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Women of SCOTUS Get Interrupted 3 Times as Much

Interrupt the
Women a Lot

Men of SCOTUS Interrupt the Women a Lot

Female justices interrupted more often than men, researchers say

(Newser) - Even if there were an equal number of male and female justices on the Supreme Court, a new study suggests the sexes wouldn't have an equal voice. Researchers at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law say female justices simply "do not have an equal opportunity to be heard"...

'O Canada' Gets a Gender-Neutral Version

It's not all about the 'sons' anymore

(Newser) - Robert Stanley Weir worked up an English translation of the French "O Canada" in 1908, and it soon became the Great White North's most popular English version (and, in 1980, the national anthem). It's gone through minor tweaks since its first choruses, but a rather major one...

'Non-Binary' Is Now a Legal Gender in Oregon

'I'm a mixture of both; I consider myself as a third sex'

(Newser) - In what may be a first-of-its-kind ruling in the US, an Oregon court ruled Friday that Portland resident Jamie Shupe is officially and legally neither male nor female but non-binary, Jezebel reports. According to the Oregonian , the 52-year-old Army veteran was assigned the male gender at birth but never felt...

Girls Beat Boys in Federal Tech Test

But only 43% of 21,500 students tested as technologically literate

(Newser) - For the first time, a federal test measured tech skills for America's students—and the girls handily beat the boys in nearly every category, per US News & World Report . On the National Assessment of Educational Progress engineering and technology exam, given in 2014 to 21,500 eighth-graders from...

Women Deemed Better Coders— if Not IDed as Women

Study of GitHub developers shows possible link to gender bias

(Newser) - When a group of student computer scientists decided to test their hypothesis that software coding done by women doesn't get as much cred as that done by males, they came face to face with a couple of surprises. In the not-yet-peer-reviewed study published in the open-access PeerJ journal, researchers...

Ancient Tree Has 'Surprise' Sex Change

The Fortingall Yew suddenly sprouts berries

(Newser) - One of Europe's oldest surviving organisms is having a "sex change"—and growing pretty red berries to boot. A yew tree in Scotland that's thousands of years old has grown three seed-bearing berries, marking it as "female" for the first time on record, the Guardian...

Turns Out, We Crave Sexist Food Packaging
Turns Out, We Crave Sexist Food Packaging

Turns Out, We Crave Sexist Food Packaging

We apparently think healthy food is feminine, unhealthy food is masculine

(Newser) - Are advertisers telling us that healthy food is inherently feminine and unhealthy food is masculine, or is this some ingrained, preconceived notion from deep in our hungry little souls? Reporting in the journal Social Psychology , researchers at the University of Manitoba say in an article titled "Macho Nachos" that...

Target Ditching Girls' and Boys' Labels on Toys

Company decides it's time for GI Joe and Barbie to get to know each other

(Newser) - The days of girls' toys and boys' toys are over—from now on they're all just toys, at least at Target. The company says it will be getting rid of all gender-based signs in its toy sections in the coming months, Time reports. Pink and blue shelves are going,...

You Guys, Stop Saying &#39;You Guys&#39;
 You Guys, 
 Stop Saying 
 'You Guys' 

You Guys, Stop Saying 'You Guys'

Vox writer says oft-used phrase promotes sexism, even if it's not intentional

(Newser) - Jenee Desmond-Harris admits that she used to start many of her social media posts with the informal and conversational "you guys" greeting, and her initial reaction to the idea of banishing the phrase was "oh, come on." But now she's ready to purge the popular phrase...

Boys Dressed as Women Told to Change or Leave School

Even though they'd been told to wear celebrity costumes

(Newser) - A school in Washington state asked students to dress up as celebrities—but after two boys arrived dressed as Miss America and Nikki Minaj, they were urged to ditch the costumes or leave, King 5 reports. "If they really wanted Spirit Week, why punish somebody for being spirited?" asks...

