John McCain

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Electoral Vote in Nebraska's 2nd District Still Up for Grabs

Omaha may have to wait a week for results

(Newser) - Nebraska was never a swing state, but its unique system of assigning electoral votes has left it with a surprising question mark after election night. The 2nd Congressional District, which includes Omaha, remains too close to call, with John McCain leading President-elect Barack Obama by 569 votes. And 9,000...

Who Voted for Obama
 Who Voted for Obama  

Who Voted for Obama

Politico breaks down the exit polls to understand the makeup of Obama's historic victory

(Newser) - How did the first African-American president piece together such a decisive winning coalition? In Politico, David Paul Kuhn picks apart the pieces of the Barack Obama vote:
  • Obama won a solid 43% of the white vote, matching Bill Clinton’s 1996 performance in that group and nearly Jimmy Carter’s

Six Ways to Rebuild the McCain Brand
Six Ways
to Rebuild the
McCain Brand

Six Ways to Rebuild the McCain Brand

In defeat, the maverick can remind Americans why they liked him

(Newser) - The fight for the presidency has left John McCain's reputation battered and bruised, but Christopher Beam of Slate suggests six steps the senator should take to return to glory.
  • Remeet the press. The bad blood between McCain and the media can be removed if he stops clamming up and "

'This Is Our Moment. This Is Our Time.'

(Newser) - President-elect Barack Obama addressed the country and the world for the first time tonight, vowing to unite a nation beset by trouble at home and abroad, the Chicago Tribune reports. "Change has come to America," Obama told a crowd of tens of thousands at Chicago's Grant Park and...

McCain Graciously Concedes
 McCain Graciously Concedes 

McCain Graciously Concedes

Senator warmly congratulates Obama, calls for national unity

(Newser) - John McCain ended his long fight for the presidency with a generous concession speech, warmly congratulating Barack Obama and hailing a historic moment for America. “I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president,” McCain told a crowd of supporters in...

the presidential race


Early results likely to set tone

(Newser) - Barack Obama won the crucial battleground states of Florida, Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania to clinch victory over John McCain and secure his place in history, MSNBC reports. The 47-year-old Illinois senator will become the nation's first black president when he succeeds George W. Bush in January. Obama reached the 270...



(Newser) - In the race to 270, John McCain came up short, but turned a chunk of the map red, kicking things off by scoring 8 electoral votes in Kentucky and winning much on the South. Here's what the McCain/Palin ticket took:
  • Kentucky (8)
  • South Carolina (8)
  • Oklahoma (7)
  • Tennessee (11)

Jubilant Obama Supporters Swarm Grant Park

Obama supporters collect in Chicago; McCain staff relaxed and confident

(Newser) - Hundreds of thousands of Barack Obama supporters have been collecting in Chicago's Grant Park, watching results come in on a Jumbotron screen while they await the candidate's rally tonight. The Lollapalooza-like atmosphere includes blankets spread out on the grass and vendors offering t-shirts and buttons, reports the Chicago Tribune. Obama...

State Polling Results You're Not Seeing on TV
State Polling Results You're Not Seeing on TV
Exit Polling

State Polling Results You're Not Seeing on TV

Obama has most leads, but take these with a big chunk of salt

(Newser) - Huffington Post got its hands on the exit polling information shared with media outlets at 5pm but not reported by television networks. They show Barack Obama leading in most swing states, though the HuffPo cautions that the numbers are extremely unreliable; believe at your own risk. The list has Obama...

Economy No. 1 Issue for 62% of Voters
 Economy No. 1 Issue 
 for 62% of Voters 
exit polls

Economy No. 1 Issue for 62% of Voters

(Newser) - The economy is the top issue for voters, today's exit polling confirmed, with 62%  of those interviewed saying it was their No. 1 priority. Iraq was most important to 10%, and terrorism and health care were each named by 9%. For those most concerned with the economy, CNN said, more...

