presidential campaign

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Colbert Nation Rules Facebook
Colbert Nation Rules Facebook

Colbert Nation Rules Facebook

Fictional presidential campaign rocks online fans

(Newser) - The Facebook group "1,000,000 Strong for Stephen T. Colbert" reached a million members in just over a week, making the organization devoted to the comedian's phony presidential campaign the fastest-growing political group in the four-year history of the social networking site. 

We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama
We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama

We Say Osama, Mitt Says Obama

Candidate makes gaffe on the stump

(Newser) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney yesterday confused the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks with the junior senator from Illinois, the New York Times' Caucus blog reports. During a speech on global trade in Greenwood, SC, Romney said, “look at what Osam—uh—Barack Obama, said just yesterday. Barack Obama...

In London, Giuliani Picks Up Cred and Cash

Hopeful meets with three PMs and no shortage of donors

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani left behind the cornfields of Iowa for cosmopolitan London yesterday, where he met with campaign contributors and no fewer than three prime ministers. After a visit to Tony Blair's new offices and to Gordon Brown at No. 10, Giuliani got his most desired photo-op of all, writes the...

Presidential Candidates Play Too Nice

Negative campaigning is more memorable and brings out voters

(Newser) - Except for a few barbs here and there, the 2008 campaign has been as polite as a tea party, and that's not a good thing, reports Reuters. Though many assume negative campaigning turns off voters, it's the negative details that stick and actually spur voters to cast a ballot, researchers...

Elizabeth Edwards Finds Unlikely Ally in Ann Romney

Both battle illness on campaign trail

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards' decision to encourage her husband's presidential campaign despite her diagnosis of incurable breast cancer has drawn considerable controversy. Lambasted by some as a "terrible mother" for leaving her young children at home to join the campaign trail, Edwards soldiers on and has found key support from an...

Hillary Wants Feds, Employers to Share Tab

Follows failed '93 bid with compromise health plan tomorrow

(Newser) - Details of Hillary’s health plan are leaking out before she formally announces them Monday in Iowa. Rather than re-making the system – or imitating her 1993 proposal – she wants the Feds to subsidize some care and employers to pay for the rest. The Wall Street Journal reports that...

Thompson Plays Himself as Everyman
Plays Himself
as Everyman

Thompson Plays Himself as Everyman

Salon columnist parses the candidate's 'I'm just like you' campaign

(Newser) - Since officially entering the presidential race last week, Fred Thompson has pitched Iowans with a stump speech that portrays him as a regular guy who wants to send a message to “those folks in Washington.” Never mind that he’s a rich former senator, lobbyist and actor from...

Thompson Joins Race With 'Grand Entrance'

GOP hopeful plans to clarify his candidacy online tonight

(Newser) - Eight months after his rivals hit the campaign trail, actor and ex-senator Fred Thompson headlined the Tonight Show to announce his run for president. "On the next president's watch, our country will make decisions that will affect our lives and our families far into the future,” he said....

Fred to Appear in Debate — for 30 Seconds

Rivals cast Thompson’s TV ad as NH snub on announcement eve

(Newser) - Fred Thompson will run his first TV ad during tonight’s GOP debate in New Hampshire, and his rivals are taking advantage of one last chance to chide the non-candidate before he officially joins the race tomorrow. Mitt Romney’s spokesman is encouraging Granite State voters to feel neglected: “...

Fred Finally Jumps into the Fray on 'Jay'

Pundits debate whether delay damaged Thompson

(Newser) - Pundits are accusing Fred Thompson of taking too long to announce his candidacy, a step he will take tomorrow night on Jay Leno. Poor fundraising and personnel problems have caught media limelight because Thompson wasn’t on the campaign trail, critics say. An adviser replies: "It's still not yet...

Clinton Plays Goldilocks
Clinton Plays Goldilocks

Clinton Plays Goldilocks

Politico's Simon sees candidate serving voters a steaming bowl of ... porridge

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton works hard to stay in the middle, presenting herself as the "just right" choice between extremes by modulating her language incredibly carefully and emphasizing that she is the only candidate with the experience to effect change. The Politico's Roger Simon looks at a barnstormer so consistent that...

Ann Romney Speaks Out... on Her Family

She keeps things personal, appeals to conservative base

(Newser) - Ann Romney’s image as a demure stay-at-home mom separates her from more "modern" First Lady aspirants – and solidifies Mitt's plan to coax Christian conservatives to the polls, the Boston Globe reports. “His message is going to be, 'Not only am I against abortion and gay marriage,...

Romney: Dubya in Centrist's Clothing

Compassionate- conservative act just that, columnist writes

(Newser) - Mitt Romney’s centrist past and anti-bigot pleasantries are belied by the hardcore conservative base he’s building, writes the American Prospect’s Garance Franke-Ruta. The Republican presidential hopeful's overtures to the middle echo those of George W. Bush's 2000 campaign—in which Bush ultimately won by relying on his...

Rivals Attack Rudy's Record as NY Mayor

Gotham chief soft on immigration, tough on gun control, foes taunt

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani uses his tenure as New York mayor as a badge of courage as he campaigns for the White House, but now his record is being turned against him. Attack ads by GOP rival Mitt Romney portray Giuliani's New York as "sanctuary city" for illegals, while would-contender Fred...

Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'
Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'

Dukakis to Dems: Make 'Chemistry'

Wants local 'captains' to create a personal bond over next candidate

(Newser) - Michael Dukakis compares today’s political climate to the time of his own downfall in 1988, when George Bush Sr. overcame a 17-point deficit and whipped him 426-to-112 in the electoral college. Refusing to feel comfortable with the Dems’ advantage, Dukakis told the New York Observer that "We have...

New Hampshire Could Give McCain a Jolt

Vote-second state has rescued flailing frontrunners before

(Newser) - John McCain’s candidacy may be getting dragged through the mud lately, but the presidential hopeful might have an ace up his electoral sleeve—New Hampshire. The Granite State has a history of rescuing listless frontrunners, the Boston Globe reports, and the straight talker understands the state’s importance better...

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits
Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Obama Would Ease Cuba Travel Limits

Candidate backs looser rules on money transfers, family visits

(Newser) - Barack Obama says that as president, he would reverse the Bush administration's increased restrictions on travel to Cuba, the AP reports. Visiting or sending money to relatives on the Communist-controlled island became more difficult in 2004, a policy change the candidate calls "strategically blundering" in an op-ed published in...

Iowa-Minded Candidates Learn to Love Ethanol

Doubts take back seat to politics

(Newser) - To a presidential candidate who has an eye on Iowa—and who among them can afford not to?—ethanol is a political home run. The Hawkeye State hosts 28 refineries, and every one of the ’08 hopefuls has duly supported some form of ethanol subsidies. This despite the fact...

Dems Pal Around in Iowa
Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Frontrunners dominate Iowa event

(Newser) - In a more-amiable-than-usual war of words, the Democrats debated this morning in Iowa, the locale of the pivotal first primary. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards dominated the 90-minute discussion moderated by ex-Bill Clinton aide George Stephanopolous, the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza reports, playing it safe as the lower-tier...

Michigan to Shift Primary to Jan. 15

Move forces New Hampshire earlier; Iowa mulls December

(Newser) - Michigan is about to move its 2008 presidential primary to January 15th, sources inside the state Democratic and Republican parties tell MSNBC. A bill shifting the date will go before the state senate next week. The move will provoke other early states to move to earlier—as early as December—...

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