presidential campaign

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Turmoil Claims McCain's Media Team
Turmoil Claims McCain's
Media Team

Turmoil Claims McCain's Media Team

Exodus continues in wake of shakeup at top of campaign staff

(Newser) - In the latest defections from John McCain's faltering campaign, his two-man media team has resigned. The ad-making duo, who are veterans of President Bush's campaigns, told friends they hadn't been paid and had no idea when they would be, the Journal reports. McCain planned to begin running ads this fall,...

Fake Obama Group Keeps Donations
Fake Obama Group Keeps Donations

Fake Obama Group Keeps Donations

Impostor organization says it never misled supporters

(Newser) -  "Californians for Obama"  has raised thousands of dollars, but the candidate hasn't seen any of it. In fact, the group isn't affiliated with Obama, the San Francisco Chronicle reports, and most of the dough has gone to founder Emmett Cash. Because the group's website doesn't claim an...

Paul Challenges GOP Agenda on Campaign Trail

"Lone wolf''s" campaign gains traction with the young and wired

(Newser) - Most Americans know him—if at all— as the firebrand Texas congressman who’s always pushed to the end of the line during debates. Ron Paul flounders at the bottom of national polls, but he's is the most “friended” Republican on And he's the lone GOP presidential...

Obama Says Hillary Is Old News
Obama Says Hillary Is
Old News

Obama Says Hillary Is Old News

Brands rival as candidate of the past, himself as for the future

(Newser) - Presidential hopeful Barack Obama took a swipe yesterday at his main Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, saying  "change can't just be a slogan" --a reference to the slogan she introduced just a few days ago, "Ready for Change, Ready to Lead."  In fact, her approach is more...

Giuliani Grabs Biggest Slice of Campaign Pie

Rudy rakes in $17M, but Q2's a downer for the GOP

(Newser) - Score one for America's mayor: Rudy Giuliani was the top Republican fundraiser in the second quarter, pulling in nearly $3 million more than runner-up Mitt Romney. Giuliani raised $17M; Romney added $6.5M of his own money to a $14M take. John McCain brought in only $11M, widening the cash...

Bill Stumps With Hillary in Iowa
Bill Stumps
With Hillary
in Iowa

Bill Stumps With Hillary in Iowa

Steps into helpmate role as she struggles to regain momentum

(Newser) - Bill Clinton is trying out the role of doting husband on a campaign swing through Iowa this week. Their first joint appearances  seem aimed to boost Hillary's likability and cut that 50% disapproval rating. Bill offers a warm introduction, affectionate hugs, and the claim that his wife is better qualified...

McCain Hopes on Life Support
McCain Hopes on Life Support

McCain Hopes on Life Support

Lack of funds, party backing crippling White House run

(Newser) - John McCain's presidential campaign is barely clinging to life following a paltry $11-million fundraising effort in the second quarter, a symptom of lack of party support, the Politico reports. Once a frontrunner, McCain has alienated the GOP faithful with stands his handlers characterize as principled but unpopular, such as his...

Senate Post Won Thompson Sons Top Lobby Job$

Access to dad kickstarts kids' careers

(Newser) - Fred Thompson's two sons won lucrative jobs as lobbyists after their father became a Senator, despite having next to no qualifications for the work, the New York Times reports. The information could prove embarrassing to the Thompson campaign as the GOP presidential candidate strives to present himself as a reformer...

Obama Draws $32.5M in Campaign Cash

Surges past Hillary's $28M in second-quarter fundraising

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised $32.5 million in total campaign contributions in the second quarter of 2007, handily beating Hillary Clinton's powerhouse fundraising machine to lead the Democratic pack, the Washington Post reports. Some 154,000 contributors, most giving relatively moderate amounts, ponied up for the campaign while Clinton raised an...

Hillary Hunts for the Human Touch
Hillary Hunts
for the
Human Touch

Hillary Hunts for the Human Touch

Slate parses candidate Clinton’s likability gap

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has experience and leadership to spare, but she’s battling innate appearances just to be liked, Slate’s John Dickerson says. No one thinks Clinton's a shrinking violet—pollees call her tougher than former POW John McCain—but she struggles on the "softer" qualities, like, say, appearing...