Witness Disputes Report of Black Panther Intimidation

Fox News story said threatening men stood outside Pa. polling station

(Newser) - An Obama campaign volunteer says there’s nothing to Fox News’ story that two Black Panthers were intimidating voters at a polling place in Pennsylvania, Greg Sargent reports on Talking Points Memo. One was an official poll watcher, and though he is a Panther, he was not “blocking the...

Election Lawsuits Emerge in Ohio, NH

GOP contests provisional-ballot issues in Ohio; judge sides with party on observers in NH

(Newser) - The Ohio GOP is suing the state over rules concerning provisional ballots, the Toledo Blade reports, in an atmosphere tense enough that Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has been assigned extra security following death threats. The GOP amended an extant suit to challenge instructions that county boards of election could...

McCain Plane Lands Safely in NM After Mid-Air Scare

'Straight Talk Air' aborts landing due to runway traffic

(Newser) - On his way to Albuquerque to thank New Mexico volunteers for helping his campaign, John McCain had a little aerial excitement as his “Straight Talk Air” 737 abruptly aborted just before it landed, the Chicago Tribune reports. The plane then circled, staggered one way, then the other and finally...

Recession, Losing Bush as Muse Will Hurt US Artists

Economic woes will put creativity in the red

(Newser) - The end of the Bush era could mean tough times for the arts, the Morgan Falconer writes in the Times of London. Not only will artists, filmmakers, and writers lose the muse who has inspired critical works, but the economic crisis will drain financial support. John McCain already implied he...

Foes Campaign 'Til the End
 Foes Campaign 'Til the End 

Foes Campaign 'Til the End

McCain makes swing to Colo.; Obama touts chances in Ind.

(Newser) - John McCain and Barack Obama both made final pushes today, trying to invigorate voters in battleground states, the Chicago Tribune reports. McCain hit Colorado, hotly contested, and told supporters. “I feel momentum, I feel it. We're going to win it.” Obama also went next door. “I think...

Campaign Buzzwords We'll Be Happy to Discard
Campaign Buzzwords
We'll Be Happy to Discard

Campaign Buzzwords We'll Be Happy to Discard

The pitbull with lipstick might've been a game-changer, but enough already

(Newser) - It's an inevitability of any election season: Some phrases will get bandied around so much that the hapless American, simply trying to do his civic duty by paying attention, will be crushed under the sheer weight of political verbiage. The Red Eye lists the worst offenders:
  • Change: As in, change

Politico's Play-by-Play Guide to Game Time Tonight

(Newser) - At 5 tonight, a wave of exit-polling results will be distributed to media insiders, who'll try manfully to resist sharing anything that might prejudice voters—even though it will kill them. At 6 pm, the results will start rolling in, and Politico gives you a play-by-play guide to what to...

Palin Votes, but Mum on Who's Her Candidate

McCain, meanwhile, avoids questions as he casts ballot in Ariz.

(Newser) - Sarah Palin and John McCain have officially cast their ballots, but one of them is being mysteriously coy about its contents. “I am also exercising my right to privacy,” she told reporters outside her Wasilla polling place. “And I don't have to tell anybody who I vote...

Your Hour-by-Hour Guide to Election Night

What to watch for as the clock ticks on

(Newser) - Tonight’s election promises to end before bedtime, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be drama. Nate Silver breaks down which polls close when, and what to watch for.
  • 6pm: Indiana and Kentucky: Usually these get called red right away, but this year Indiana is a toss-up.
  • 7pm:

We Should Offer Banks a Choice on Exec Pay
We Should Offer Banks a Choice on Exec Pay

We Should Offer Banks a Choice on Exec Pay

Either let US set limits, or make firms set aside cash: economist

(Newser) - Regardless of who wins today’s election, one issue from this campaign will continue to burn hot with investors, Andrew Ross Sorkin writes in the New York Times. Both candidates have blamed executive pay for the financial collapse, as execs are rewarded for risk-taking while rarely penalized for failure. But...

Stories 561 - 580 | << Prev   Next >>