cardiac arrest

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Boy Goes Into Cardiac Arrest After Biting Into Hot Dog

Doctors say he has Brugada syndrome

(Newser) - When a 9-year-old boy took a big bite out of a hot dog in Turkey, he didn't choke on it—but he still almost died. That's because, as tests following his resuscitation from cardiac arrest revealed, he has a rare genetic condition known as Brugada syndrome, which impairs...

CPR Student Saves Teacher Having a Heart Attack

David Knowles would have likely died without speedy help

(Newser) - David Knowles was leading a class on CPR when he suddenly felt weak and dizzy. As the retired UK nurse lay on the floor, he realized he had little time to tell his students what to do before he passed out, the BBC reports. The group "had asked for...

Time Doesn&#39;t Always Heal a &#39;Broken Heart&#39;
A 'Broken Heart' Might
Never Physically Heal
new study

A 'Broken Heart' Might Never Physically Heal

Scientists find that broken-heart syndrome can have lasting impact

(Newser) - Time may heal wounds for some, but for others, the damage is permanent, and it's physical. So say researchers at the University of Aberdeen after examining MRI scans of the hearts of patients with takotsubo syndrome, otherwise known as broken-heart syndrome. The syndrome, which nine out of 10 times...

Study Pits Drones Against Ambulances, With Clear Winner

Drones beat ambulances to the scene every time in Swedish tests

(Newser) - They're already used by international spies and nosy neighbors. And one day in the future, drones may be used to save lives, Reuters reports. Sweden scientists tested whether a drone could be used to rush defibrillators to people suffering heart attacks. The Karolinska Institute study found that drones beat...

Pot Doubles Risk of a &#39;Stunned&#39; Heart
Pot Doubles Risk
of a 'Stunned' Heart

Pot Doubles Risk of a 'Stunned' Heart

Study links marijuana use with rare condition takotsubo

(Newser) - Marijuana might help you see in the dark , but it might also cause what feels like a heart attack. Researchers from St. Luke's University Health Network say marijuana users are twice as likely to suffer a rare "stunning" of the heart linked to stress, known as stress cardiomyopathy...

A Bite of Salmon Put Him in a Coma. The Waiter Was Arrested

A criminal negligence charge could be the first ever made against a server in Canada

(Newser) - When Quebec resident Simon-Pierre Canuel went to dinner at Le Tapageur restaurant with his partner in late May, he ordered beef tartare and says he repeatedly told their server that he is allergic to seafood. But when he began to eat he quickly realized he'd gotten the salmon tartare...

Parents Sue After Daughter Dies at LA Rave

Katie Dix went without medical treatment for a half-hour, the suit alleges

(Newser) - Katie Dix, the Cal State Channel Islands college student who died of an overdose at a rave at the Los Angeles County fairgrounds last August, allegedly went without medical attention for half an hour after collapsing. She'd suffered a cardiac arrest by the time she arrived at the Pomona...

Teen's Heart Stops After Baseball Hits Him, Then a 'Miracle'

Steve Smith's life may have been saved by a quick-acting teammate

(Newser) - Two Virginia teens are suddenly more than just baseball teammates after a near-death experience during a practice July 14, NBC Washington reports. Steve Smith was running the bases when a throw from the catcher inadvertently nailed him under his left armpit, causing cardiac arrest. “His heart stopped immediately,"...

High-Rise Dwellers More Likely to Die of Heart Attack

In study, not a single person living above the 25th floor survived

(Newser) - As the world's ever-more urban population increasingly lives more than three stories above ground, there may be repercussions for anyone suffering a heart attack at the wrong end of a long elevator ride from the ground floor. Medics and other researchers have analyzed 8,216 cardiac arrests in private...

Study Finds Evidence of Some Form of Life After Death

 Study Finds Evidence 
 of Some Form of 
 Life After Death 
in case you missed it

Study Finds Evidence of Some Form of Life After Death

Largest scientific study of its kind finds awareness can continue for minutes

(Newser) - There have long been stories of near-death or out-of-body experiences, but as researchers at the University of Southampton in the UK note, "objective studies on these experiences are limited." So they decided to investigate whether these claims corresponded with actual events. Their conclusion: It does seem to be...

