
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

One Woman Fights to Save the Biblical Canaan Dog

If Myrna Shiboleth is evicted, the breed's fate looks grim

(Newser) - Israel's Canaan dog has survived from ancient times until now, but the primitive breed is in danger of disappearing, the Washington Post reports. "When they talk about dogs in the Bible, it was these," says Myrna Shiboleth, who has been breeding Canaan dogs since the '60s....

NH Bill Would Require Bible Class in Schools

Rep. Jerry Bergevin says it's key to understanding American history

(Newser) - A bill being pushed in New Hampshire would force schools to offer an elective Bible studies class—because the Bible is an inescapable part of American history, according to the bill's sponsor. "The Holy Bible is the bedrock of Western civilization," and it was essential to the...

'Stone Cold' Steve Austin Will Give Tim Tebow His 3:16...

'If Tebow can throw for 316 yards again this weekend,' that is

(Newser) - Long before Tim Tebow threw for exactly 316 yards to beat the Steelers, there was another athlete associated with Bible verse John 3:16. That's Steve Austin, aka Austin 3:16, the WWE wrestler who used to tell his rivals, "Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your...

Biblical Angels Were Just 'Lucid Dreams': Sleep Study
 Biblical Angels 
 Were Just 
 'Lucid Dreams' 
says sleep study

Biblical Angels Were Just 'Lucid Dreams'

Most dreamers in study had Elijah-like experience

(Newser) - What if Biblical characters who saw angels were all simply dreaming? Researchers in Los Angeles tested that theory by asking participants to re-enact the experience of Elijah, the prophet who was awakened by an angel carrying much-needed bread and water. Following instructions, volunteers at the Out-of-Body Experience Research Center tried...

Family Fined Over Home Bible Studies

Nonprofit willing to fight case if fine not reversed

(Newser) - A California family has been fined $300 for violating city zoning codes … by holding Bible studies in their house. Charles and Stephanie Fromm have appealed the fine, but were told that more fines would be levied if the regular study groups continue without the Fromms obtaining a permit. A...

Atheist Group to Rip Out 'Immoral' Bible Pages

To point out 'immoral' sections

(Newser) - An outspoken California atheist group is taking a page out of Terry Jones’ book, and more than one page out of the Good Book. Backyard Skeptics will hold a demonstration on Huntington Beach tomorrow in which they rip pages out of the bible that they say depict immoral teachings, the...

Friars Pray for Diarrhea Vengeance

God asked to give the runs to Bible thief

(Newser) - Franciscan friars at an ancient church in Florence are praying for a vengeful God to deliver a dose of the squits to a Bible thief. A rare and expensive Bible vanished from the lectern this week, and a replacement donated by a worshipper disappeared a few hours later. A notice...

Evangelicals Slam New Gender-Neutral Bible

New translation cuts down on the 'he's'

(Newser) - God is still the Father in the latest version of the world's most popular Bible, but conservative Christians aren't happy with gender-neutral language elsewhere in the 2011 New International Version Bible. The new translation—which Biblical scholars say is a more accurate interpretation of the original Greek and Hebrew—uses...

Sorry Kids, No 'Booty' in New Bible

US bishops replace chuckle-inducing word with 'spoils'

(Newser) - No longer will young Catholics snicker in Sunday school every time the word "booty" comes up in a Bible verse: In the newest translation of the New American Bible, Catholic bishops have ordered the word "booty" replaced with the word "spoils." It's just one of many...

Biblical Shade of Blue Rediscovered

Celebrated color called Tekhelet identified in 2,000-year-old cloth

(Newser) - The Bible describes a shade of blue known as tekhelet, worn in ceremonial robes and considered the most important of the ritual colors—but the color's exact appearance has puzzled scholars, who have compared it to the color of sapphires, the sea, and the sky, for centuries. Now, an Israeli...

Fox Nation: Obama Misquotes Bible
Fox Nation: Obama Misquotes Bible

Fox Nation: Obama Misquotes Bible

Media Matters: Um, there's more than one version

(Newser) - Fox Nation is bashing President Obama for misquoting a Bible verse at yesterday's National Prayer Breakfast—and the lefty Media Matters is in turn accusing the site of biblical ignorance. "Somewhat ironically, while Fox Nation appears to be positioning themselves as the arbiters of authentic Christianity, they seem...

