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Galaxy Tab Not 'Cool' Enough to Be iPad Ripoff

British court rules in favor of Samsung

(Newser) - Samsung won a bittersweet victory in a British court today: A judge ruled that Samsung's Galaxy Tab wasn't an Apple rip-off, but only because it was entirely too stodgy to be mistaken for the iPad, reports Bloomberg . The Samsung gadgets "do not have the same understated and...

Sorry, Apple: Court OKs Galaxy Nexus Sales

...for now

(Newser) - Apple's two-week-old legal victories have just been cut in half. In late June, a judge halted US sales of two Samsung products, the Galaxy Nexus smartphone and the Galaxy Tab 10.1. But on Friday an appeals court rejected the preliminary injunction on the Nexus, Wired reports, though it...

Apple Chalks Up 2nd Win Against Samsung

Judge halts US sales of Galaxy Nexus

(Newser) - The week ended Apple, 2; Samsung, 0. US District Judge Lucy Koh followed Tuesday's preliminary injunction against the sale of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 by issuing another preliminary injunction yesterday, this time against the sale of the Galaxy Nexus phone, reports Reuters . Per Koh's ruling: "Apple...

Apple Wins Big: Judge Bans Sales of Samsung Tablet

Galaxy Tab 10.1 ruling marks Apple's 'greatest victory yet' in patent battle

(Newser) - The Galaxy Tab 10.1 is such an iPad rip-off that it can no longer be sold in the US, a district court judge announced yesterday, issuing a preliminary injunction against the sale of Samsung's tablet. Samsung "does not have a right to compete unfairly by flooding the...

Samsung Hits Record Profit
 Samsung Hits Record Profit 

Samsung Hits Record Profit

Thanks to its array of smartphones

(Newser) - Samsung Electronics today reported that Q4 was its most profitable quarter ever, thanks mostly to skyrocketing smartphone sales. Samsung is projected to have shipped 35 million smartphones in the fourth quarter, after surpassing Apple in Q3 as the world's top smartphone purveyor, Reuters reports. Those sales helped fuel a...

Samsung Sues Apple to Block iPhone 4S Sales

Lawsuits filed in Japan and Australia

(Newser) - Samsung fired another salvo in its legal war with Apple today, filing suits in Japan and Australia to try to prevent iPhone 4S sales there—on top of similar suits already filed in France and Italy. Each suit revolves around a different patent Samsung says Apple is infringing, the Wall ...

Samsung Will Try to Ban iPhone 5 Sales

Official reveals lawsuit plan: report

(Newser) - Samsung’s latest move in its epic battle with Apple : File lawsuits attempting to block the sale of the iPhone 5. A local paper cites a Samsung official who says the company will take strategic legal action against Apple as it is expected to begin selling the phone next month....

To Prove It Didn't Copy iPad, Samsung Cites Kubrick Film

Argues Apple shouldn't have been granted iPad design patent in first place

(Newser) - In the ongoing patent battle waged by Samsung and Apple, score one point for Samsung—at least in terms of originality. Apple is arguing that the design of Samsung's products is too similar to that of its iPhone and iPad. Samsung, in turn, is trying to argue that it'...

Samsung Sues to Ban iPhone, iPad Sales in US

Lawsuit battle grows between the tech giants

(Newser) - Apple took its lawsuit duel with Samsung to Samsung's home turf of South Korea last week, so now Samsung is stepping up its counterattack in Apple's home, filing a complaint with the International Trade Commission to stop the sale of Apple iPhones and iPads in the United States....

Apple Sues Galaxy Maker Samsung Over iPad, iPhone Patents in South Korea
 Apple Sues Samsung Again 

Apple Sues Samsung Again

Follows US suit over similarities between iPads, iPhones, Galaxy series

(Newser) - Apple and Samsung continue trading lawsuits around the world: Now, Apple has filed a new patent-infringement suit in South Korea against its tablet-making rival. Apple has already filed a suit against Samsung in the US, holding that the firm’s Galaxy gadgets “slavishly” copy Apple’s own; Samsung, for...