Church Sees 'Miracle' After Paramedics Revive Man

Pastor led prayer for man suffering cardiac arrest

(Newser) - A man who went into cardiac arrest in a church last Sunday had two forces on his side: paramedics, and the prayers of pastor and congregation. When the man regained a pulse, the latter claimed victory, The Blaze reports. "When they raised the IV I knew that was a...

3-Year-Old Dies After Trip to Dentist

Finley Boyle was supposed to undergo several root canals

(Newser) - When Ashley Boyle took her 3-year-old daughter to Hawaii's Island Dentistry for Children in November, she says she was told the child needed six fillings and four root canals. They returned for the root canals on Dec. 3; on Friday, Finley Boyle died, a month after suffering brain damage...

Woman 'Dead' for 42 Minutes Brought Back to Life

Thanks to high-tech CPR machine

(Newser) - An Australian woman was brought back to life after being clinically dead for 42 minutes, the Herald Sun reports. Vanessa Tanasio, a 41-year-old mother of two, collapsed while getting her kids ready for school a week ago. She'd had a heart attack, and was declared clinically dead soon after...

In Rat Brains, a Clue to Near-Death Experiences

 Clue to Near-Death 
 Experiences Uncovered 
study says

Clue to Near-Death Experiences Uncovered

Scientists find rats' brains go into overdrive after cardiac arrest

(Newser) - A fascinating (and somewhat macabre) new study may explain the so-called "near-death experiences" described by many people. Scientists studied the brains of nine rats as they were being euthanized and found that just after the rats' hearts stopped, their brains became more active than normal, NPR reports. This sort...

Guy Has Heart Attack While Driving, Gets 3 Tickets

And court will only dismiss 2

(Newser) - It sounds like a joke: a doctor's note reading, "Please forgive Mr. Langley's tickets due to his unfortunate experience of having a heart attack seconds prior to having his car accident." But no, this note really was delivered to a New Jersey municipal court, the Asbury ...

Heart Attack Grill Megafan Dies of ... Heart Attack

Restaurant owner shaken, but will not change high-calorie menu

(Newser) - The Heart Attack Grill's owner has no plans to change his menu, even in the face of the death of a man the Las Vegas Sun is calling the restaurant's "unofficial spokesman"—to an apparent heart attack. John Alleman, 52, didn't actually work for the...

Clown Dies in Front of Macy's Parade Viewers

Robert Blasetti went into cardiac arrest while making balloon animals

(Newser) - A sad footnote to yesterday's Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade : A man dressed as a clown died while marching in the event, beside his similarly dressed wife and in front of spectators. The New York Post reports that Robert Blasetti, 67, went into cardiac arrest while making balloon animals...

Odds of Getting CPR Lower in Poor Areas
 Odds of Getting 
 CPR Lower in 
 Poor Areas 
study says

Odds of Getting CPR Lower in Poor Areas

Blacks and Latinos less likely to get help anywhere: study

(Newser) - Sudden cardiac arrest is America's top killer—but in the few minutes after it occurs, CPR can save a life. But cardiac arrest victims in lower-income, largely black neighborhoods are just half as likely to receive CPR as those in wealthier, white neighborhoods, a study finds. Those who suffer...

Heart Attack Side Effect: PTSD
 Heart Attack Side Effect: PTSD 
New Study

Heart Attack Side Effect: PTSD

Research also shows PTSD makes second attack more likely

(Newser) - Having a heart attack can leave you pretty messed up in the head, and being messed up in the head may actually make you more likely to have another heart attack, a new study suggests. By surveying 24 earlier studies, researchers found that roughly one out of every eight patients...

Yes, Tasers Can Cause Death: Study

But sample was only 8 people, Taser rep points out

(Newser) - Tasers can indeed cause cardiac arrest and death, a study shows for the first time. The study, published in the American Heart Association's journal, looked at eight cases involving the Taser X26 ECD; of those eight cases, seven people died. The electronic stun guns can cause an abnormally fast...

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