
Stories 1061 - 1080 | << Prev   Next >>

Israel: We Will Attack Iran Without Warning US

US officials trying hard to convince them not to strike

(Newser) - Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak have been quietly telling every American official who visits Israel the same thing: When Israel strikes Iran, it won't warn the US first, a US intelligence official tells the AP . In part, that's a courtesy; Israel believes keeping the US in the dark...

Iran Nuke Facilities: Already Destroyed?

 Iran Nuke 
wikileaks release

Iran Nuke Facilities: Already Destroyed?

Julian Assange: Stratfor peddles 'low-grade' Middle East info

(Newser) - A tasty nugget from today’s Wikileaks release : the notion that Israel has already blown up Iran’s nuclear facilities, RT reports. According to a Stratfor email, a source said that rumors of a pending Israeli attack are “a diversion. The Israelis already destroyed all the Iranian nuclear infrastructure...

Iran Touts Oscar Win as Victory Over &#39;Zionists&#39;
Iran Touts Oscar Win as Victory Over 'Zionists'
academy awards

Iran Touts Oscar Win as Victory Over 'Zionists'

'A Separation' beat out 'Footnote' for best foreign film

(Newser) - Iran's rulers rarely acknowledge the country's much-lauded film industry, which hard-liners revile as a bastion of liberals and dissidents, and the Academy Awards weren't legally shown in Iran. But that didn't stop them from gloating over A Separation's win for Best Foreign Film—particularly its...

Syria, Iran Policies Reflect &#39;Obama Doctrine&#39;
Syria, Iran Policies Reflect 'Obama Doctrine'

Syria, Iran Policies Reflect 'Obama Doctrine'

President likes to play it cool if US interests aren't directly involved

(Newser) - Why isn't President Obama arming Syrian rebels and handing bunker-busting bombs to Israel to blow out Iran's nuclear plants? Because of the "Obama Doctrine," argues David Sanger in the New York Times : the notion that the US should "use unilateral force when America’s direct...

US Intelligence: Iran Not Making Bomb

16 US agencies agree that Iran stopped bomb program in 2003

(Newser) - Iran may be researching nuclear weapons technology, but US intelligence experts do not think it is actively trying to make an atomic bomb, reports the Los Angeles Times . Iran apparently stopped its bomb-building program in 2003, according to a secret report circulated last year that reflects the position of 16...

Attacking Iran Would Be Gargantuan Task for Israel

Would require hundreds of miles of dangerous flying: US experts

(Newser) - A hypothetical Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear program would be a dangerous and expensive mission full of practical hurdles, Pentagon-affiliated experts tell the New York Times . The mission would call for 100 planes, and pilots would have to zoom through more than 1,000 miles of unfriendly airspace whilst...

Israel Blames Iran for Dual Car Bombs

2 injured in New Delhi blast near Israeli embassy

(Newser) - An Israeli diplomat's car was battered by an explosion in New Delhi today, wounding the driver and the wife of a diplomat, the AP reports. Meanwhile, in Georgia, a driver for Israel's embassy found a package attached to his car ; police in Tbilisi discovered a grenade inside and...

Madonna Fans in Israel: Don't Bomb Iran Before Show

Facebook page asks government to hold off until after concert

(Newser) - Madonna is coming to Israel, and her hardcore fans there are begging the government to please hold off on a potential war with Iran, just at least until after Madonna's concert. The Israeli Madonna nuts are spreading the word through a Facebook group called "Bibi don't star...

Israeli Mag Sexes Up Orthodox-Women Clash

BelleMode makes conflict hot

(Newser) - Get ready for the fireworks. An Israeli fashion magazine is adding steamy scenes to the ongoing clashes between women in Israel and ultra-Orthodox Jews who have been harassing them to dress more modestly and move to the back of buses in Israel. In the BelleMode spread, ultra-hot young male models...

Israel, Iran Terrorists Are Killing Scientists: Officials

Mossad funding, training People’s Mujahedin of Iran, sources confirm

(Newser) - As Iran has long claimed, Israel is indeed behind the assassinations of Iranian nuclear scientists, providing financing, training, and weapons to the Iranian terrorist group that carries out the attacks, US officials confirm to NBC News . Five Iranian nuclear scientists have been killed since 2007, reportedly by the People’s...

