John McCain

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We Need an Institute to Study Sarah Palin
We Need an Institute to Study Sarah Palin
Richard Cohen

We Need an Institute to Study Sarah Palin

And George W. Bush should be the one to build it

(Newser) - Dear George W. Bush: Instead of setting up some boring policy institute—there are already about 3,000 of them—why not spend your money on something important, like studying Sarah Palin. Set up the Institute for the Study of Sarah Palin, and “my check is in the mail,...

Going Rogue: What Reviewers Are Saying

Same old Sarah: 'ever optimistic, weirdly ungrammatical'

(Newser) - Most reviewers agree Sarah Palin's Going Rogue is intriguing—mostly for the swipes at the McCain campaign and what Palin writes about her life off the political stage. Some takes:
  • The book is "a crackling read of grudges recalled, and settled, in her favor, a rewriting of the 2008

A Guide to Going Rogue
 A Guide to Going Rogue 
Her friends, foes, frenemies

A Guide to Going Rogue

Find out who gets bloodied in Palin's book

(Newser) - It's the read all of Washington has been waiting for, but, alas, it has no index. Lest Sarah Palin's friends, foes, and frenemies be forced to read it all the way through to see how they made out, Politico's Jonathan Martin and Andy Barr offer a guide: Friends
  • John McCain:

'Sarah's Not Retreating, She's Reloading'
'Sarah's Not Retreating, She's Reloading'

'Sarah's Not Retreating, She's Reloading'

Going Rogue shows Palin as smart feminist with eye on presidency

(Newser) - The Sarah Palin who emerges on the pages of Going Rogue is a far cry from the "prejudiced, dim-witted ideologue of the popular liberal imagination," Melanie Kirkpatrick writes in the Wall Street Journal . Kirkpatrick finds a "nuanced" politician "capable of mastering complicated issues," and a...

10 Juiciest Going Rogue Tidbits
 10 Juiciest Going Rogue Tidbits 
book preview

10 Juiciest Going Rogue Tidbits

From what she left in (Couric sniping) to what she left out (an index)

(Newser) - The moment America has been waiting for is almost here—the release of Sarah Palin’s memoir Going Rogue is just days away! For those who can't wait, Azaria Jagger of Gawker details the 10 juiciest tidbits that have leaked so far:
  • John McCain: Palin claims his campaign charged her

McCain: Afghan Call Can't Wait
 Afghan Call 
 Can't Wait 


McCain: Afghan Call Can't Wait

Troops decision dominates, but everybody backs away from 'dithering' Cheney

(Newser) - The pace of President Obama's decision on troop levels in Afghanistan again dominated the Sunday dial. John McCain told Face the Nation that Obama should move regardless of the Nov. 7 runoff's outcome: "Every day we delay will be a delay in this strategy succeeding.” Orrin Hatch...

McCain Voters' Testosterone Dropped After Loss

For men, elections are dominance competitions

(Newser) - Male McCain voters were feeling a little less macho when the results of the 2008 election rolled in. Duke researchers tested testosterone levels in 183 voters across election night. Testosterone normally drops over the late evening—but male Obama voters’ levels remained stable, while McCain voters saw a bigger drop...

In 2012, GOP Goes With Heart (Palin) Over Head (Romney)

Who knows, maybe her star power will make her the next Reagan

(Newser) - No matter what kind of gains Republicans make in the midterm elections next year, it’s going to be tough to unseat President Obama—and that’s why the GOP is going to choose Sarah Palin, its heart’s preferred candidate, over Mitt Romney, its head’s favorite. Or as...

GOP to Obama: Give McChrystal His Troops
 GOP to Obama: 
 Give McChrystal 
 His Troops 

GOP to Obama: Give McChrystal His Troops

McCain: Not granting request 'would be an error of historic proportions'

(Newser) - Afghanistan was the name of the game on the talk shows today, with John McCain pointedly warning President Obama on State of the Union that sending Gen. Stanley McChrystal anything less than the 40,000 troops he's requested "would be an error of historic proportions." Lindsey Graham chimed...

Iraq Hawks Are Just as Wrong on Afghanistan

Why is anyone still listening to McCain, Lieberman, and Graham?

