as Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip welcomed them to London. Earlier in the day, the president and first lady had a chance to meet with Prince Charles and wife Camilla, as well as newlyweds Prince William...

'Fired Up' Michelle Obama Makes First 2012 Speech

First lady begins 2012 campaign

(Newser) - Michelle Obama made her first foray into the 2012 presidential campaign yesterday, telling donors that her husband needs them to "work like you have never worked before" so he can finish the job he started. Though the first lady said her husband has accomplished much in almost 2 1/2...

Conservatives Peeved Over White House Rapper Invite

Common once rapped anti-Bush sentiment, but Dems note outrage is silly

(Newser) - Michelle Obama invited rapper Common to the White House for a poetry event tonight, reports the Chicago Tribune, and conservatives are none too happy about it. Why? Well, to start, Common, AKA Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., has a song that apparently tells people to "burn" George W. Bush. Tucker...

Oprah to Obama: What Took You So Long?

Winfrey addresses birth certificate issue in interview

(Newser) - Oprah Winfrey sat down with the Obamas a few hours after the president released his long-form birth certificate and she wondered: Why did the president wait so long? "When it first came up, were you thinking, 'I hope I was born here?'" she asked. In response, Obama...

Marsha Barbour, Cheri Daniels: Political Wives Skeptical of Husbands' White House Aspirations
 First Ladies 
 Would Rather Not 

Would-Be First Ladies Would Rather Not

Candidates' wives plenty skeptical about life on the campaign trail

(Newser) - There are plenty of Republicans lining up to take Barack Obama's job, but not so many of their wives are sure they want Michelle Obama's gig. Mitch Daniels' wife Cheri, who Politico reports has been notably skittish about a 2012 run, recently announced she'd speak at a...

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