Romney 'Tortured' Family Dog
Romney 'Tortured' Family Dog

Romney 'Tortured' Family Dog

Pet on roof rack for 12-hour ride

(Newser) - White House hopeful Mitt Romney once kept his Irish Setter in a dog carrier strapped to the roof rack of the family car during a 12-hour road trip in a stunt that's come back to haunt his campaign 24 years later, Time reports. The incident came to light as an...

Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter
Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter

Elizabeth Edwards Calls Out Coulter

Candidate's wife asks columnist politely to back off the nastiness

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards tried to coax conservative hellcat Ann Coulter into toning down the personal attacks on political candidates yesterday, calling in to "Hardball with Chris Matthews" while Coulter was on. Edwards entreated Coulter to cut the character assassination and focus on issues. Coulter shot back that Edwards' call was...

Rudy Woos Religious Right
Rudy Woos Religious Right

Rudy Woos Religious Right

But doesn't mention gays, intelligent design or the "A" word

(Newser) - White House hopeful Rudy Giuliani managed to made a campaign stop at one of the evangelical capitals of America without once mentioning  abortion, same sex marriage or intelligent design, Salon reports. Giuliani, who appeared at Pat Robertson's Regent University, is struggling to win the votes of social conservatives without flip-flopping...

Faith, Family, Tragedy Shaped Young Romney

A Mormon in the '60s, his was a world of privilege, not comfort

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, once liberal Massachusetts governor and now conservative presidential candidate, grew up in a family of privilege. But it was a family always conscious that mainstream acceptance of the Mormon faith was fragile. The leave-it-to-beaver Romney was confused by sixties strife he saw at Stanford, the Boston Globe reports,...

Elizabeth Edwards Backs Gay Marriage

But John's 'conflicted'

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards became the first potential White House resident yesterday to support gay marriage at an event kicking off San Francisco's Gay Pride Parade. Edwards declared she's "completely comfortable" with the idea, even though her husband isn't, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. John Edwards supports civil unions, but opposes...

Neither NY Mayor Is White House Worthy

TNR questions both hizzoners' credentials

(Newser) - Deeming New York City "several light years away from the heart of America," New Republic writer Michelle Cottle assaults the qualifications of Mayors Rudy Giuliani and Michael Bloomberg to be president. Cottle calls Rudy's leadership style the "pugilistic, divisive, f-you approach" and Mike "the perfect presidential...

Edwards Org Tested Meaning of ‘Charity’

Nonprofit not just soapbox, but financial platform for '08 run

(Newser) - After the Kerry-Edwards loss in 2004, John Edwards launched two nonprofits, ostensibly to fight poverty—but one of  them was devoted primarily to keeping Edwards himself in the public eye. The New York Times asks whether Edwards crossed a legal line, using the foundation, the Center for Promise and Opportunity,...

Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid
Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid

Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid

Voters wary; rivals quick to take advantage (and apologize later)

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is still having to explain and defend his religion on the campaign trail. In recent weeks, staffers for two GOP rivals sent out e-mails questioning Mormon beliefs (the candidates later apologized), notes ABC News. And Romney himself has had to battle misconceptions about his faith, especially with regard...

For Giuliani, Things Go Better Without Coke

Campaign axes SC chairman in wake of federal drug rap

(Newser) - The South Carolina state treasurer's drug problem is reverberating in New York, where the Giuliani campaign severed ties with volunteer state chairman Thomas Ravenel after his indictment yesterday on federal cocaine-trafficking charges. The campaign said the real estate millionaire "has stepped down from his volunteer responsibilities," and the...

Clintons Score a Mafia Hit
Clintons Score a Mafia Hit

Clintons Score a Mafia Hit

Does she get whacked? You'll never find out!

(Newser) - A new Hillary 2008 viral ad is exploring the senator's Family ties. The Clinton campaign posted an already-ubiquitous video yesterday, starring Bill and Hillary and parodying the final scene of the Sopranos—down to the diner, the suspicious goon, and the sudden blackout. Hil seems determined lately to prove she...

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