social networking

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10 Most Creative Tweeters
 10 Most Creative Tweeters 
meet @neilhimself

10 Most Creative Tweeters

These folks know how to make 140 characters count

(Newser) - Fast Company surveys the world of Twitter and suggests 10 people worth following based on their creative tweeting. Full list here, along with samples . A peek:
  1. Dawn Danby, @altissima : She a "sustainable design strategist" who covers her own field, often in haiku-like form.
  2. Padmasree Warrior, @Padmasree : Cisco's chief technology

Waitress Fired for Facebook Rant About Rotten Tip
Waitress Fired for Facebook Rant About Rotten Tip
in case you missed it

Waitress Fired for Facebook Rant About Rotten Tip

Cheap customers spark message about NC restaurant

(Newser) - A North Carolina waitress learned about the dangers of social networking the hard way when she lost her job after griping on Facebook about penny-pinching customers. Ashley Johnson served a couple at Brixx Pizza in Charlotte who had a 3-hour lunch—forcing her to work an hour after the end...

Brothers Meet for First Time—on Twitter

Onetime strangers discover they're relatives

(Newser) - You use social networking sites. You even type back and forth to this one guy—and you might not like him too much at first. Then, out of the blue, you receive a message from this "friend" giving personal information that only you would know about. Kind of freaky,...

Facebook Accused of Censoring Criticism

Account disabled after dissing Zuckerberg

(Newser) - Facebook users are complaining that they're being punished on the site for criticizing the social network and founder Mark Zuckerberg. User Kurt von Lichtenstein says his account was disabled after he posted a critical comment—quoted in the box to the left—under a Zuckerberg blog post. He says he...

Quest for Mystery Girl Turns Into Cancer Charity

Lovestruck Brit seeks to turn Facebook attention to good cause

(Newser) - It happens every day on public transportation worldwide: Guy sees pretty girl, they chit-chat, guy fails to ask pretty girl out, pretty girl gets off, never to be seen again. Only this guy, Keir Moffatt, started a Facebook group to see if he could get a second chance—and more...

Teen Slain by Facebook 'Friend': Cops

Nona Belomesoff, 18, was lured online, found in creek bed

(Newser) - Australian police are urging Facebook members to make themselves less readily identifiable in real life after an 18-year-old woman was found murdered, allegedly by a "friend" from the website. Nona Belomesoff's body was discovered in a creek bed Friday night. Christopher James Dannevig, 20, has been charged with murder...

What Do We Tweet About? TV, Mostly
 What Do We Tweet 
 About? TV, Mostly 

What Do We Tweet About? TV, Mostly

New social media still fixated on the original

(Newser) - Everybody's eager to talk about the social media "revolution." But you know what the social media conversation mostly focuses on? Old media, particularly TV. Just ask Simon Dumenco, who analyzes Twitter data every week for Advertising Age . “Old media still rules our lives,” he writes. “...

Facebook Movie Paints Zuckerberg as 'Sex Maniac'

Dramatized account of website's early years depicts founder as 'conniver'

(Newser) - The screenplay for a forthcoming movie about the origins of Facebook depicts founder Mark Zuckerberg as a "borderline-autistic conniver" and "sex maniac," the Times of London reports . The Social Network dates the start of the website to February 2004, when—according to the "highly dramatized" script—...

Mom Killed by Man She Met on Facebook

After stabbing her, he threw himself in front of a train

(Newser) - A mother of four from England was killed by her lover, a man she met on Facebook, weeks after he was arrested for assaulting her, the Daily Telegraph reports. He killed himself the same day. Stewart Shaw and Julie Sudlow, both in their 40s, met online in late 2008 and...

Angry Facebook Users Search for the Exit

Open-source Facebook rival gathers steam

(Newser) - The newest and hottest Facebook trend is quitting Facebook. Some of the site's 400 million users—including several high-profile technology pundits—have been deleting their accounts, citing privacy concerns. The social networking site doesn't release statistics on how many people scuttle their accounts, but Google searches on how to quit...

