tax cuts

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Palin Writes Tax Figure on Hand to 'Avoid' Looking Stupid

'Liberals will say I don't know what I'm talkin' about'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is writing on her hand again, this time so she can remember a tax hike number while she skewers the Democrats on Fox TV. She lambasted President Obama's move to let the Bush administration's tax cuts for the rich expire at the end of the year, and claimed...

How Obama Can Save His Presidency
 How Obama Can 
 Save His Presidency 
william kristol

How Obama Can Save His Presidency

In three simple steps!

(Newser) - President Obama is on the path to a "failed presidency," writes William Kristol, but luckily for him, Kristol offers three easy steps to success in the Weekly Standard :
  • Freeze the Bush tax cuts for 2 years: "There would be some ineffectual sniping from the left, but it

Bush's Tax Cuts Need to Go

 Bush's Tax 
 Cuts Need 
 to Go 
Ruth Marcus

Bush's Tax Cuts Need to Go

Republicans seem to have lost touch with fiscal reality

(Newser) - Republicans seem to have two beliefs about taxes: First, taxes can go down, but never up, and second, no matter how high taxes are, they’re too high. That stance is “intransigently divorced from reality,” writes Ruth Marcus of the Washington Post . Just as Democrats have to accept...

Our Economy: Damned If We Do, Damned If We Don't
Our Economy: Damned If We Do, Damned If We Don't
steven pearlstein

Our Economy: Damned If We Do, Damned If We Don't

Short-term fixes needed, but they hurt our long-term prospects

(Newser) - Steven Pearlstein surveys the mess of our economy and finds that we're in quite a pickle: "To fix the economy in the long run, we have to weaken it in the short run—yet weakening it in the short run makes it just that much harder to fix it...

Um, Guys, Taxes Are Lower This Year

That could change in the future, however

(Newser) - Believe it or not, tea partiers, your taxes probably went down this year. Soon after Barack Obama took office, those tax-and-spend Democrats cut individuals’ federal taxes by roughly $173 billion, the AP reports, which should more than make up for any tax increases states were forced to push through to...

Reuters Kills Budget Story on WH Complaints

Pulled story said Obama budget had backdoor tax hikes

(Newser) - Reuters pulled an article suggesting President Obama's budget blueprint included backdoor tax increases last night after the news agency received complaints from the White House. The Reuters story was "falsely stating that the president's budget raises taxes for middle-class families, when in fact the opposite is true," a...

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains
 Working Class Picks 
 Wrong Villains 

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains

(Newser) - When the tea party protesters converged on Washington, one leader, radio demagogue Mark Williams, repeatedly described them as “working stiffs” who felt left out. It’s no wonder they’re angry, writes Timothy Egan for the New York Times, because it’s been a lost decade for “working...

House Dems' Health Plan Half the Cost of Bush Tax Cuts

Cuts to cost $2.1 trillion over a decade; Dems' plan to cost $1 trillion

(Newser) - The House Democrats’ health care plan would cost just half of what President Bush’s tax cuts cost the country, a report by left-leaning researchers says. While the analysts project Bush’s cuts will cost $2.1 trillion in lost revenue over the 10 years since they were enacted, the...

Biden: Recovery Act Is Working
 Biden: Recovery Act Is Working 

Biden: Recovery Act Is Working

Critics attacking 'pet programs' have 'misconstrued' the effort

(Newser) - Those who dismiss the Recovery Act as “being spent on pet programs” are wrong, writes the man tasked with administering it. Writing in a New York Times op-ed, VP Joe Biden contends that the stimulus has “brought us back from the precipice.” Two-thirds of it “goes...

GOP Pushes Budget With Tax Cuts, $500B Deficit

Alternative budget overhauls Medicare but repeals Obama spending

(Newser) - House Republicans are pushing an alternative budget plan that would cut income tax rates and radically overhaul Medicare, the AP reports. The plan unveiled today by Paul Ryan of Wisconsin also freezes overall spending on domestic programs and repeals most of the spending in President Obama's recently passed economic stimulus...