Fox Rejects Super Bowl Ad With Bible Verse

John 3:16 doesn't fly

(Newser) - A commercial deemed OK to run during Sunday's Super Bowl: a steamy Kim Kardashian hawking Sketchers sneakers. And one that wasn't: a 30-second spot that includes a Bible verse. Fox Sports has nixed an ad that appears sort of harmless—a bunch of friends who are drinking beer and watching...

Relax, God Vowed Not to Destroy Earth: Would-Be Energy Chair

In climate change debate, Shimkus points to God's promise to Noah

(Newser) - A leading contender to chair the House Energy Committee has plucked his position on climate change straight from the pages of Genesis. People shouldn't worry about the planet being destroyed, Rep. John Shimkus testified last year, because God promised Noah after the flood that he wouldn't destroy the planet again....

Parting of Red Sea Linked to Ma Nature, Not Moses
 Parting of 
 Red Sea 
 Linked to 
 Ma Nature, 
 Not Moses 

Parting of Red Sea Linked to Ma Nature, Not Moses

Computer simulation duplicates 'miracle' with heavy wind, shallow lagoon

(Newser) - The parting of the Red Sea attributed to Moses could have been nothing more than a natural phenomenon, not a miracle, says a team of researchers. Colorado scientists have created a computer simulation revealing that a strong east wind blowing overnight over a shallow lagoon off northern Egypt could expose...

Sarah Palin Has an Esther Complex
 Sarah Palin Has 
 an Esther Complex 

Sarah Palin Has an Esther Complex

She and supporters like comparisons to the biblical figure

(Newser) - Read enough comments from Sarah Palin's supporters, and you're bound to come across some that compare her to the biblical figure of Esther, writes Michael Joseph Gross in Vanity Fair . Palin herself takes the analogy seriously, and suggests "her rise to power is divinely ordained." Today, Gross prints...

Aussie Lawyer Smokes Koran, Bible

Video pulled from YouTube, man pulled from job

(Newser) - Inspired, perhaps, by the much-hyped antics of Terry Jones, an Australian law professor posted a video of himself burning pages from the Koran—and the Bible. In the video "Bible or Koran—which burns best?," which has since been removed from YouTube, the prof rips, rolls, and smokes...

Medical Journal Retracts Paper on Jesus Miracle

Researchers relied solely on biblical accounts

(Newser) - A medical journal has retracted an article about a miracle attributed to Jesus and apologized for publishing it. The paper in Virology Journal, titled ''Influenza or not influenza: Analysis of a case of high fever that happened 2000 years ago in Biblical time," speculated on the cause of a...

Elvis Wrote Note to Dead Mom in Bible

He also apparently owed his uncle some money

(Newser) - In 1959, the year after she died, one Elvis Aaron Presley scrawled a note to his mother in a Bible: “I love ya mama,” wrote the King, who then signed his name and listed relatives' birthdays. Elvis also noted that he owed an uncle money, the Daily Telegraph...

Evangelist Explorers Say They Found Noah's Ark

Group says it found planks on Mount Ararat

(Newser) - A team of evangelical explorers (who knew?) say they've found Noah's Ark on a mountain in Turkey. The Turkish and Chinese archeologists found remains of a wooden structure 13,000 feet up on Mount Ararat. The team believes it couldn't be remains of a human settlement because none are known...

Stephen Baldwin Needs Your Money to Spread the Gospel and Not Be Bankrupt - Stephen Baldwin - Gawker
 Stephen Baldwin 
 Is Broke! Donate Now! 
because he loves jesus!

Stephen Baldwin Is Broke! Donate Now!

Bankrupt star needs our help, website contends

(Newser) - Stephen Baldwin—the Baldwin brother whose, er, hefty résumé includes playing Barney Rubble in The Flintstones: Viva Rock Vegas—is bankrupt. He’s also a born-again Christian. And because of that, his supporters have come up with an innovative way to restore him to his former glory: We should...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>