Beau Biden

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Pediatrician Indicted on 471 Counts of Sex Abuse

Videotapes show Earl Bradley abusing 103 victims

(Newser) - Delaware pediatrician Earl Bradley has been indicted on 471 counts of sexual crimes against 103 children. The indictment is based on video and digital evidence showing all of the victims, all but one of whom were girls, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden said. "These were crimes committed against the...

Latest Palin Controversy Is Lefty Hokum
Latest Palin Controversy Is Lefty Hokum

Latest Palin Controversy Is Lefty Hokum

Bloggers rip her bracelet, but it's not what they think

(Newser) - A column on Sarah Palin’s black bracelet has the lefty blogosphere in a full-flamed fury—but it’s a misguided “hit piece,” William Jacobson tut-tuts. Though the bracelet is sometimes used to memorialize a relative or comrade killed in military action (as veteran Eric Robinson writes in...

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans
 Senate Majority in Reach 
 for Republicans 

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans

It's a long shot, but many races competitive, Lieberman could switch

(Newser) - It still isn’t likely—OK?—but suddenly it's "within the realm of speculation” that the Republicans could recapture the Senate in November. With Mark Kirk’s primary win in Illinois and competitive races in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and California, a 10-seat pickup is now a distant possibility, Jim Vandehei...

Beau Biden Decides Against Senate Run
Beau Biden Decides Against Senate Run

Beau Biden Decides Against Senate Run

Democrats had hoped he'd replace dad in Delaware

(Newser) - In a major blow to Democrats, Beau Biden sent an email to supporters telling them that he won’t be running for his dad’s open Senate seat after all. Instead, he’ll try for another term as Delaware’s Attorney General. Democrats had been counting on him to beat...

Meet 2010's Political Dynasty Hopefuls

Reid, Paul, Biden heirs seek to join ranks of Bushes, Kennedys

(Newser) - The 2010 elections will see a big crop of political legacies trying to break into the family business. Children and grandchildren of prominent pols will appear on the ballot in gubernatorial, Senate, and House races across the country, trying to leverage their names into political dynasties, The Hill reports. Here...

Delaware Now the 2010 Senate Race to Watch
Delaware Now the 2010 Senate Race to Watch

Delaware Now the 2010 Senate Race to Watch

GOP's Castle could beat likely foe Beau Biden: Silver

(Newser) - GOP Rep. Mike Castle just made Delaware’s 2010 senatorial election interesting, writes Nate Silver. The former governor threw in yesterday against “hypothetical” opponent Beau Biden for his father’s open seat, and the odds are decent it will change hands. Though the popular moderate Republican could run into...

Dynasty Politics Turning Senate Into House of Lords

The Senate is America's House of Lords Dynasties continue to dominate supposedly democratic politics, especially the Senate

(Newser) - The winning presidential ticket this year was the first since 1976 without a son or grandson of a senator on it. But don’t let that fool you: Royalism is on the rise in American politics, writes Charles Mahtesian for Politico. In the Senate, there are two new Udalls, a...

Beau Biden Declines Dad's Job
 Beau Biden Declines Dad's Job 

Beau Biden Declines Dad's Job

With state's AG saying he plans to keep that job, dance continues over filling Senate seat

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s son put an end to speculation he’ll replace his father in the Senate yesterday, saying he won’t accept any offer and looks forward to returning from Iraq to his position as Delaware’s attorney general, the Wilmington News Journal reports. The vice president-elect has yet...

Biden's Son Will Deploy to Iraq by Month's End

Beau Biden, 39, is captain in Delaware National Guard

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s son Beau, 39, will be sent to Iraq by Thanksgiving, Politico reports. Beau Biden, a captain in the Delaware National Guard and also the state’s attorney general, will leave Fort Bliss, Texas, for the Middle East in the next two weeks with the rest of Delaware’...

Biden Sees Off Iraq-Bound Son
 Biden Sees Off Iraq-Bound Son 

Biden Sees Off Iraq-Bound Son

39-year-old Beau Biden, Delaware's AG, is captain in National Guard

(Newser) - Joe Biden bid farewell today to the Iraq-bound soldiers of the 261st Signal Brigade Mission of the Delaware National Guard, including his eldest son, 39-year-old Beau, a captain. Biden said his son gave him some sage advice for the occasion: “Dad, keep it short, we’re in formation.”...

Biden's Son Headed for Iraq
Biden's Son Headed for Iraq

Biden's Son Headed for Iraq

. . . And maybe dad's Senate seat if he's named Obama's running mate

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s son will be deployed to Iraq on October 3, the Washington Post reports, and while that may be a difficult personal event for Biden, it might boost his already promising case to become Barack Obama’s running mate. “I don’t want him going,” Biden...

Biden's Boy Will Head to Iraq
Biden's Boy Will Head to Iraq

Biden's Boy Will Head to Iraq

Candidate and war critic's son will deploy next year with his National Guard unit

(Newser) - Joe Biden's son will deploy to Iraq with his National Guard brigade in 2008. Capt. Beau Biden, who is the attorney general of Delaware, will not get any special treatment because of his senator (and presidential hopeful) dad, said a spokesman for the Guard. "He's a deployable asset just...

Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev