University of Virginia

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UVa Dean Sues Rolling Stone for $7.8M

Nicole Eramo says bogus rape article destroyed her reputation

(Newser) - Rolling Stone will likely take a hit to more than its reputation over its deeply flawed story about campus rape at the University of Virginia. An associate dean there today filed a $7.8 million defamation suit against the magazine, reports NBC News . Nicole Eramo, who handles allegations of sexual...

Suspect in UVa Killing Faces Death Penalty

Charges are upgraded against Jesse Matthew

(Newser) - The man accused of abducting and murdering a University of Virginia sophomore will now face the death penalty. Prosecutors today announced a charge of capital murder against 33-year-old Jesse Matthew in the death of Hannah Graham last year, reports the Daily Progress . Prosecutors initially didn't seek the death penalty,...

UVa Frat Plans Legal Action vs. 'Reckless' Rolling Stone

Phi Kappa Psi contends members were ostracized, too

(Newser) - Phi Kappa Psi barely let the ink dry on the scathing review of Rolling Stone's debunked rape expose before announcing that it's looking for some legal retribution, reports Brian Stelter at CNN . Per a statement: "After 130 days of living under a cloud of suspicion as a...

Police: No Evidence of UVa Gang Rape

Investigation suspended, but not closed

(Newser) - Charlottesville police held a press conference today to discuss their investigation into the alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia reported in Rolling Stone, and, according to the AP , they announced they've suspended their investigation after being unable to confirm the rape happened as described—partially because the...

UVa Protests Student's 'Appalling' Arrest

He was slammed to the ground by alcohol agents

(Newser) - It was a "highly unusual and appalling" incident, the University of Virginia's president says. Officials are investigating the arrest early yesterday of a 20-year-old black student who needed 10 stitches in his head after being wrestled to the ground by Alcoholic Beverage Control agents, ABC reports. Martese Johnson'...

Hannah Graham Suspect Charged With Murder

Jesse Matthew will not face the death penalty

(Newser) - Jesse Matthew, who had already been charged with the abduction of University of Virginia student Hannah Graham , has now been charged with her murder. In today announcing the first-degree murder charge, Albemarle County Commonwealth's Attorney Denise Lunsford noted Matthew will not face the death penalty. She says that "...

UVa Sororities Fume Over Ban from Key Fraternities Event

National chapters' action prompts petition

(Newser) - Sorority members at the University of Virginia are taking a stand over a rule they argue is rooted in discrimination. This Saturday is bid night at UVa campus fraternities, an event in which the sorority sisters normally take part—but this year, national chapters are requiring many of them to...

UVa. Reinstates Frat at Heart of Rolling Stone Story

Cops find no evidence that allegations occurred at Phi Kappa Psi

(Newser) - The University of Virginia today reinstated Phi Kappa Psi, the fraternity at the heart of the Rolling Stone article on campus sexual assault , saying in a statement that local police had failed to find "any substantive basis to confirm that the allegations" in the article actually took place. "...

'Sober Monitors' to Now Patrol UVa Frat Parties

New rules also ban premixed drinks and kegs, require guard at door

(Newser) - No kegs, strictly enforced guest lists, and at least three "sober and lucid" monitors is the new normal for fraternity and sorority parties at the University of Virginia. President Teresa Sullivan yesterday announced the changes to the university's Fraternal Organization Agreement and said the school would lift a...

Rolling Stone Orders Audit of UVa Rape Story

Jann Wenner has asked Columbia Journalism School to examine what went wrong

(Newser) - Rolling Stone publisher Jann Wenner is ordering an independent audit to get to the bottom of what went wrong with Sabrina Rubin Erdely's University of Virginia rape story , and the Columbia Journalism School will do the honors, the Washington Post reports. The investigative team, headed by deans Steve Coll...

Friends: We Wanted UVa Jackie to Call Cops

They come forward to dispute 'Rolling Stone' story

(Newser) - Three University of Virginia students have come forward using their real names to dispute their depiction in the Rolling Stone's much-contested article on campus rape. Ryan Duffin, Kathryn Hendley, and Alex Stock—referred to as Randall, Cindy, and Andy in the article—tell the AP that after their friend...

UVa Roommate: Jackie's Story 'Is Not a Hoax'

Emily Clark describes suitemate's descent into depression

(Newser) - "I was Jackie’s suitemate first year. I fully support Jackie, and I believe wholeheartedly that she went through a traumatizing sexual assault." So writes Emily Clark in a letter posted last night to the University of Virginia's Cavalier Daily . Clark goes on to describe Jackie's...

Rolling Stone Debacle Will Set Back Progress
Rolling Stone Debacle
Will Set Back Progress

Rolling Stone Debacle Will Set Back Progress

Instead of campus rape, we'll be talking about 'slipshod journalism,' says op-ed

(Newser) - With Rolling Stone backpedaling on its allegations of a gang rape at the University of Virginia, Susan Reimer at the Baltimore Sun takes stock of the situation: "What an ungodly mess," she writes. For a while there, it looked as if the nation might finally start having a...

Rolling Stone Admits Big Problems in UVa Rape Story

Magazine apologizes as 'discrepancies' emerge in alleged victim's account

(Newser) - A bombshell article by Rolling Stone about a gang rape at the University of Virginia is quickly unraveling. The magazine today issued a note to readers that casts doubt on the credibility of the alleged victim, a student identified only as Jackie. "There now appear to be discrepancies in...

Rolling Stone's UVa Rape Story Is Shaky Journalism

Washington Post media critic complains of 'flimsiness'

(Newser) - A Rolling Stone article about a gang rape at the University of Virginia has led the school to suspend all frats and the police to investigate. But now a drumbeat of criticism is emerging about the article itself, mainly because reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely didn't talk to the alleged...

UVa Rape Story Reporter: School 'Stonewalled' Me

Sabrina Rubin Erdely says university only cared about its reputation

(Newser) - Sabrina Rubin Erdely's story on alleged sexual assault at the University of Virginia has made waves, with the university temporarily shutting down fraternities as it investigates the horrific report. Now, Erdely is offering a glimpse into her experience reporting the story, telling the Washington Post that the university stood...

Death to the Fraternity System

 Death to the Fraternity System 

Death to the Fraternity System

We can't trust 'reform': Jordan Sargent

(Newser) - A report about an alleged gang rape at the University of Virginia shut down the school's fraternities until Jan. 9—but actually, "the right time to bring back the fraternities is never," writes Jordan Sargent at Gawker . It's time, he says, to do away with a...

Gang-Rape Report Shuts Down UVa Frats Until January

President calls on those with information to come forward

(Newser) - A Rolling Stone report on an alleged gang rape at a University of Virginia fraternity has prompted the school's president to suspend all frats until the spring semester. In an open letter to students and staff today, president Teresa Sullivan calls for "the collective strength of the members...

After Rolling Stone Airs UVa Rape Claim, a Probe

'Rolling Stone' says freshman girl was assaulted by seven men in frat house

(Newser) - Police are investigating claims of a brutal gang rape inside a University of Virginia frat house in 2012, after a scathing Rolling Stone article. University President Teresa Sullivan asked police in Charlottesville to open an investigation, reports the Guardian , though she rejected the magazine's assertion that UVa has a...

Hannah Graham Death Ruled a Homicide, but Cause Unknown

Medical examiner can't specify how UVa student was killed

(Newser) - The state medical examiner's office says University of Virginia student Hannah Graham was murdered, but it can't determine how, reports NBC29 of Charlottesville. In official parlance, the cause of death is "homicidal violence of undetermined etiology." The remains of the 18-year-old weren't found until five...

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