Joe Biden

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Tearful Biden Thanks His Del. Constituents

Also apologizes for serial gaffes, praises Michelle Obama

(Newser) - An emotional Joe Biden gave thanks to delegates from his home state of Delaware at the Democratic National Convention today, the New York Times reports. At a private breakfast, Biden said his vice-presidential nod “pales in comparison to the honor I’ve had representing you.” He also apologized...

Biden Attracts West Wing Love
 Biden Attracts West Wing Love

Biden Attracts West Wing Love

Richard Schiff, who played White House insider, is candidate's Hollywood connection

(Newser) - He probably wouldn’t merit a Washington appointment, but Joe Biden’s biggest Tinseltown fan has small-screen political experience, the Los Angeles Times reports. Richard Schiff, who won an Emmy for his role as White House communications director on West Wing, is stumping for his “real deal” candidate this...

Obama's Veep Text Reached Record 2.9M

Scooped text is nation's 'largest mobile marketing event'

(Newser) - Barack Obama's cell phone text to supporters naming Joe Biden as his running mate reached 2.9 million people, according to Nielsen—enough for a $290,000 bill at normal text rates. The statistics company ranks the message the nation's "single largest mobile marketing event" to date.

Leno's McCain Jokes Hit Homes
 Leno's McCain Jokes Hit Homes

Leno's McCain Jokes Hit Homes

McCain's quips aimed at diffusing age, wealth concerns

(Newser) - John McCain yesterday made what has become a mandatory stop on the campaign trail: The Tonight Show. He used the appearance to defuse jokes about his age in advance of his 72d birthday this week and attempt to do some damage control over his recent confusion about how many homes...

Lefty Ticket a Boon to McCain
 Lefty Ticket a Boon to McCain

Lefty Ticket a Boon to McCain

US still leans center-right

(Newser) - Barack Obama has taken a big risk by choosing a VP almost as liberal as he is, writes Fred Barnes in the Wall Street Journal. In the past, Democrats have found success in politically balanced tickets: centrist Jimmy Carter and lefty Walter Mondale, moderate Bill Clinton and more liberal Al...

Biden Ran a Tough Campaign to Land Veep Spot

Behind the running mate search

(Newser) - Joe Biden didn’t sit back and wait for Barack Obama to select him. The senator’s aides lobbied vigorously on his behalf, the Wall Street Journal reports in a look behind the scenes, accentuating his blue-collar appeal and foreign policy bona fides, while throwing elbows at other contenders. When...

Hillary Plans Own Rally in Show of Strength

Clinton will gather her delegates before releasing them to Obama

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton plans a demonstration of her political strength at the Democratic Convention by gathering her own delegates—and supporters—at a separate venue before formally releasing them to vote for Barack Obama. The Wednesday reception-rally at another convention center is viewed as part of Clinton's strategy for a potential...

Sunday Pundits Dissect Biden Pick

Biden dominates Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The newly announced Obama/Biden ticket predictably dominated the talk shows today. Politico gives the run-down:
  • Obama VP adviser Caroline Kennedy told Meet the Press she hoped Joe Biden would prove to be as sage a pick as her father's choice of LBJ.
  • House Speaker Nancy Pelosi turned Biden's rep for

Michelle Embraces Jill on Trail
 Michelle Embraces Jill on Trail

Michelle Embraces Jill on Trail

Biden's wife says the political counterparts 'have chemistry'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama eagerly backed her husband's veep pick this week and welcomed Jill Biden with an embrace at yesterday's rally, People reports. "I've stayed out of this process," Michelle said, "but when he told me his choice I said, 'That's the right choice.' I was like,...

Biden By the Numbers: A Solid Choice
Biden By the Numbers: A Solid Choice

Biden By the Numbers: A Solid Choice

VP will bring Dems together and garner Independent votes

(Newser) - Some argued Hillary Clinton was Barack Obama’s best VP choice because she could unite the Dems. But in crunching Rasmussen's favorable-unfavorable numbers, the New Republic finds Joe Biden can do that almost as well, while pulling in more independent voters and keeping Obama backers in the fold. Biden scores...

