
Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>

Ex-Sen. Gramm Sticks to His Guns on Deregulation
Ex-Sen. Gramm Sticks to
His Guns on Deregulation

Ex-Sen. Gramm Sticks to His Guns on Deregulation

Republican touts benefits of subprime loans, credit-default swaps as critics cry foul

(Newser) - While some experts argue his work contributed to the economic meltdown, former senator Phil Gramm stands by his efforts to deregulate the lending and financial sectors, the New York Times reports. “There is this idea afloat that if you had more regulation you would have fewer mistakes,” Gramm...

Congress Girds for Post-Election Rumbles

Will address new leaders, Detroit bailout, Stevens, Lieberman

(Newser) - A new Congress takes office Jan. 6 and a new Oval Office occupant two scant weeks later, but the old Congress has plenty on its plate when it reconvenes next week, reports Reuters. The session will focus mainly on the economy, especially the auto industry, but legislators also must appoint...

Bailout's Execution Draws Bipartisan Ire on Hill

Treasury's point man takes heat from lawmakers

(Newser) - The Treasury Department's radical shift in the execution of the government bailout drew fire from both sides of the aisle in a Capitol Hill hearing today, the Washington Times reports. Neel Kashkari, point man for the $700 billion plan, felt the wrath of the House Oversight subcommittee's ranking Republican, Darrell...

Obama Vacates Senate Seat, Effective Sunday

Dem's absence, and Biden's, could effect stimulus plan during lame-duck session

(Newser) - President-elect Obama will resign from the Senate effective Sunday, the Chicago Tribune reports. Illinois state law makes Gov. Rod Blagojevich responsible for choosing Obama’s successor, but states no deadline on the appointment. That could be problematic, with a vote possible during Congress’ lame-duck session on pressing economic issues; the...

Bush Could Block Probes Even After He Steps Down

Soon-to-be ex-prez has Truman, Nixon precedents for keeping executive privilege

(Newser) - President Bush may be able to maintain his executive privilege to block investigations even after he leaves office, the New York Times reports. Harry Truman successfully claimed he had the right not to testify in 1953, nearly a year after he left office, and Richard Nixon later used Truman's case...

Pelosi Among Most Powerful of Speakers

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi may wield her influence behind the scenes, but she is the most powerful woman in the history of US politics, Politico reports, and with recent Democratic gains in Congress, she's poised to have power few other speakers could match. Though she’s nice about it, “whatever Nancy...

Mark Foley Ends Silence, Still Can't Explain Page Scandal

2 years after resignation, Republican tries to put own spin on explicit messages to teens

(Newser) - Even today, 2 years after Mark Foley's very public fall from grace, the former congressman can't explain why he sent lurid, sexually explicit computer messages to male teens working as Capitol Hill pages. "There was never anywhere in those conversations where someone said, 'Stop,' or 'I'm not enjoying...

Senate Dem Unveils Broad Health Reform

Baucus proposal would guarantee insurance for all citizens

(Newser) - Barack Obama made health care reform a key plank of his campaign, but even before he's been inaugurated Congressional Democrats are introducing legislation to transform the system. Leading the charge is Max Baucus, the Montana senator who leads the finance committee. His plan, which he'll introduce today, guarantees health insurance...

Pelosi Urges Lame-Duck Session to Push Auto Bailout

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi plans to convene a lame-duck House session to vote on an expanded rescue of the auto industry, the Wall Street Journal reports. “I am confident Congress can consider emergency assistance legislation next week,” the House Speaker said. Both GM and Ford have said they are cash...

Conservatism Dead by Its Own Hand: O'Rourke

Bloated government is only one (though huge) legacy of GOP reign

(Newser) - Modern conservatism is dead, and conservatives are to blame, PJ O’Rourke writes for the Weekly Standard. “Anyone who is still on the left is obviously insane and not responsible for his or her actions,” he contends. “No, we on the right did it.” Ideal after...

