
Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>

Public Option Lives—If the Left Pushes Hard Enough

Nancy Pelosi still wants it in House-Senate compromise

(Newser) - As health care reform chugs through the Senate Finance Committee, Mike Madden checks in on the prospects for a public option and finds it's not quite dead yet. A big test comes today when the committee votes on amendments from supporters of the public option, such as Jay Rockefeller. "...

Baucus Leaning Left Again
 Baucus Leaning Left Again 

Baucus Leaning Left Again

As interminable mark-up on health bill continues, chair moves on from bipartisan dream

(Newser) - With his health care reform bill finally in committee, finance chair Max Baucus appears to have given up on a truly bipartisan bill. On day one yesterday, "he seemed to be moving back to the left again," writes Mike Madden in Salon. He agreed to a host of...

Congress Wants McChrystal in Hot Seat

Members of both parties want testimony, but Pentagon is not forthcoming

(Newser) - With the White House beset by classified leaks and agonizing over a new Afghan strategy, lawmakers from both parties in both Houses of Congress are calling for a sitdown with Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the Wall Street Journal reports. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has refused requests for testimony from McChrystal until...

Black Caucus Worries About Resurgent Racism

Anti-Obama anger troubles CBC ahead of triumphant annual conferences

(Newser) - The Congressional Black Caucus is enjoying unprecedented power, with more of their members in leadership roles than ever before, not to speak of one of their number in the White House, but many are disturbed by changes in the political atmosphere, Politico reports. As the 42-member group holds its annual...

Mass. Senate Clears Way for Kennedy Successor

(Newser) - Gov. Deval Patrick should be able to name a Democratic replacement for Ted Kennedy's Senate seat before the end of the week, the Boston Globe reports. Legislation giving hm the authority to do so cleared the state Senate today, a week after the House passed it. The measure still needs...

Fall Sends Byrd to Hospital
 Fall Sends Byrd to Hospital 

Fall Sends Byrd to Hospital

Spokesman says Democratic senator will likely not be admitted

(Newser) - Sen. Robert Byrd is at the hospital after a fall at his Northern Virginia home, the Washington Post reports. The 91-year-old West Virginia Democrat has been scarce at the Capitol recently after a previous hospitalization that ended in June. The longest-serving US senator ever “apparently stood up too fast...

Pols-Turned-Lobbyists Use Campaign Cash to Curry Favor

Turn donations into 'political slush fund'

(Newser) - When congressmen leave Capitol Hill for lobbying jobs, they take their unused campaign funds with them, then dole them out to other lawmakers to influence policy, USA Today reports. Such donations are legal—federal law permits ex-congressmen to keep campaign accounts active, donating the money to candidates, parties, and charities—...

564 Amendments Await Baucus Bill Next Week

(Newser) - Well, this should zip right along: Members of both parties on the Senate Finance Committee have drafted no fewer than 564 amendments to be considered when the panel takes up chairman Max Baucus' health care bill next week, reports Bloomberg. Expect to hear the phrases "public option"—Democrat...

Obama at the UN: Eloquence Is Not Enough
Obama at the UN: 
Eloquence Is Not Enough

Obama at the UN: Eloquence Is Not Enough

The president may face tough questions on N. Korea, Iran, and climate change

(Newser) - President Obama will get a respite from America’s rancorous political scene when he appears at the United Nations next week, but he may find international squabbles just as heated, Economist writes. An enthusiastic multilateralist, Obama is loved by leaders around the world. But topics like North Korea, Iran, and...

Lawsuit: Let's Double the Number of Congressmen

Organizers of court challenge want at least 932, as many as 1,761 seats

(Newser) - The House of Representatives is supposed to ensure equal representation for all Americans, but critics see a flawed system because of the expanding population. In Nevada’s 3rd District, for example, one representative speaks for nearly a million people, about twice as many as the congressman for all of Wyoming....

Kennedy Successor May Come Soon
Kennedy Successor May Come Soon

Kennedy Successor May Come Soon

Massachusetts Dems say they've got the votes in both houses

(Newser) - It's possible that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick will be able to name a senator to fill Ted Kennedy's seat sometime next week, the Boston Globe reports. Proponents of the plan say they've now got enough votes, barely, in both state chambers to pull it off. The situation is diciest in...

Wilson's Son to Carter: Dad's No Racist

Slams former prez's claim 'you lie!' was 'based on racism'

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Wilson’s “you lie!” shout wasn’t “based on racism,” whatever Jimmy Carter might say, argues Wilson’s son. “There is not a racist bone in my dad's body,” says Alan Wilson, himself a candidate for attorney general in South Carolina, reports...

House Admonishes Wilson for 'You Lie!'

(Newser) - The House formally admonished Joe Wilson today for his "You lie" outburst during President Obama's speech. The vote was 240-179, with 12 Democrats and seven Republicans voting against party lines. "At issue," declared House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer during debate, "is whether we are able to...

Economy Wallops Lawmakers' Fortunes

Combined, members of Congress sough off hundreds of millions

(Newser) - The 50 richest members of Congress are still rich, but their personal finances show they’re not immune to the economic downturn, Roll Call reports. Together, the pols on the list have lost $275 million in personal wealth since 2007. In 2008, the legislators' combined assets of $1.3 billion...

Wilson: 'I Am Not Going to Apologize Again'

 Wilson: 'I Am 
 Not Going to 

Wilson: 'I Am Not Going to Apologize Again'

Gibbs denies Obama opposition motivated by race

(Newser) - Responding to threats by Democrats demanding he apologize to President Obama on the House floor, Rep. Joe Wilson was adamant today: “I am not going to apologize again.” The South Carolina Republican told Fox News Sunday, “I apologized to the president on Wednesday night. I believe that...

Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter
Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter

Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter

Part of a new-media push to take on critics, raise campaign cash

(Newser) - Joe “You Lie” Wilson has hired a new-media strategist, intent on responding to his now-numerous critics, the Hill reports. So far, that strategist’s chief job seems to be to send Twitter messages—Wilson dispatched 15 within 5 hours of hiring him, four shy of his total for all...

For Shame, Wilson: You Have Free Government Health Care

As a National Guard retiree, SC rep is set for life with TRICARE

(Newser) - Consistent with his “You lie!” outburst the other night, Joe Wilson’s campaign website loudly proclaims he's “PASSIONATE ABOUT STOPPING GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE!” That sentiment would ring truer if the congressman weren't the beneficiary of what he calls “world class” government-run health care, Adam...

Afghanistan Push Meets Resistance —From Democrats

Levin, Pelosi object to troop buildup; Obama weighs options

(Newser) - Support for the war in Afghanistan is dwindling among Democrats as President Obama mulls increasing US involvement in the region, the New York Times reports. Ahead of an expected request for more troops from the US commander in the country, the chair of the Senate armed services committee says he’...

Obama's Health Speech a Victory for the Center: Brooks

Highly effective talk knocks down House plan, public option

(Newser) - President Obama’s health care speech was “the finest speech of his presidency,” writes David Brooks: While rhetorically appeasing liberals, it “subtly staked out ground in the center” to win over moderates, making passage “much more likely,” he opines in the New York Times. Obama...

Joe Wilson's Challenger Rakes in $200K

'You lie!' outburst pays off for SC Republican's Dem foe

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Wilson has apologized for his outburst during President Obama’s speech last night, but the South Carolina Republican can’t take back the money flowing into his Democratic opponent’s coffers, CNN reports. Rob Miller has pocketed $200,000 since Wilson cried “You lie,” and Internet-savvy...

Stories 1021 - 1040 | << Prev   Next >>