5 Things Revealed by Biden Pick
 5 Things Revealed by Biden Pick

5 Things Revealed by Biden Pick

Obama ready for a tough campaign, aware of own policy weaknesses

(Newser) - Presidential running mates rarely decide an election, but a candidate's VP choice can reveal his plans, Politico reports. Here's what Joe Biden shows about Barack Obama:
  1. Obama is ready for battle: “Biden is a brawler—and the Obama camp is eager to unleash him.”
  2. Surprise! Obama is more

Hillary to Supporters: Back Joe
Hillary to Supporters: Back Joe

Hillary to Supporters: Back Joe

But Clinton backers see mockery in 3am announcement

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton tried to rally her disappointed supporters behind an Obama-Biden ticket today, praising her “colleague and friend” in a statement. “Sen. Biden will be a purposeful and dynamic vice president,” Clinton said, adding that he was “an exceptionally strong, experienced leader.” Clinton had little...

Bankruptcy Bill a Black Mark for Biden
Bankruptcy Bill
a Black Mark
for Biden

Bankruptcy Bill a Black Mark for Biden

Senator sides with credit companies over working class

(Newser) - A black mark on Joe Biden's resume dismisses any notion that the senator is populist, Jackson Williams writes in the Huffington Post. Of all former Democratic presidential hopefuls, Biden alone supported a 2005 bankruptcy bill that favors credit companies and makes it harder for the working class to declare bankruptcy....

Biden Comes Out Swinging in Rally

(Newser) - Barack Obama officially introduced Joe Biden as his running mate today, and the newly minted VP candidate wasted no time attacking John McCain. Biden said he was a friend of McCain’s, but McCain had given in to the GOP's right wing. He poked fun at McCain’s house gaffe,...

McCain Ad Strikes Quickly— Using Biden's Own Words

Dem veep choice praises McCain, doubts Obama in 30 sec spot

(Newser) - The McCain campaign hit hard and fast at the newly minted Obama-Biden ticket, releasing an ad early this morning that makes use of the Delaware senator’s own comments, the Wall Street Journal reports. The ad includes footage of Biden casting doubt on Obama’s readiness, then later reaffirming the...

The Cons: Biden Known for Gaffes
  The Cons:
 for Gaffes

The Cons: Biden Known for Gaffes

Senator has a risky tongue and lobbyist ties

(Newser) - Republicans strategists don't have to look too deep to find ammunition to use against Joe Biden, Politico reports. It's all a matter of public record. For starters, he called Obama's foreign policy views "naive" last year and said the presidency is not the place for "on-the-job training."...

What Biden Brings to the Party
  What Biden Brings to the Party 

What Biden Brings to the Party

Delaware senator has what Barack lacks

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s choice of Joe Biden as a running mate looks like fairly simple calculus, notes Massimo Calabres in Time: his strengths bolster Obama’s weak points. Biden has logged six terms in the Senate; he’s a foreign-policy expert; and he’s a Catholic popular with blue-collar white...

Biden's Story: Tenacity Born of Tragedy

Foreign policy heavyweight brings experience to ticket

(Newser) - Blunt, tough and seasoned, Obama veepstakes winner Joe Biden has a history of surviving both personal tragedy and political disappointment. Delaware's News-Journal details the story of the state's favorite son, who became modern history's youngest senator when elected at 29. His wife and baby daughter died in a car crash...

Obama Texts, E-Mails VP News to Supporters

Asks backers to watch rally, write 'welcome notes' to Biden

(Newser) - Barack Obama's choice for a running mate was texted and emailed to supporters shortly after 3am this morning, though word had leaked out to reporters a couple of hours earlier that he'd chosen Sen. Joe Biden, a veteran lawmaker from Delaware. The text message: "Barack has chosen Senator Joe...

Obama Picks Biden: Official
 Obama Picks Biden: Official

Obama Picks Biden: Official

(Newser) - Barack Obama selected Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware late Friday night to be his vice presidential running mate, according to a Democratic official, balancing his ticket with an older congressional veteran well-versed in foreign and defense issues. Biden, who has twice sought the White House, is a Catholic with a...

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