Joe Biden

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US Can Turn 70% of Afghan Taliban: Biden

Largest group of insurgents just hired mercenaries, VP says

(Newser) - A majority of the Taliban fighters in Afghanistan are just hired guns whose loyalties could be bought by the US, Joe Biden said today. “Five percent of the Taliban is incorrigible, not susceptible to anything other than being defeated,” the vice president said. “Another 25% or so...

Fox Ribs Biden's Fumbling Over Web 'Number'

(Newser) - Fox News is poking fun at Joe Biden for seeming a little clueless about the web. During an appearance on CBS' Early Show today, Biden sought to refer viewers to the government's new stimulus-tracking website, but he couldn't come up with its "number." His full line: "You...

Obama a Spineless Leader Thus Far: Krauthammer
Obama a Spineless Leader Thus Far: Krauthammer

Obama a Spineless Leader Thus Far: Krauthammer

While Russia and Iran make threats, president fails to show spine

(Newser) - Barack Obama has faced a spate of little challenges thus far from Russia, Iran, and Pakistan—and flunked them all, writes Charles Krauthammer. While Putin compounds his military strength and Ahmadinejad insults America, the new president has exhibited "utter passivity" on the world stage. In just one month, says...

Take My VP&mdash;Please!
Take My VP—Please! 

Take My VP—Please!

Just 3 weeks in, jokes signal tensions may lurk beneath Obama's public praise of Biden

(Newser) - Only a few weeks in, and Joe Biden and Barack Obama are already sniping at each other half-seriously? That’s how it sometimes looks, the Los Angeles Times reports. After the VP  recently talked up the stimulus package’s chances of failing. Obama responded, “You know, I don’t...

Biden Vows 'New Tone' in Foreign Policy

In Germany, VP cites 'new tone in Washington'

(Newser) - Joe Biden offered an outline of "a new tone" in US foreign policy today, one that puts a priority on diplomacy over military force, Reuters reports. The US also will call on allies for help in handling world threats. “We will engage. We will listen. We will consult....

Critics Blast Obama's Zinni Flip-Flop

They call yanking of Iraq ambassador post sign of transition chaos

(Newser) - Remember those fat times, back in December, when competence and seamless coordination were back in town? Oh well. Joining the parade of minor appointment-related slip-ups is the apparent bait-and-switch pulled on retired Gen. Anthony Zinni, reports Politico. Zinni was told he had the job of Iraq ambassador—then the rug...

Biden to Head Middle-Class Task Force

Obama calls it an 'American moment'

(Newser) - President Obama today announced a new task force on the middle class, to be led by none other than onetime "working class kid from Scranton" Joe Biden, the Chicago Tribune reports. “This is a difficult moment,” Obama said, referring in part to the day’s dire GDP...

Biden Apologizes to Roberts
 Biden Apologizes 
 to Roberts 

Biden Apologizes to Roberts

Oddly, nobody is surprised by veep's gaffe

(Newser) - The sun rose in the east today, and Joe Biden apologized for a hokey joke. The VP called Chief Justice John Roberts to say he was sorry for his crack about the flubbed inaugural oath, the Christian Science Monitor reports. “My memory’s not as good as Justice Roberts,...

War, Not Nation-Building, Will Be Obama's Top Afghan Goal

Objectives could strain, even break, US ties with President Karzai

(Newser) - In a departure from Bush policies, the Obama administration intends to ramp up military operations in Afghanistan at the expense of reconstruction, the New York Times reports, shifting the burden of civil work to NATO allies. “If we set ourselves the objective of creating some sort of Central Asian...

Professor (Jill) Biden Returns to Classroom

(Newser) - Jill Biden isn't letting all this Washington hubbub affect her career. The wife of the vice president has begun teaching English as an adjunct professor at Northern Virginia Community College, the Daily Press reports. Biden, who has two master's degrees in English and reading and a doctorate in education, taught...

