immigration reform

Stories 161 - 170 | << Prev 

Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill
Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill

Dems Withdraw Immigration Bill

Bill "on life support" - may revive this year

(Newser) - The hotly contested immigration reform bill collapsed on the Senate floor Thursday, after appearing to survive challenges from detractors in both parties. The measure fell 15 votes short of a move to curtail debate and move toward a final vote. That leaves it stalled, although the New York Times reports...

Immigration Bill Walks Fine Line
Immigration Bill Walks Fine Line

Immigration Bill Walks Fine Line

Senate coalition sees its bipartisan brainchild grow from concept to pending legislation

(Newser) - The "grand bargain"—the compromise on which the proposed immigration bill turns—is the product of a process that saw senators from every point on the political compass unite around a common goal. With the senate scheduled to take up the legislation this week, the LA Times goes...

Problems Plague Immigration Agency
Problems Plague Immigration Agency

Problems Plague Immigration Agency

Critics call for overhaul of inefficient, backlogged operations

(Newser) - The agency that will have to deal with the avalanche of paperwork generated by immigration reform can't handle it, the Washington Post reports today. With over a million citizenship applications already stalled in the pipeline, Citizenship and Immigration (the former INS) faces the possibility that its workload will nearly triple,...

Americans Walk Soft Line on Immigration

Poll shows support for guest-worker programs, path to citizenship

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs, take note: A majority of Americans back key immigration reform proposals  making their way through Congress, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds. Americans across the political spectrum say they support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, and two-thirds back a guest-worker program.

Guest Worker Program Slashed
Guest Worker Program Slashed

Guest Worker Program Slashed

Senate immigration bill is assaulted by amendments from bipartisan critics

(Newser) - Key provisions of the immigration bill were altered yesterday as the Senate passed a raft of amendments designed to make the bill more palatable to critics from both political parties.  Provisions to beef up security at the border  were strengthened, while the guest worker program offering two-year visas to...

Immigration Bill Alarms Employers
Immigration Bill Alarms Employers

Immigration Bill Alarms Employers

Businesses call employee verification program an unfair burden

(Newser) - The new immigration bill now on the Senate floor puts a massive burden on employers, the Wall Street Journal reports, requiring them to verify the papers of all 146 million workers in the US, and stiffening penalties for violations. "It's like throwing a huge net to catch a few...

Senate Brokers Immigration Bill
Senate Brokers Immigration Bill

Senate Brokers Immigration Bill

Bipartisan compromise tackles citizenship, border security, but faces uphill battle on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - Illegal immigrants are offered a path to citizenship for the first time under a new Senate immigration reform package unveiled today. A precarious compromise hammered out by Bush administration officials and top senators, the bill trades hard-line border control measures for controversial provisions like a guest-worker program and a system...

Outsourcing Firms Grab Visas
Outsourcing Firms Grab Visas

Outsourcing Firms Grab Visas

Foreign companies use 30% of H1B visas to train workers in US

(Newser) - H1B visas—intended to bring high-skilled foreign workers to the U.S.—may in fact helping foreign companies to train their workers, two senators argue. Data released by Republicans Dick Durbin and Chuck Grassley indicate that nine Indian outsourcing firms use up 30% of the H1B visas granted each...

Fewer March for Immigration
Fewer March for Immigration

Fewer March for Immigration

(Newser) - Thousands turned out across the country today to rally in favor of a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. But with immigration reform off the table in Washington, their numbers marked a sharp decrease from the 650,000 who congregated last year in L.A. alone.

Guestworker Abuses Cited
Guestworker Abuses Cited

Guestworker Abuses Cited

(Newser) - American employers are systematically exploiting the 120,000 low-skilled guest workers they hire each year, from stealing passports and Social Security cards to consistently underpaying them. “I felt like an animal without claws—defenseless. It is the same as slavery,” says one worker, in a report published today...

Stories 161 - 170 | << Prev