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VP Debate Has Unexpected Guest, on Pence's Head

A fly hanging out in his hair provided a little levity; folks also worried about his red eye

(Newser) - Two minutes and three seconds. No, that wasn't how long it took moderator Susan Page to rein in the candidates whenever they went over their allotted time. That's how long a clearly noticeable fly remained perched in Mike Pence's closely cropped white hair, offering what People calls...

One Phrase the Debate Moderator Kept Having to Say

'Thank you': how Susan Page tried to stifle the interruptions, candidates going over their time

(Newser) - It wasn't quite the interrupt-fest that the first presidential debate was , but the face-off between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence at the vice presidential debate in Salt Lake City certainly had its moments. Although the first few minutes seemed relatively calm, soon moderator Susan Page found...

Harris on COVID Response: 'Failure.' Pence: That's 'Unconscionable'

Candidates spar early on in debate on the pandemic

(Newser) - The first topic of Wednesday night's vice presidential debate at the University of Utah was the coronavirus pandemic, and sparks started flying immediately between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence. Harris first criticized what she called "the greatest failure of any presidential administration in the history...

Pence, Harris Face Off, With 'Sharply Conflicting Visions'

Vice presidential candidates debate in Utah

(Newser) - As the coronavirus sweeps through the upper reaches of government, Republican Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic challenger Kamala Harris faced off Wednesday night in a debate highlighting the parties' sharply conflicting visions for a nation in crisis, per the AP . The candidates appeared on the stage in the University...

Trump, Biden Prep Very Differently for the Debate

The first of three scheduled presidential debates will be Tuesday night in Cleveland

(Newser) - Ahead of the first debate-stage matchup between President Donald Trump and his Democratic challenger Joe Biden, each campaign is promising a stark contrast in policy, personality, and preparation, the AP reports. Trump has decided to skip any formal preparation. And while Biden's team believes the significance of the debate...

Dems to Welcome a New Face to Debate Stage

Michael Bloomberg qualifies and will take part in Wednesday event in Las Vegas

(Newser) - The next Democratic debate, the ninth so far, will feature a brand-new face onstage. CNN reports that Michael Bloomberg has qualified for Wednesday evening's event in Las Vegas by earning 19% support in an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll, making it the former New York City mayor's fourth national poll...

Just Under the Wire, a 6th Debate Contender

Tom Steyer will join Biden, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, Sanders, and Warren on Tuesday

(Newser) - And then there were six. On Thursday morning, just Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren had met polling and fundraising requirements to participate in Tuesday's Democratic debate in Iowa. By Thursday evening, there was a new entry : businessman Tom Steyer, who Politico notes was...

2020 Debates May Be Missing a Key Player

Sources tell 'NYT' Trump might skip them

(Newser) - Wondering how the general election debates between President Trump and the Democratic nominee will go down? We may never find out. Two sources said to be familiar with Trump's discussions on the matter tells the New York Times the president is mulling not showing up for any such showdowns—...

Democratic Debate Stage Just Got a Little Less White

Andrew Yang qualifies for Dec. 19 event with latest Quinnipiac poll

(Newser) - The sixth Democratic debate is happening next Thursday, and there will now be seven candidates on the stage at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles. The new contender to join Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren in the PBS NewsHour/Politico event: Andrew Yang,...

DC Had a TV Dilemma Tuesday Night
DC Had a TV Dilemma
Tuesday Night

DC Had a TV Dilemma Tuesday Night

A critical Washington Nationals playoff game or the Democratic debates?

(Newser) - Residents of Washington, DC, live and breathe politics, so a presidential debate has the cachet of a sports playoff. Except on Tuesday night, there was an actual sports playoff, in the form of the hometown Washington Nationals playing the St. Louis Cardinals in the National League Championship Series—meaning locals...

Advisers Know How to Prep Trump for Next Debate

They just don't know if he'll agree to do it: 'NYT' report

(Newser) - Donald Trump was pretty pleased with his performance against Hillary Clinton at Monday's debate, even though scientific polls —not the easily manipulated online polls that Trump is citing —show most Americans pick Clinton as the clear victor. Even some of his own campaign advisers don't feel...

How Ted Cruz Is Prepping for Thursday's Debate: Zombies

And some Bible readings

(Newser) - Donald Trump may be preparing for Thursday night's GOP debate by scarfing cheeseburgers , but Ted Cruz has his own preparation strategies, he tells Politico in a look at how well the candidate is doing during the debates. While the site notes that the Texas senator's "brain trust...

An American First? It's a Spanish-Only Debate

Congressional candidates face off in Colorado

(Newser) - This is one of the more tangible signs of the growing importance of the Hispanic vote in American politics: Two congressional candidates in Colorado will have a Spanish-only debate tonight, believed to be the nation's first, reports NBC News . No translators will be allowed as Republican incumbent Mike Coffman...

Debate Drinking Games Inspire ... Debate

Is drinking during the presidential debates harmless fun or dangerous behavior?

(Newser) - If you're hungover from last night's debate, pop a couple Asprin before reading this story. Debate drinking games are all the rage, and NPR takes a lighthearted look at the, erm, debate over the trend. There are myriad websites (like this and this ) where you can find...

What Not to Do While Your Rival's Talking

Listen closely, minimize note-taking, and avoid tics: experts

(Newser) - To prep for debates, candidates have to work on more than just talking: They must perfect their listening, too. With split screens constantly in use, President Obama and Mitt Romney may want to give some serious thought to the AP's list of do's—and especially don'ts:
  • Don'

So, Who Told the Truth?
 So, Who Told the Truth? 
debate aftermath

So, Who Told the Truth?

Fact-checkers pore over last night's debate

(Newser) - Facts and numbers were flying in last night's debate, and President Obama and Mitt Romney agreed on so few of them that "the two men seemed to be inhabiting two parallel universes," Politico observes. Thankfully, a swarm of fact-checkers have been poring over the candidates' statements to...

A &#39;Disaster&#39; for Obama?

 A 'Disaster' 
 for Obama? 
instant analysis

A 'Disaster' for Obama?

Andrew Sullivan thinks so, and Bill Kristol raves about Romney

(Newser) - Here are three quick analyses of tonight's debate that should send Mitt Romney to bed with a smile on his face.
  • "Look: you know how much I love the guy," Andrew Sullivan writes of President Obama at the Daily Beast . "And I can see the logic

Advice for Romney Ahead of First Debate

Pundits weigh in before next week's big show

(Newser) - The first presidential debate is Wednesday night, and there's no shortage of advice out there for Mitt Romney. Examples today:
  • Talk about RomneyCare: Embrace it, finally, writes Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal . Romney got it done in Massachusetts without tearing the state apart—contrast that with the

Tennessee Bill Encourages Critiques of Evolution

It protects teachers who debate the issue in classrooms

(Newser) - A bill in Tennessee's legislature would protect teachers who encourage debate in the classroom about evolution—a measure that opponents say is just a guise to teach creationism or intelligent design, reports the Tennessean . Top science groups and the ACLU have come out against the bill, which the state...

Romney Camp Dumps New Debate Coach

Brett O'Donnell was getting too much credit: Politico

(Newser) - Today's lesson in the stroking of political egos: Team Romney has dropped newly added debate coach Brett O'Donnell, the man widely credited with engineering Romney's more aggressive (and successful) approach in the last debate, reports Politico . The problem? O'Donnell had been getting too much credit for...

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