
Stories 21 - 32 | << Prev 

1 in 5 Teens Has Hearing Loss
 1 in 5 Teens Has Hearing Loss 
Study says

1 in 5 Teens Has Hearing Loss

Are earbuds to blame?

(Newser) - Oh no, mom was right: It looks like those always-blaring headphones actually are hurting our ears. A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association finds that one in five American teens now suffer some form of hearing loss, a 31% rise since researchers studied the phenomenon...

Say What? Convertibles Harm Hearing

Noise can reach damaging 90 decibels at 50 mph

(Newser) - Tearing down the road in a convertible with the wind whipping at your ears exacts the same kind of hearing damage as listening to a pile driver, scientists warn. Noise from the engine, road, traffic and wind can be as high as 90 decibels at speeds of 50 mph and...

Moviegoer Shoots Man for Talking
Shoots Man
for Talking

Moviegoer Shoots Man for Talking

He pulls gun while trying to watch Benjamin Button

(Newser) - A Philadelphia man attempting to watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button in peace resorted to violence, shooting the father of a family that was talking during the film, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports. The father survived the gunshot wound to his arm, while the attacker was charged with attempted murder,...

Noisy Humans 'Drowning Out' Marine Mammals

Report urges humans to turn down industrial volume in world's oceans

(Newser) - Whales and dolphins are seriously suffering from the noise that human industry and militaries release into the ocean, an animal-welfare group warns—and we need to turn the volume down before we do irreversible damage. Sonar is implicated for mass stranding and deaths of whales and dolphins, the BBC reports,...

Brains Get Noisier as They Age
Brains Get
Noisier as
They Age

Brains Get Noisier as They Age

Study finds neural complexity generates more cranial static

(Newser) - Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean your brain isn't making noise. It is, and scientists using high-tech gear to record it have now discovered that it increases as you mature, reports LiveScience. A comparison of noise generated by groups of children and young adults indicates that brain noise,...

Noise Pollution Getting Louder and More Dangerous

Racket causing thousands of deaths, says WHO, and governments are slow to help

(Newser) - Ear-splitting car alarms, predawn street cleaners, ubiquitous leaf-blowers, and other forms of noise pollution are louder than ever and posing a genuine risk to people's health, writes Katharine Mieszkowski in Salon. Loud noises damage hearing, raise blood pressure, ruin sleep, and, in fact, cause tens of thousands of deaths a...

NBA Game Or the Circus?
 NBA Game Or the Circus? 

NBA Game Or the Circus?

Is all the noise and spectacle necessary? Fans, players, coaches are torn

(Newser) - Cleveland's Q is one of the loudest arenas in basketball, filled with fire and smoke and ear-shattering music. But it's hardly unique among NBA venues. After Commissioner David Stern recently wondered whether teams were getting a smidge carried away, the Plain Dealer takes a look at the pros and cons...

Bluetooth Gets a Makeover
 Gets a 

Bluetooth Gets a Makeover

Walter Mossberg reviews Aliph and Plantronics new offerings

(Newser) - As more states push “hands-free” rules on drivers, ridiculous-looking wireless headsets only get more common. But two firms, Aliph and Plantronics, are attempting to address that. While the Wall Street Journal’s Walter Mossberg finds the “jewelry-esque” makeover of both models pleasing, it’s the functionality of Aliph’...

Top Model Argument Leads to Stabbing

Woman who wouldn't stop talking during show now in hospital

(Newser) - A Seattle woman allegedly attacked an acquaintance who refused to stop talking loudly over an airing of America's Next Top Model, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer reports. The ensuing scuffle got bloody when the upset attacker pulled a paring knife from an apple and stabbed the 42-year-old victim in the chest and...

Shhh! Europe Law Forces Orchestras to Tone It Down

Noise legislation means musicians are playing musical chairs, the real game

(Newser) - A new law in Europe to protect employees from ear-damaging noises is stifling a surprise industry—orchestras. Conductors are taking it down a notch to comply, in one case canceling a world premiere because it exceeded the allowable decibels in rehearsal, the New York Times reports. At the Royal Opera...

Jet Noise Linked to Heart Risks
Jet Noise Linked to Heart Risks

Jet Noise Linked to Heart Risks

Aircraft may cause hypertension, heart attacks

(Newser) - People who live near airports may be at risk for stroke, heart failure, heart attack and kidney failure, according to a new study. Research funded by the European Commission found that aircraft noise significantly increases blood pressure, even while victims are asleep, potentially triggering a wide range of health problems,...

Rescuers Hear 'Noise' in Mine
Rescuers Hear 'Noise' in Mine

Rescuers Hear 'Noise' in Mine

Crews start drilling toward unknown sound

(Newser) - Rescuers digging for men who have been trapped underground for 10 days heard noise inside the mine today, prompting crews to drill a fourth hole in the sound's direction. They described hearing 5 minutes of “noise” through seismic geophones, ignighting some hope in an otherwise-discouraging rescue effort. "There's...

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