Teen Sues to Retake DMV Photo With Makeup

Chase Culpepper wears makeup and women's clothing

(Newser) - A 16-year-old in South Carolina wants a driver's license photo redo—but not to look better. Chase Culpepper, who describes himself as "gender nonconforming," says he wears makeup and women's clothing and jewelry every day, and that when he was forced to take off the makeup...

Girl's 70mph Arm Leads Team to Little League World Series

13-year-old pitches shutout

(Newser) - Thanks to Mo’Ne Davis, "you throw like a girl" is now a compliment. The 13-year-old pitched a shutout against a Delaware team yesterday, leading her Philadelphia squad—the Taney Dragons—to the Little League World Series, reports the AP . Mo’Ne struck out six with help from her...

Sexism Makes Female-Named Storms Deadlier
 Storms Kill More 
study says

Female-Named Storms Kill More

We're not as afraid of them, don't prepare as much, study finds

(Newser) - Our hurricane-naming system taps into an unconscious sexism—and the results are potentially disastrous, researchers say. A study suggests that when we hear a female name for a hurricane, we're less worried, and thus less likely to prepare adequately, than we would be if the name were male, the...

India Recognizes a Third Gender

Transgender recognition a 'human rights issue': high court

(Newser) - In a major Supreme Court decision today, India is changing the way it defines gender. Transgender people are now officially considered a third gender, along with male and female, the Washington Post reports. "Recognition of transgenders as a third gender is not a social or medical issue but a...

Christian School Warns Girl, 8: You're Too Boyish

Sunnie Kahle removed from school after letter

(Newser) - An 8-year-old girl's grandparents received a warning letter from her western Virginia school: Sunnie Kahle, the letter suggested, isn't feminine enough—and risked getting kicked out of the institution. "We believe that unless Sunnie as well as her family clearly understand that God has made her female...

Facebook Offering Users 50 Gender Options
 Offering Users 
 50 Gender Options 
besides male, female

Facebook Offering Users 50 Gender Options

Users no longer have to identify as just male or female

(Newser) - Facebook is giving users more options than just "male" and "female" to describe themselves on the social network—a lot more. Starting today, the company will allow any of 50 different gender terms to be used, including androgynous, bi-gender, intersex, gender fluid, and transsexual, the AP reports. In...

Iran's Women Soccer Players Told to Take Gender Tests

And a few have already failed, officials say

(Newser) - Think mandatory PED testing in baseball is bad? Players in Iran's professional female soccer leagues will have to undergo gender tests to make sure they're really female, the Telegraph reports. The ruling comes after a few top players, including four on the national team, turned out to be...

Germany Creates 3rd Gender
 Germany Creates 3rd Gender 

Germany Creates 3rd Gender

Baby can be 'indeterminate' at birth

(Newser) - Baby boy or baby girl? As of today, parents in Germany have the option of choosing neither, leaving the gender spot on their newborn's birth certificate blank if the baby's sex can't be determined. As many as one in 2,000 people are born with ambiguous genitalia,...

Activists Fume Over Quick Fix in Western Wall Gender Fight

Plaza offers site for mixed prayer

(Newser) - Jerusalem's Western Wall has been embroiled in controversy over prayer rules tied to gender, and the latest attempt at a solution is rubbing many the wrong way. Backed by the Israeli minister for Jerusalem, Naftali Bennett, a new, 4800-square-foot prayer plaza is meant to offer an equal-opportunity praying location,...

Mammal Moms Can Choose Baby&#39;s Sex
 Mammal Moms Can 
 Choose Baby's Sex 

Mammal Moms Can Choose Baby's Sex

They subconsciously produce boys or girls, based on a slew of factors

(Newser) - Call it "sneaky Machiavellian girl power," as the lead researcher does in the Washington Post . His study in PloS One concludes that female mammals have the innate ability to determine the sex of their offspring. It's not a conscious decision—the expectant moms somehow factor in a...

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