Gore: 5 Steps to Save Planet
 Gore: 5 Steps to Save Planet 


Gore: 5 Steps to Save Planet

Nobel laureate calls on Obama, new Congress to act now

(Newser) - The road to energy efficiency is paved with the same solutions needed to fix the economic crisis, Al Gore writes in a New York Times op-ed. Dismissing proposals for domestic drilling, the climate crusader says, “We simply cannot any longer base the strategy for human survival on a cynical...

Dems Push Paulson to Fund Big 3 Automakers

Pelosi, Reid want $700B bailout to aid GM, Ford, and Chrysler

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats are urging Henry Paulson to pump funds into the sputtering Big Three automakers, Politico reports. In a letter to the treasury secretary, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid called for a broadening of the $700 billion bailout package to help GM, Ford, and Chrysler qualify for federal aid. A...

Pelosi Urges Lame-Duck Stimulus Bill

Democrats say bipartisan, White House support crucial to measure

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi says she hopes to quickly push through a $61 billion economic stimulus package but will need the support of President Bush and the current crop of Senate Republicans, Reuters reports. Pelosi said a "lame duck session" could come as early as Nov. 16. "It depends on...

Runoff Likely in Georgia Senate Race

National party groups pledge support pitting GOP incumbent Chambliss vs. Dem Martin

(Newser) - Georgia’s US Senate race is heading to a runoff, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports today, as Republican incumbent Saxby Chambliss is just shy of the 50% plus one vote needed to defeat Democratic challenger Jim Martin. Both candidates wasted no time to launch campaigns for the vote that would be...

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England
GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

GOP Loses Last Stronghold in New England

Himes' victory over Shays in Conn. completes Republican rout

(Newser) - With the defeat of Rep. Christopher Shays in Connecticut, the GOP has been completely routed from New England. The Republicans’ expulsion from the Northeast derives from losses in centrist districts, those where moderate Republicans like Shays could be expected to win, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard.

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat
 Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat 

Bachmann Holds on to Her Seat

Minnesota GOP rep hangs on after questioning patriotism of fellow lawmakers

(Newser) - Rep. Michele Bachmann survived her campaign near-death experience, narrowly holding on to her House seat in yesterday's election, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. Bachman caused a furor 2 weeks ago when she charged not only Barack Obama but fellow members of Congress with harboring "anti-American" views  in a cable...

Hagan Defeats Dole; Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far
Hagan Defeats Dole;
Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far
senate results

Hagan Defeats Dole; Dems Flip 5 Seats So Far

(Newser) - Kay Hagan defeated Elizabeth Dole in North Carolina and at least four other Democrats captured Republican seats in the Senate as the party inched toward a filibuster-proof goal of 60 seats, ABC News reports. It's going down to the wire. Democrats now have 56 seats, and four races remain undecided,...

Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out
Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out
House results

Dems Pad Majority; Murtha Survives, But Shays Out

(Newser) - House Democrats, who held a 36-seat lead going in, beefed up their advantage tonight and appeared likely to keep padding it as results continued to pour in. Christopher Shays, the lone Republican in the New England delegation, was the highest-profile victim of an emerging landslide, but John Murtha of Pennsylvania...

New Take on Old Law Stymies FBI Probes of Congress

Constitutional clause being used as shield

(Newser) - The FBI is doing its best to root out corruption on Capitol Hill—Robert Mueller called it the bureau’s “top criminal priority”—but investigators are being thwarted by a new twist on a constitutional provision, the Washington Post reports. The “speech or debate” clause was intended...

6 Governors Push Feds for Quicker Auto Industry Relief

Tight credit hurts car sales: Granholm

(Newser) - Michigan’s Jennifer Granholm and five other US governors urged federal officials today to act quickly in delivering financial aid to the auto industry, the Detroit Free Press reports. In a letter, the governors of Delaware, Kentucky, New York, Ohio and South Dakota stress that the credit crisis has hurt...

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>