
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

It's Astounding What Another Glass of Water Can Do

Upping your plain water consumption the tiniest amount can have an effect

(Newser) - It's a frequent entrant on New Year's resolutions lists: Drink more water. Now, research out of the University of Illinois provides some compelling reasons to make the Herculean effort to pick up another glass. Researchers found that upping the proportion of plain water consumed by one percentage point—...

Flint Bypasses Governor, Will Drop $55M on New Pipes

Mayor hopes 15K lines can be replaced in year's time

(Newser) - Less than two weeks ago, Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder said replacing Flint's lead-coated pipes in the city's water distribution system wasn't on his "short-term agenda" and that coating the pipes with phosphates might serve as a stopgap. But it looks like Flint is moving on with...

Pepsi, Coke Donating Water to Flint

Walmart and Nestle, too

(Newser) - Walmart and several global beverage-makers have pledged to deliver about 175 truckloads of bottled water to Flint as the Michigan city deals with a public health emergency caused by lead-tainted water, the AP reports. The retail giant, along with Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, and Nestle, announced Tuesday the collective donation will include...

Cher Gives Flint, Mich., 180K Bottles of Water

Singer says crisis is 'tragedy of staggering proportion in middle of our country'

(Newser) - Cher is donating water to the residents of Flint, Mich., as the city struggles with a drinking water crisis linked to lead contamination. More than 180,000 bottles will be shipped to the city starting Monday, according to a statement Cher released on Saturday. "This is a tragedy of...

Flint's New Water Nightmare: Legionnaires' Outbreak

Spike in disease could be tied to tainted water

(Newser) - Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder announced a new development Wednesday in Flint's water crisis that "just adds to the disaster we are already facing": specifically, a marked increase in cases of Legionnaires' disease that could be linked to the area's tainted water, reports the Detroit Free Press . From...

In Flint Crisis, Cops Are Going Door-to-Door— Giving Out Water

And people want Michigan's governor held accountable, among others

(Newser) - In an effort to save money, a state-named emergency manager switched the water supply for Flint, Mich., from Lake Huron to the polluted Flint River, creating a crisis that's left the city's water supply looking "like urine" and caused the lead levels in area kids to spike...

Lead Levels in Michigan Kids' Blood Prompts State of Emergency

Flint mayor is worried about fallout from tainted water

(Newser) - Flint, Mich., drew its water from the Flint River for about 18 months after ditching Detroit's water service—but that was enough time to cause lead levels in local kids to spike, which has now led the mayor to declare a state of emergency, Michigan Live reports. Mayor Karen...

Cruel Trick on Homeless Man Gets McDonald's Worker Fired

Detroit employee offered man a sandwich, then threw water on him in viral video

(Newser) - Viral videos can entertain, surprise, and, in this case, get a McDonald's worker fired. A disturbing NSFW clip recorded by a customer at a Detroit Mickey D's shows an employee working the drive-thru window, luring a homeless man he calls Willie over by holding up a sandwich and...

Moneyball Subject Among Biggest Water Wasters

He's using nearly 24 times more water than most East Bay residents

(Newser) - Billy Beane—Oakland A's executive and the inspiration behind the film Moneyball—is one of the San Francisco area's worst water wasters, the San Jose Mercury News reports. According to a partial list of customers made public by the East Bay Municipal Utility District Thursday, Beane uses 5,...

California Lawmaker Considers Buying Alaska's Water

'An opportunity to think outside the box'

(Newser) - Apparently taking a cue from Captain James. T. Kirk himself, one California politician is looking into the possibility of shipping 9 billion gallons of water from Alaska to the increasingly dry state, USA Today reports. Rep. Janice Hahn held an exploratory meeting last week with Terry Trapp, the CEO of...

Nestle's Been Bottling Calif. Water With Expired Permit

Environmental groups file suit against US Forest Service

(Newser) - In the midst of a historic drought, Nestle bottled approximately 68,000 gallons of water from California's San Bernardino National Forest every day last year. It paid only an annual fee of $524 for the privilege. Oh, and its permit to do so expired 27 years ago. The Desert ...

Water in Flint, Michigan, Looks 'Like Urine,' and Worse

After nearly a year of complaints, state may be taking action

(Newser) - A public health emergency was declared in Flint, Michigan, yesterday over the state of the city's drinking water—and a story in the Detroit News illustrates just how bad the situation is. Ashley Holt, 25, tells the paper that the water coming out of her faucet looks "like...

NASA Announces Biggest Evidence Yet for Water on Mars

Could be good news for future astronauts

(Newser) - NASA made its much-hyped big announcement today, and what it comes down to is that scientists have found the strongest evidence yet that there's liquid water on the Red Planet, the Washington Post reports. Last April, using data from the Curiosity rover, researchers noted that perchlorates were present on...

&#39;Fat&#39; Water May Come to a Health Store Near You
 This Now Exists: 
 Fat-Infused Water 

This Now Exists: Fat-Infused Water

In southern California, bottled water mixed with coconut oil goes for $3.95

(Newser) - Remember that guy who started the Bulletproof Coffee fad , where people add butter and oil to their cups of joe in the hopes of losing weight? Well he's at it again, this time with what the Silicon Valley techie calls "a disruptive technology for beverages," reports the...

When It Comes to Fizzy Water, Coke, Pepsi Fall Flat

Smaller brands like LaCroix enjoying huge success as soda alternative

(Newser) - With a growing number of people quitting soda, Coke and Pepsi have been venturing more into energy drinks, craft sodas, and milk , in an effort to boost sales. That's left room for smaller brands like LaCroix to enjoy huge success with sparkling water. LaCroix sales have jumped 45% since...

Whole Foods Hawks $6 'Asparagus Water,' Quickly Backs Off

'The nutrients from the asparagus do transfer,' an employee explained

(Newser) - If you're wondering whether a $5.99 bottle of asparagus water has actually become a thing, it has—but neither Whole Foods nor consumers are letting it be more than a fleeting fad, reports Consumerist . It started Monday when a Los Angeles magazine editor posted a photo of the...

Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day? Not So Fast

New guidelines suggest a different approach

(Newser) - We've all heard we should drink eight glasses of water a day. But the advice isn't based on scientific evidence, and for some people it may be flat out wrong, report researchers in Harvard Health Letter . They conclude that 30 to 50 ounces of fluid intake a day...

Cost of Tom Selleck's Alleged Water-Swiping: $21,685.55

Selleck, water district didn't agree on everything, but settlement reached

(Newser) - The settlement deal in Tom Selleck's very own Watergate was finalized last night, with the actor agreeing to cough up $21,685.55—the cost of the PI hired by California's Calleguas Municipal Water District to investigate Selleck's alleged water-pilfering from the district, the AP reports. The...

Trillions of Glow-in-the-Dark Fanged Fish Live in Ocean

Bristlemouth is most numerous vertebrate on Earth, though it remains mysterious

(Newser) - What's believed to be the most numerous vertebrate on Earth is also one you've probably never heard of or seen—yet scientists say the bristlefish, a fanged creature that glows in the dark and lives deep down in the ocean, likely numbers in the thousands of trillions, reports...

'Terrifying' NASA Find: We're Running Out of Water

21 of world's 37 largest aquifers draining faster than they can be refilled

(Newser) - A human being without water is a dead human being, which makes NASA's latest data on the world's water supply pretty chilling. About 35% of the fresh water people use comes from large underground aquifers, but supplies are dwindling, with more water removed from 21 of the world'...

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