Obama: Make Middle-Class Tax Cuts Permanent

Geithner defends Treasury handling of AIG bonuses

(Newser) - President Obama hit the Sunday talk show circuit today, vowing to push Congress for a permanent middle-class tax cut for as long as it takes. “I strongly believe that we should continue those tax cuts,” Obama told CBS’ Face the Nation. “It’s still the right thing...

Obama Budget Taxes Wealthy to Expand Health Care

Projects deficit will soar to $1.75T

(Newser) - President Obama's budget plan, which he delivers to Congress today, attempts to balance a broad spending program with a commitment to slash the deficit in half by the end of his first term. It calls for tax increases on the wealthy and spending cuts to fund a "down payment"...

Obama: We'll Feel Tax Cuts by April 1

Families to bring home $65 more per month, says prez

(Newser) - Americans will see tangible results from the stimulus—more money in their wallets—by April 1, President Obama said today in his weekly radio address. “Never before in our history has a tax cut taken effect faster or gone to so many hardworking Americans,” he said. The Treasury...

Don't Like the Stimulus? Don't Take the Cash
Don't Like the Stimulus? Don't Take the Cash 

Don't Like the Stimulus? Don't Take the Cash

Opponents can be 'guinea pigs' for alternate plans: Begala

(Newser) - Here’s a clear way for political leaders to oppose spending in the stimulus package: “refuse to take the money,” Paul Begala writes for CNN. Case in point: South Carolina’s governor, who opposes the plan, shouldn’t help his struggling state with federal cash. Instead, he can...

Sarkozy Disses Brown, Vows to Avoid British 'Mistakes'

Paris tries to smooth over diplomatic rift after president's interview

(Newser) - Nicolas Sarkozy used a 90-minute TV interview last night to defend his handling of the global economic downturn—and swore to avoid the "mistakes" of his frequent ally, Gordon Brown. The French president claimed the Brit's decision to cut sales tax had "absolutely not worked." This morning...

Senate Backs $15K Tax Break for Homebuyers

(Newser) - The Senate voted tonight to give a tax break of up to $15,000 to homebuyers in hopes of revitalizing the housing industry. The move is a victory for Republicans eager to leave their mark on the mammoth economic stimulus bill. The proposal would allow a tax credit of 10...

What the Stimulus Package Would Get Us

$800 billion, $647-page tome means big gov't again

(Newser) - President Obama’s $800 billion stimulus plan—which stood at 647 pages when it passed the House last week—signals a return to “unabashed” big government, the Los Angeles Times reports. Here’s what it means:
  • For the next 2 years, individuals making under $75,000 will get a

Obama Tells GOP Foes on Stimulus: 'I Won'

(Newser) - President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus plan today, then calmly reminded them that "I won," Politico reports. The GOP is seeking more middle-class tax cuts, among other things, and says the spending package is too large. Further negotiations are planned, but Dems appear to be...

House Dems Debut $825B Stimulus Bill

Public works, education get plenty of attention in measure

(Newser) - House Democrats today introduced a long-awaited stimulus package, developed with President-elect Obama, and totaling $825 billion, the New York Times reports. The economic recovery plan includes billions in tax cuts, Medicare subsidies, and public-education and infrastructure spending. The Senate is developing its own version, and vigorous debate is anticipated as...

Dems Don't Like Obama Tax Cuts
Dems Don't Like Obama Tax Cuts

Dems Don't Like Obama Tax Cuts

Hill leaders doubt plan's stimulus power, say prez-elect trying too hard to woo GOP

(Newser) - Barack Obama's proposed tax cuts are opening a rift with his former congressional colleagues, the Hill reports. Democratic lawmakers are skeptical as to whether the cuts—which are 40% of the proposed stimulus package—will give the economy the necessary boost. Some think the president-elect is trying too hard to...

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