Veep's 'Lair' Reappears on Google

Image was blurred during Bush years

(Newser) - When Dick Cheney was vice-president, his official residence was blurred on Google Maps. But the week Joe Biden moved in, the Naval Observatory suddenly became visible, Gawker reports. Many had noticed the isolated pixelation of Cheney’s address, including Maureen Dowd: “You can view satellite photos of the White...

McCain: I Won't Back Stimulus as Is
McCain: I
Won't Back Stimulus as Is
Talk show roundup

McCain: I Won't Back Stimulus as Is

Cites partisanship, waste; Pelosi, Schumer say it's bipartisan

(Newser) - John McCain told Fox News Sunday that he wouldn’t back the stimulus bill as written by House Dems because it’s full of wasteful spending and includes little GOP input, Politico reports. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, on ABC’s This Week, and Sen. Chuck Schumer, also on Fox, disagreed,...

How Biden Got His Least-Likely Role
 How Biden Got 
 His Least-Likely Role 

How Biden Got His Least-Likely Role

His job as adviser will count

(Newser) - A self-declared "Senate man," Joe Biden admitted up-front that he might not fit the vice-presidency. The charming Democrat had spent two-thirds of his life making feisty speeches and verbal flubs—not exactly characteristic traits of a VP. So Barack Obama and Biden sat down to talk. All...

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For
10 Democrats
Obama Must
Watch Out For

10 Democrats Obama Must Watch Out For

Conyers, Feinstein, Biden could be pains in president's rear

(Newser) - The good vibrations can’t last forever. Sooner or later,  President Obama is bound to run afoul of members of his own party. Glenn Thrush, in Politico, scopes out the suspects:
  • John Conyers: The irrepressible House Judiciary chairman wants to investigate the US attorneys scandal and other potential Bush-era

Clinton Takes Over at State
 Clinton Takes Over at State 

Clinton Takes Over at State

Hundreds of employees cheer her arrival

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton began her first day as secretary of state with a message for her new employees, the New York Times reports. “This is a new era,” she said as State Department workers applauded her arrival this morning. “We will make clear as we go forward that...

Obama Steps Into History
 Obama Steps
 Into History 
inauguration slideshow

Obama Steps Into History

(Newser) - "All are equal, all are free and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness," declared the 44th president of the United States in his first inaugural address. Invoking the memories of slaves, soldiers and the generations of Americans who toiled before him, the nation's...

Biden Is 47th Vice President
 Biden Is 47th Vice President 

Biden Is 47th Vice President

Longtime Del. senator sworn in at inauguration

(Newser) - Joe Biden has assumed the office of vice president of the United States, the Washington Post reports. On the steps of the Capitol, Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens swore in the longtime Delaware senator, who vowed to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all...

Don't Tell Hillary: Biden Was Offered State Job, Wife Says

VP-elect shushes wife after admission that stunned Oprah

(Newser) - This time a gaffe came courtesy of the other Biden: The future Second Lady revealed to Oprah today that her husband had been offered a role as either Barack Obama’s vice-president or as secretary of state, ABC News reports. Joe Biden laughed after his wife’s slip-up, which caused...

Obama Arrives in Washington
 Obama Arrives in Washington 
Slideshow of whistlestop tour

Obama Arrives in Washington

(Newser) - Barack Obama rolled into Washington tonight on the last stop of his historic whistlestop train journey, the Washington Post reports. Obama retraced the path of Abraham Lincoln and called for a "new declaration of independence" for the nation. To see photos of the trip—which Joe Biden joined in...

Clinton, Biden Say Goodbye to the Senate

'I'll always be 'a Senate man,'' says VP-elect

(Newser) - Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton said farewell to the Senate today as they prepare for their new jobs in the Obama administration. Clinton said she was “gratified” by her 16-1 confirmation as Secretary of State by the Foreign Relations Committee, and she thanked her colleagues for being “wonderful...

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