First Tweet From Everest ... Is a Commercial

Climber Kenton Cool raves about his Samsung phone

(Newser) - Mount Everest got 3G coverage last year , so it was only a matter of time before we started getting high-altitude tweets from the summit. The first one has arrived, reports Mashable . It comes courtesy of British climber Kenton Cool, who skips the scenic stuff and gets right to business: "...

Samsung Fires Back, Sues Apple

Files suit for smartphone, computer patent violations

(Newser) - After Apple launched a trademark lawsuit against Samsung, it’s the South Korean firm’s turn to sue. Samsung is suing Apple in Seoul, Tokyo, and Germany over patent violations, the Wall Street Journal reports. The Korean tech company says Apple—one of its leading buyers of chips and other...

Samsung Ripped Off iPhone, iPad: Apple Suit

Apple alleges competitor 'blatantly' copied iPhone, iPad

(Newser) - Samsung's Galaxy smartphone bears more than a passing resemblance to the iPhone, says Apple, and Steve Jobs and Co are slapping its rival with a lawsuit that claims "slavish" and "blatant copying" on Samsung's part. In addition, the Apple lawsuit alleges the Galaxy tablet is a...

Introducing the Planet's Worst Cell Phone

Everything about the 'truly dreadful' Samsung Craft is a 'nightmare'

(Newser) - MetroPCS is a cell phone carrier known mostly for its low cost—so when it announced plans to offer 4G coverage, for a cheaper price than most other carriers charge for 3G, and introduced a 4G phone, it "sounded too good to be true" to Farhad Manjoo. "And,...

Android World's No. 1 Smartphone Platform

Passes Symbian; iPhone at No. 3

(Newser) - Google’s Android is now the world’s most popular smartphone platform, having edged past Nokia’s Symbian in the fourth quarter of 2010. Vendors shipped 33.3 million Android-based phones that quarter, beating Symbian’s 31 million, a report out today finds. That’s good news for Android phone...

Samsung Manual Helps You Fake a Phone Call

... to get you out of awkward conversations

(Newser) - A feature that's apparently been around a while on Samsung phones is getting lots of buzz this week after someone on Reddit spotted a how-to in a user's manual. It includes a handy section on "Fake Calls"—making your phone ring in simulation of a real incoming call—...

Microsoft Unveils Windows 7 Phones

Here's a rundown of the various devices

(Newser) - Microsoft unveiled its new Windows Phone 7 operating system today, showing off a whopping nine phones that will feature it (you can see most of them in the photo gallery). The wide launch presents a not-so-subtle counterpoint to Apple’s monolithic iPhone model, CNET observes. “The phones are always...

Epic 4G May Put Sprint on Top
 Epic 4G May Put Sprint on Top 
Tech Review

Epic 4G May Put Sprint on Top

Reviewers loving hefty, feature-packed Sprint device

(Newser) - Sprint has been the punching bag of the mobile world for a while now, but that may be changing thanks to its lightning-fast 4G WiMax network—and the spiffy new Android smartphones that use it. First there was the HTC EVO, and now comes the Epic, part of Samsung’s...

3-D Glasses Here for the Long Haul

High-tech viewing will require low-tech eyewear for at least another decade

(Newser) - 3-D television is a reality: LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony will be selling sets by the end of the year. But they'll all require viewers to wear 3-D glasses to get the full effect. 3-D for the naked eye is under intense development that's expected to take at least another...

Luxury Vacation of Future: Aircruises

Inventive company unveils design for a 21st-century airship

(Newser) - Cruise passengers of the near future could be floating above the Earth in colossal kite-shaped craft if design firm Seymourpowell's plans take off from the drawing board. The firm, whose work was sponsored by Samsung, says its Aircruise concept could someday be a leisurely, environmentally friendly alternative to flying for...

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