
Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>

Israel Yanks Ambassador to Switzerland

Outraged as Iranian, Swiss leaders meet at UN racism conference

(Newser) - Israel has angrily called home its ambassador to Switzerland after that country's president met with Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ahead of a politically charged UN meeting on racism that began today, the Times of London reports. On Israel's Holocaust Memorial Day, Switzerland’s “guest of honor is a racist...

Holocaust Tattoos Indelibly Link Fellow Survivors

Boys who stood side by side in Auschwitz meet again in Israel

(Newser) - Menachem Sholowicz and Anshel Sieradzki don't remember crossing paths briefly in 1944, at perhaps the defining moment of their lives, but the ink on their arms leaves no doubt. Serial numbers the Nazis tattooed on each man's arm at Auschwitz are consecutive—Sholowicz is B-14594 and Sieradzki is B-14595. "...

Israel Hones Ability to Launch Strike on Iran

(Newser) - Israel is engaging in a bit of saber rattling directed toward Iran, the Times of London reports. The military is beefing up its air arsenal and training to be ready to strike Iran’s nuclear sites at a moment's notice. “Israel wants to know that if its forces were...

Israelis Learn to Adapt&mdash;and Argue
 Israelis Learn 
 to Adapt—and Argue 

Israelis Learn to Adapt—and Argue

Israel's national "disputatiousness" is irritating, but survival mechanism

(Newser) - American Jews are “taught to go all gooey-eyed at the thought of Israel,” writes David Brooks in the New York Times, but this isn’t the appropriate reaction. It’s not so much a sentimental place as it is “exhausting, admirable, annoying, impressive, and foreign.” After...

Mitchell Pushes Two-State Solution in Israel

Palestinians must first accept Jewish state, Netanyahu responds

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s envoy to the Middle East told the Israeli government today that Washington will “vigorously pursue” the creation of a Palestinian state, Reuters reports. George Mitchell stated America’s purpose as a means to organize statehood talks with Israel; PM Benjamin Netanyahu said it would first...

Divisive Camps Square Off in Lebanon Vote
Divisive Camps
Square Off in
Lebanon Vote

Divisive Camps Square Off in Lebanon Vote

One pushes liberal economy, the other Islamic militancy

(Newser) - Hezbollah is inching towards greater control in Lebanon as the nation gears up for June’s parliamentary elections. The Shiite group, which favors spurning the West and resisting Israel with arms, is in a minority coalition, but winning a handful of seats could change that, GlobalPost reports. Its opposition, led...

Israeli Prez on Iranian Prez: 'We'll Strike Him'

Peres: "We'll strike" Amadinejad if Obama's anti-nuclear efforts fail

(Newser) - Israel's new government continued its saber-rattling with Iran today, threatening to strike the country if President Obama's diplomatic overtures fail, the Jerusalem Post reports. Echoing the hardline rhetoric of new Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres issued a warning to Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. "We'll strike him" ...

Israel Used Heavy Force, Expecting Bigger Fight

(Newser) - Israel used overwhelming force in its recent fight with Hamas because it feared a repeat of the heavy losses sustained in its 2006 war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Washington Post reports. Israeli military planners expected Palestinians in Gaza to put up a stronger fight, but it never materialized. The...

UN Picks Judge to Probe Israeli 'War Crimes'

Jewish South African will investigate allegations of abuses

(Newser) - The UN has named a Jewish judge from South Africa to lead a high-level mission to investigate alleged war crimes committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip, reports the AP. Richard Goldstone, the UN's former chief prosecutor for war crimes in Yugoslavia and Rwanda, will head the probe ordered by...

Israeli Teen Killed in Ax Attack

(Newser) - An ax-wielding Palestinian went on a rampage in a Jewish West Bank settlement today, killing an Israeli teenager and wounding a young boy before fleeing the area, the AP reports. Security guards shot and wounded the assailant before he could escape, and police are now hunting for him.

Prepare for War: New Israeli Foreign Minister

Lieberman douses Palestinian peace hopes in debut speech

(Newser) - Israel’s new foreign minister, a renowned hawk, wasted no time in drumming up war rhetoric. On his first day on the job, Avigdor Lieberman said, “Those who want peace should prepare for war,” as he dismissed his predecessor’s negotiations with the Palestinians, the New York Times...

Netanyahu to US: We'll Stop Iran if You Don't

(Newser) - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu comes out swinging against a nuclear Iran in an interview with Jeffrey Goldberg in the Atlantic, warning that if the US doesn’t stop the country, Israel will. “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs,” he said. “When the...

Obama Eyes Syria as Path to Mideast Peace
 Obama Eyes Syria as 
 Path to Mideast Peace 

Obama Eyes Syria as Path to Mideast Peace

(Newser) - President Obama may renew stalled talks between Israel and Syria, both to revive hopes of Mideast peace and isolate Iran, but the approach is laden with pitfalls, Seymour M. Hersh writes in the New Yorker. Some observers doubt Israel will ever move 20,000 settlers out of the Golan Heights—...

Bond Girl? No Thanks, Says Pinto

Role doesn't fit in-demand actress's image

(Newser) - Despite producers’ wishes, Freida Pinto won’t be 007’s next love interest, reports the Boston Globe, via Bang Showbiz. It’s “not the kind of image she wants to project,” a source says. “She's been inundated with offers following the success of Slumdog. Because of this,...

Israel Defends Conduct of Gaza War

Cases of excessive force were rare, army says

(Newser) - The Israeli army is defending its actions during the recent Gaza conflict, claiming that, contrary to reports, its soldiers did not act with excessive force or with disregard for the lives of Palestinian civilians, the New York Times reports. Officials have moved to discount one story in particular: an...

Oliphant Cartoon Is Anti-Israel, Not Anti-Semitic

(Newser) - A Pat Oliphant cartoon is an attack on Israel, not "hideously anti-Semitic," writes blogger Emily Moulton in Gather. The controversial cartoon shows a woman carrying a small child labeled "Gaza" being pursued by a headless Nazi pushing a giant Star of David with teeth. "The cartoon...

Sudan Accuses US of Strike
 Sudan Accuses US of Strike  

Sudan Accuses US of Strike

(Newser) - Sudan is now blaming "American fighters" for an airstrike on a convoy of trucks in the desert, the New York Times reports. The US denies the charges. Sudan's accusation follows earlier reports that Israel conducted the January airstrike to prevent a weapons delivery to Gaza. A Sudanese official's statement...

Israel Suspected of Jan. Bombing in Sudan

39 died in raid by foreign military, but no confirmation

(Newser) - Sudan said today that foreign fighter planes carried out an attack in January on 17 trucks carrying weapons to Gaza, amid reports that the Israeli Air Force was behind the bombardment. The strike killed 39 people near the Sudan-Egypt border soon after the start of the war in the Gaza...

Israel Committed Gaza War Crimes: Rights Group

Human Rights Watch finds army fired white phosphorus at civilians

(Newser) - Israel's military committed war crimes by repeatedly firing white phosphorus into crowded areas of Gaza, Human Rights Watch said today. A report by the group alleges that Israel chose not to use less dangerous smoke shells and even fired the incendiary agent at the main UN compound in the Strip....

Israeli Army Rabbis Preached Hate During Gaza Assault

(Newser) - During Israel’s recent Gaza offensive, an increasingly influential corps of military rabbis cast the conflict as one to “expel the non-Jews” from Israel, the Los Angeles Times reports. “This rabbi comes to us and says the fight is between the children of light and the children of...

Stories 1421 - 1440 | << Prev   Next >>