How to Get Free Stuff on Twitter

Follow the right tweeters, and mind your hashtags

(Newser) - More and more marketers are giving away free stuff on Twitter, and Erin Gifford at Mashable offers advice on to cash in. Read the full list here . A sampling:
  • Find tweeters who give away merchandise by searching for "freebie" or "free stuff." Some winners: @heyitsfree ; @freestuffrocks ; @freenology

We Need an Alternative to Facebook

 We Need 
 an Alternative 
 to Facebook 

We Need an Alternative to Facebook

In this one, privacy would actually matter

(Newser) - It's time for a revolt against Facebook, writes Ryan Singel. Mark Zuckerberg may think privacy is an outdated concept, but that doesn't mean the rest of us have to play along. As Singel puts it in Wired : "Facebook has gone rogue, drunk on founder Mark Zuckerberg’s dreams of...

Facebook Readies Location Feature - Advertising Age - Digital
 Soon, Facebook Will 
 Know Where You Are 
location-based apps coming

Soon, Facebook Will Know Where You Are

Social networking site readies location-based technology

(Newser) - The latest evidence Facebook is trying to take over the world: The site will soon launch geolocation applications, directly competing with Foursquare and other location-based social networks. What does that mean for you? Soon, telling all your friends you’re at McDonald’s will be even quicker and easier. Mickey...

Teens: Um, Twitter Is for Lame Oldsters

Turns out it's only un-hip adults who use it

(Newser) - Sure, you keep hearing about the 140-character miracle that is Twitter, but that’s because old people are writing about it, not because all the cool kids are doing it. When old person Patrick Goldstein asked some teenagers about the microblogging site, he found out how the next generation feels:...

Employee: Zuckerberg 'Doesn't Believe' in Privacy

Which helps explain the new settings

(Newser) - Two dispatches today from the Facebook privacy wars: In an off-the-record conservation with a New York Times reporter, a Facebook employee laughed when asked how Mark Zuckerberg feels about privacy: "He doesn't believe in it." The reporter tweeted about the exchange, and Bianca Bosker of the Huffington Post...

For Sale: 1.5M Facebook Accounts
For Sale: 1.5M Facebook Accounts

For Sale: 1.5M Facebook Accounts

Hacker 'Kirllos' may have stolen personal info of 1 in 300 users

(Newser) - An industrious hacker may have stolen the login and password of 1 out of every 300 Facebook users. Posts made under the name "Kirllos" on a hacker forum advertise a store of 1.5 million Facebook accounts for sale. The logins and passwords may be bogus, or they may...

The New Facebook: How to Protect Your Privacy

Two ways to keep your data to yourself

(Newser) - The wily folks at Facebook have made more changes . Now, to protect your privacy, you've got to change, too. Here, courtesy of Ryan Tate at Valleywag , are two ways to keep your profile under wraps without sacrificing too much functionality:
  • Cut Your 'Connections' Facebook will now convert data on your

Facebook's 'Like' Button Invades Internet
 Facebook's 'Like' Button 
 Invades Internet 
opinion Roundup

Facebook's 'Like' Button Invades Internet

Changes greeted with concern, hyperbole

(Newser) - Tech analysts are positively wetting themselves over Facebook's decision to open its social graph to the world and create a web-wide “like” button. “Facebook is basically going to be the web,” Slate's Farhad Manjoo tweeted . The move essentially turns browsing the web from a solitary act into...

Mayor Gives Kidney to Facebook Pal

Responded to constituent's 'no match' status update

(Newser) - See, Facebook is good for something: It could score you a much-needed kidney. Connecticut mayor April Capone Almon donated one of hers to a constituent after reading about his plight on the social networking site. Carlos Sanchez was one of her 1600 “friends”—but, as is commonplace in...

How Not to Be a Jackass on Twitter
 How Not to Be a 
 Jackass on Twitter 
manners dept

How Not to Be a Jackass on Twitter

9 rules that will make you suck less

(Newser) - Facebook, Twitter, MySpace—basically, they're all platforms that allow you to demonstrate just how much you suck, writes Lindsay Cutler for Nerve . And even though Twitter limits potential sucking to 140 characters or less (yay!), we still manage to come off like jackasses (boo!). To help you out,...

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