Obama: Israel Not Sure About Bombing Iran

President urges diplomatic solution to nuclear crisis

(Newser) - President Barack Obama said today he does not think Israel has decided whether to attack Iran over its disputed nuclear program, a standoff that has the Middle East on edge. The president sought to assure allies and foes alike that the United States was working in lockstep with Israel to...

Israel Warns Jewish Targets Around World of Iran Threat

Sabre-rattling means extra precautions even at schools and synagogues

(Newser) - Israel is warning its facilities in the US and around the world, as well as Jewish targets in general such as synagogues and schools, that they could be in danger from Iran, reports ABC News . "We predict that the threat on our sites around the world will increase …...

US Fears Israel Will Hit Iran Without Warning

Ehud Barak warns, 'Later will be too late'

(Newser) - The Obama administration is worried that Israel is on the verge of launching a military strike against Iran—and that Israel plans to give the US little to no warning or say in the matter, sources tell the Washington Post . Ehud Barak certainly reinforced that idea yesterday. "Whoever says...

Israel Will Attack Iran Soon? No Comment, Says Panetta

He doesn't dispute columnist's account

(Newser) - In his Washington Post column today, David Ignatius stated flatly that defense chief Leon Panetta thinks it's a "strong likelihood" that Israel will bomb Iran in either April, May, or June. The columnist didn't explain how he learned this, and reporters asked Panetta this afternoon whether he...

Woman Locked in Bathroom 10 Years by Dad

20-year-old says she survived by listening to radio

(Newser) - A 20-year-old Palestinian woman has been freed after spending 10 years locked in bathrooms and other small rooms by her father, reports AP . There, she was beaten, fed little, and let out only at night. Her father threatened to rape, impregnate, and kill her if she tried to escape. The...

Publisher: Sorry About Calling for a 'Hit' on Obama

Jewish newspaper in Atlanta taking heat

(Newser) - The publisher of a small Jewish paper in Atlanta printed this advice to Israeli officials on how to make their country safer: Order Mossad agents to assassinate President Obama. Gawker provides a link to the full opinion piece in the Atlanta Jewish Times here , along with an interview with "...

Israel: Decision on Iran Attack 'Very Far Off'

Meanwhile, Russia says it won't support sanctions

(Newser) - Iran got some good news today, as Israel moved to defuse tensions and Russia indicated it likely would not support more sanctions against the rogue nation. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said a decision on whether to attack Iran to prevent it from acquiring nuclear weapons was "very far...

Roger Cohen to Israel: Stay Out of Iran
 Hey Israel: 
 Stay Out 
 of Iran 

Hey Israel: Stay Out of Iran

Roger Cohen offers plenty of reasons why

(Newser) - Israel is considering bombing Iran within months, against the White House's wishes—a decision that would be utterly disastrous on multiple fronts, writes Roger Cohen in the New York Times . Benjamin Netanyahu sees a number of reasons to do so sooner rather than later: First, Israel is concerned that...

Iran Buries Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Amid Anti-US Chants
Iran to Retaliate Against
West Over Dead Nuke Expert
says report

Iran to Retaliate Against West Over Dead Nuke Expert

Reports says plan could involve foreign assassinations

(Newser) - Chanting "death to America" and "death to Israel," thousands gathered in Iran today to mourn slain nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan , hauling his coffin through Tehran. Meanwhile, an independent news site suggested Iran is preparing a covert counteroffensive against the West in retaliation for the bomb blast....

US: We Didn't Kill Iran Nuke Scientist

Hillary Clinton 'categorically denies' US involvement

(Newser) - No, we didn't blow up an Iranian nuclear scientist, angry US officials have declared. Iran's top nuclear scientist Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, 32, was killed yesterday after a magnetic bomb was slapped on his car door in rush-hour Tehran traffic by a motorcyclist; the car blew up as the...

Stories 1061 - 1080 | << Prev   Next >>