(Newser) - The Three Amigos who pushed the invasion of Iraq are at it again, now claiming that we must escalate the war in Afghanistan if we want to avoid another 9/11—the same claim they used before to urge us to take on Iraq in 2003, Frank Rich writes. Rich finds...

Lower-Key McCain Edges Back Into Picture

(Newser) - After 11 months licking his wounds, John McCain is getting back out there, appearing on TV more often and acting little like the man who gave a gracious, conciliatory concession speech last November. He's finding support within the GOP, where his combative approach hasn't always resonated, because his target is...

Afghan Rift? It's Just 'Smoke and Puffery'
Afghan Rift?
It's Just 'Smoke and Puffery'

Afghan Rift? It's Just 'Smoke and Puffery'

McCain, others inflate controversy so Obama looks weak: Klein

(Newser) - There’s been much consternation recently about the supposed break between the White House and Stanley McChrystal over strategy in Afghanistan. But it’s really all “smoke and puffery,” a political ruse perpetrated by John McCain and some neocon compatriots, writes Joe Klein in Time. The furor has...

No Afghanistan Withdrawal, Obama Tells Lawmakers

But still undecided on proposed buildup

(Newser) - President Obama won’t commit to sending more troops to Afghanistan, but neither will he withdraw any, he told congressional leaders in a White House meeting today that included a sharp exchange between the president and Republican Sen. John McCain. Obama wanted to “dispense with the straw man argument...

Palin 2012 'Catastrophic' for GOP: McCain Insider

Ex-gov has no centrist appeal: strategist

(Newser) - If Sarah Palin is the 2012 presidential nominee, the Republican Party "would have a catastrophic election result,” the top strategist for the McCain campaign said today. Steve Schmidt foresees the 2012 election being won by the party that can sway the independents who backed Barack Obama in 2008....

Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP
Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP

Unbowed by Loss, McCain Fights for Moderate GOP

Senator fills leadership void with donations, endorsements, advice

(Newser) - Less than a year ago John McCain still hoped to be president, but the Arizona senator has a new mission now: reshaping the Republican Party around his own brand of moderate, pragmatic conservatism. While previous unsuccessful candidates for the top job have withdrawn after defeat, McCain is offering endorsements to...

McCain Warms to Romney 2012
 McCain Warms to Romney 2012 

McCain Warms to Romney 2012

Former rival lends his name to big fundraiser

(Newser) - Mitt Romney let bygones be bygones when he campaigned for John McCain last year, forgetting an acrimonious relationship with his erstwhile rival for the GOP presidential nomination. Now, McCain appears to be repaying the favor and ginning up support for the former Massachusetts governor’s 2012 bid, reports the Boston ...

Thank (or Blame) Bush for Dave's Left Turn

 Thank (or Blame) 
 Bush for Dave's 
 Left Turn 
political comedy

Thank (or Blame) Bush for Dave's Left Turn

Letterman veers from apolitical-leaning-right to full-on liberal

(Newser) - The most telling thing David Letterman has said in a while may have been a brief comment he made last Monday, as he wrapped up an hour with President Obama: "I can't tell you how satisfying it is to watch you work," the famously crotchety Late Night ...

Clinton: Obama Not 'Dissing' McChrystal on Troops

Former first couple dominates Sunday morning shows

(Newser) - Bill Clinton came to President Obama's defense today, saying on Meet the Press that the president isn't "dissing" Gen. Stanley McChrystal's request for more troops in Afghanistan. Both Clintons emphasized that settling the Afghan election is vital in determining whether the US has a legitimate partner in Hamid Karzai....

Glenn Beck Boils a Frog * * No, Not Really

... but he did torture a metaphor

(Newser) - Did Glenn Beck boil a widdle bitty frog on national television? It sure looked that way for a second, especially in a video bouncing around the blogosphere today. After explaining the adage that a frog will jump out if you throw it into boiling water, the Fox host appears to...

Congress Wants McChrystal in Hot Seat

Members of both parties want testimony, but Pentagon is not forthcoming

(Newser) - With the White House beset by classified leaks and agonizing over a new Afghan strategy, lawmakers from both parties in both Houses of Congress are calling for a sitdown with Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the Wall Street Journal reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has refused requests for testimony from McChrystal until...

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