John McCain

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McCain's Campaign Chief: He Never Had a Chance

(Newser) - The man who ran John McCain's campaign said his defeat was nearly preordained, reports Politico. It was "the strategic equivalent of throwing a football through a tire at 50 yards,” said Steve Schmidt. Given the ascendancy of Barack Obama—"the unfinished Bobby Kennedy campaign"—the unpopularity...

McCain Snarls, But Senate OKs Hill as Iraq Ambassador

(Newser) - The Senate tonight approved Christopher Hill to be the next ambassador to Iraq, overriding the strong objections of John McCain, the Hill reports. McCain argued that Hill doesn't have enough Mideast experience, and he also criticized his work as ambassador to North Korea. Despite the opposition, the Senate approved the...

Top McCain Aide Comes Out for Gay Marriage

Support consistent with conservative values, Schmidt argues

(Newser) - Backing what he calls "a sound conservative argument," a top McCain campaign operative is explaining his newly public personal support for gay marriage, CNN reports. Steve Schmidt will address the Log Cabin Republicans today and urge them to reverse their position. “No other exercise of one's liberty...

HBO Plans Film Version of 2008 Election Book

Film will look at events from candidates' perspectives

(Newser) - HBO Films has picked up Game Change, a book about the 2008 election, to adapt for the small screen. The book, to be published next year, takes a character-driven look at the campaigns from the perspectives of the candidates and their camps, says Variety. The option continues the network’s...

For $89K, McCain's Bus Can Be Yours

(Newser) - The bus that took John McCain from Senate maverick to presidential hopeful can be yours for $89,000, ABC News reports. The Republican’s "Straight Talk Express"—powered by gas, not hot air—is for sale at No word on whether McCain’s planning on an...

Clothes Spending Spree 'Out of Our Control:' Todd Palin

(Newser) - Todd Palin says the $150,000 spending spree that outfitted his wife during last fall’s campaign was “out of our control,” the AP reports. “You come into a campaign late,” he told Men’s Journal. “You put all your trust into the team.”...

McCain Asks Obama to Pardon Boxing Champ

Wants to overturn racially motivated conviction

(Newser) - John McCain has introduced a resolution requesting a posthumous presidential pardon for Jack Johnson, the first black heavyweight champion of the world, the LA Times reports. Johnson suffered what McCain calls a “racially motivated conviction” in 1913 for dating a white woman. Prosecutors said he’d violated the Mann...

Testy McCain Grills Sebelius on Health Care Tax Credit

'Reform would be my mission' says nominee

(Newser) - Kathleen Sebelius got a chilly bout of questioning from John McCain during a Senate committee hearing, Ezra Klein writes for the American Prospect. His manner tense and confrontational, the Arizona senator asked Sebelius if she supported replacing the tax incentive for employer-based care with a $5000 tax credit—an idea...

Populism Gets a Nashville Twang
Populism Gets a Nashville Twang

Populism Gets a Nashville Twang

With Shuttin' Down Detroit , John Rich gives country an unusually aggressive rightish tilt

(Newser) - After throwing himself behind John McCain in last year’s campaign, country musician John Rich makes an unusually aggressive foray into politics with the populist anthem Shuttin’ Down Detroit, Jon Caramanica writes in the New York Times. The song protests bailout money going from “an old man working in...

Obama, DC Elite Are NCAA Washouts

(Newser) - Barack Obama may be a gifted politician, but a gifted bracketologist he is not. NCAA brackets across the nation’s capital were shredded this weekend, the Hill reports, as a slew of upsets took down all but one of the tournament’s top seeds. Just one member of the president’...

Meghan McCain: I'm a New Kind of Republican

Tells Larry King she supports Obama, but is 'totally daddy's girl'

(Newser) - Meghan McCain considers herself a “progressive Republican,” she told Larry King last night on CNN—a new, younger voice for the party. McCain, who’s been in the news lately for her spat with conservatives Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter, said she was “totally daddy’s girl,...

Go All In on Afghan War, McCain, Lieberman Say
Go All In on Afghan War, McCain, Lieberman Say

Go All In on Afghan War, McCain, Lieberman Say

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s strategy for Afghanistan must roundly reject the so-called “minimalist” approach being whispered about in DC, write John McCain and Joe Lieberman in today’s Washington Post. The minimalists want the US to focus on limited, “realistic” counterterrorism goals. But McCain and Lieberman remind Obama that...

Ingraham Calls Meghan McCain 'Useful Idiot'

Feud continues; 'I'm proud of my daughter,' says John McCain

(Newser) - Meghan McCain, who has recently attacked certain prominent female conservatives, is a “flavor of the month” being manipulated by the media, says one of her targets. Laura Ingraham writes on her blog—under the title 'Useful Idiot' Watch— that McCain is following her father’s maverick playbook, CNN reports....

Mormon Crickets: Earmark to Some, Real Plague to Others

(Newser) - Critics, most notably John McCain, have lambasted the latest omnibus spending bill for its 8,500 earmarks; one frequently cited provision is $1 million to fight Mormon crickets in Utah. “Is that a species of cricket or a game played by the Brits?” joked McCain over Twitter. But to...

Obama's Not One of Us, Says Socialist
Obama's Not
One of Us,
Says Socialist

Obama's Not One of Us, Says Socialist

Lefty says prez sticks to center; a socialist only to 'odd conservatives'

(Newser) - Thanks to conservative politicians and pundits, socialists are in the limelight as never before, writes Billy Wharton in the Washington Post—and Wharton, as editor of Socialist magazine, ought to know. Mike Huckabee and John McCain became "our most effective promoters," he says, as they portrayed Obama...

Prez Won't Fight Tax on Health Benefits

Plan echoes McCain proposal slammed by campaigning Obama

(Newser) - Despite attacking John McCain for the idea on the campaign trail, President Obama will not oppose taxing some worker health benefits to fund health care reform, reports the New York Times reports. On the stump, Obama called a similar plan “the largest middle-class tax increase in history.” While...

Stephanopoulos Lands McCain for 'Twitterview'

(Newser) - ABC’s George Stephanopoulos is taking the next step with Twitter, he writes in his blog, landing Sen. John McCain for a 140-characters-at-a-time “Twitterview” on Tuesday. Stephanopoulos is also encouraging readers to send him questions for the Republican via the microblogging format that’s recently become all the rage...

Obama Takes Baby Steps on Earmark Reform
Obama Takes Baby Steps on Earmark Reform

Obama Takes Baby Steps on Earmark Reform

Some say he missed opportunity; others fault lack of specifics

(Newser) - President Obama announced moves to curb pork-barrel spending yesterday, but not as decisively as some hoped, Politico reports. Obama said he was signing the “imperfect omnibus because it’s necessary for the ongoing functions of government,” but in future he wants fewer earmarks in federal spending measures, and...

Earmarks? No, 'Crank' Mac Warrants Earplugs

(Newser) - Most also-ran candidates slip off quietly once the presidential campaign is over, and yet the media is still interested in what John McCain has to say. The attention is undeserved, Paul Waldman writes in the American Prospect. McCain’s signature issue, earmarks, is “as substantively empty as could be,...

Mac: I'm No Rush, but Can't Support Obama on Economy
Mac: I'm No Rush, but Can't Support Obama on Economy

Mac: I'm No Rush, but Can't Support Obama on Economy

(Newser) - Unlike a certain talk radio host, John McCain is rooting for Barack Obama—they just don’t agree on much. In an interview with Politico, McCain says he’s trying to work with Obama; in the past week he’s appeared with him at a press conference and consulted with...

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