Joe Biden

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Over 7 Hours, 10 Candidates Talked Climate Change

Democrats reveal their priorities in CNN town halls

(Newser) - Top Democratic presidential contenders talked tough Wednesday on cutting climate-damaging emissions from oil, gas, and coal, turning their focus to global warming in a marathon evening of town halls. While Republicans might find ammunition in the overwhelming—and overwhelmingly costly—scope of the plans, the 10 Democrats who participated in...

Biden on War Flub: 'Details Are Irrelevant'

Former VP says inaccuracies don't have a bearing on his decision-making abilities

(Newser) - Last week, the Washington Post detailed how Joe Biden had jumbled up three different war stories into one as part of a campaign anecdote about the bravery of troops. Biden initially defended the accuracy of his account, but he's now acknowledging the flub while calling it meaningless in the...

Biden Defends His Go-To War Story in Face of Doubts

'It was absolutely accurate what I said'

(Newser) - Joe Biden defended his frequent telling of a tale of bravery in Afghanistan in the wake of a Thursday Washington Post report that asserted the story never happened as-told but is a mish-mash of three different "actual events." In an interview later Thursday with the Post and Courier ...

Washington Post: Biden's Go-To War Story Is Wrong

Former VP seems to have jumbled up 3 different events

(Newser) - Joe Biden has been under fire for gaffes on the campaign trail, but the Washington Post is out with a report about an inaccuracy of a whole different order. It seems that Biden likes to tell a story about how, as vice president, he shrugged off the risk of danger,...

Biden Poses an Unexpected Hypothetical

'Imagine what would have happened if, God forbid, if Barack Obama had been assassinated'

(Newser) - Joe Biden had an odd, and jarring, rhetorical question for voters at a New Hampshire town hall Friday. While discussing the assassinations of his "political heroes," Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr., during what NBC News calls a "meandering discussion" at the Dartmouth College event,...

New Poll Is Bad News for Kamala Harris

She drops 12 points in CNN poll from surge after first debate

(Newser) - Joe Biden has bounced back from his debate squabble with Kamala Harris, who is now floundering, according to a new CNN poll. With the support of 29% of potential Democratic voters, up 7 points since late June, Biden regains a double-digit lead over Bernie Sanders (15%) and Elizabeth Warren (14%),...

Biden Makes School Shooting Gaffe at Gun Control Forum

He got Parkland mixed up with Sandy Hook

(Newser) - Self-described "gaffe machine" Joe Biden did it again on Saturday. The Democratic frontrunner got his school shootings mixed up while speaking at a gun control forum in Des Moines, Iowa, CNN reports. He said twice that while he was vice president, he met with survivors of the school shooting...

Biden Taking Flak Over New Gaffes
Biden Taking
Flak Over
New Gaffes

Biden Taking Flak Over New Gaffes

He says 'poor kids' just as smart as 'white kids,' mistakenly refers to Thatcher

(Newser) - Joe Biden isn't exactly known as being gaffe-proof , and the 2020 frontrunner is now taking flak for a series of new flubs. The details:
  • Minority kids: The one getting the most attention came in Iowa Thursday, when Biden was talking about education and seemed to inadvertently equate being poor

Biden Makes His Case: We Can't Kill ObamaCare

He wants to modify it, not scrap it through a 'Medicare for All' approach

(Newser) - Joe Biden is taking an aggressive approach to defending the Affordable Care Act, challenging not just President Trump but also some of his Democratic rivals who want to replace the current insurance system with a fully government-run model, per the AP . The former vice president will spend much of the...

Tax Returns Show Biden Is Now 'Rich Joe'

His income soared after he left office

(Newser) - "Middle-class Joe" became "Rich Joe" after his 44 years in government came to an end, according to tax returns released by Joe Biden's campaign. The returns reveal that Joe and Jill Biden made more than $15 million in the two years after he left office—$11 million...

Jill Biden Enters the Fray to Defend Her Husband

Public 'didn't buy it,' she says of Kamala Harris' attack on her husband's race record

(Newser) - Kamala Harris is keeping up her critique of Joe Biden's record on race and segregation following the Democratic frontrunner's apology for comments about the civility of segregationist senators. He was "right to recognize the impact of his words" but "there is still a point of disagreement...

Biden on Trump: I Know How to Deal With Bullies

'I'd smack him in the mouth'

(Newser) - Before he was a candidate, Joe Biden criticized President Trump's "locker room talk" and said he would have "beat the hell out of him" had the two gone to high school together. In a new interview with CNN , Biden the candidate continues the theme. "He's...

Biden's Son Explains Relations With His Brother's Widow

'We shared a specific kind of grief' he says of since-ended relationship

(Newser) - A feature in the New Yorker has a simple but provocative headline: "Will Hunter Biden Jeopardize His Father's Campaign?" The piece by Adam Entous details what's behind that question: controversies over Hunter's business life—including foreign deals while his father was vice president—as well as...

Biden Makes Commotion With 'Gay Waiter' Comment

He tells supporters homophobic remarks would have been tolerated 5 years ago

(Newser) - An awkward moment for Joe Biden: At a Seattle fundraiser on Saturday, the 2020 hopeful, speaking about how far gay rights have come in America, suggested that it would have been acceptable just five years ago for somebody at a business lunch to make fun of a gay waiter, the...

Biden Pushes Back After Shots at Civil Rights Stances

Candidate answers Kamala Harris' debate attack

(Newser) - Saying that "30 seconds to 60 seconds on a campaign debate exchange can't do justice to a lifetime commitment to civil rights," Joe Biden defended his record on racial issues Friday. Kamala Harris had forcefully, and emotionally, questioned his past statements and positions during a Democratic presidential...

Some Say It Was a 'Low Blow.' Harris Calls It 'Truth'

Senator addresses criticism against her taking on Joe Biden at Democratic debate

(Newser) - In Thursday night's Democratic debate , one interaction above all caused a hush in the audience: an emotional moment between Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, when the former took the latter on for his recent doubling down on working with segregationist senators in the past, as well as his remarks...

Biden: &#39;Apologize for What?&#39;
Biden: 'Apologize for What?'

Biden: 'Apologize for What?'

He says he 'detested' segregationist senators

(Newser) - Joe Biden is sticking to his guns amid heavy criticism for his remarks about working with Southern segregationist senators . Asked Wednesday if he was planning to apologize for his comments on the "civility" involved in working with the racist Democratic senators in the '70s and '80s, Biden...

Anita Hill's Biden Answer May Be Good News for Him

'Of course I could' vote for him, she says

(Newser) - If there was one person you'd bet won't be sporting a "Vote for Biden" T-shirt during election season, it might be Anita Hill. After all, Hill didn't seem completely won over earlier this year when the former VP called her to express regret (but not to...

Biden, Trump Give Dueling Iowa Speeches

Some big lines and early commentary from both, below

(Newser) - President Trump and 2020 presidential contender Joe Biden gave dueling speeches in Iowa Tuesday—their first time this election cycle campaigning in the same state on the same day, USA Today reports. Big lines from each, starting with Biden, who had three campaign stops in the state. From CNN and...

Joe Biden Does U-Turn on Federal Funding for Abortions

'Folks, times have changed'

(Newser) - Joe Biden is no longer out of step with his Democratic rivals on the Hyde Amendment, which bans federal funding for most abortions. Biden—whose campaign said as recently as Wednesday that he still supports the measure—announced Thursday that he now wants to end the amendment that he defended...

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