
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Paris Hilton Tells of Abuse in Seeking Laws on Teen Care

New legislation would grant basic rights to young people in congregate care

(Newser) - A government report in 2008 detailed the horrors of the industry that has grown up around dealing with troubled teenagers. The report listed abuse and even deaths among the young people put in the care of the boarding schools, boot camps, and other enterprises that make up the "troubled...

Biden Concedes Frustration, Saying He'll Keep Working

With bills stuck in Congress, president plans to lobby nation

(Newser) - With his domestic legislation not moving on Capitol Hill, even after his trip there Friday, President Biden insisted success is still possible, saying he'll "work like hell" to achieve it. But the president didn't try to sugarcoat the situation Saturday. "Everybody is frustrated," he said....

'We're Going to Get This Done,' Biden Says After Hill Meeting

President lobbies divided Democrats for the first time in person

(Newser) - With his domestic legislative agenda going nowhere in Congress, many Democrats had publicly urged President Biden to get more involved personally in negotiations. He did that Friday afternoon, going to Capitol Hill to meet with the divided House Democrats, the New York Times reports. As he left, he expressed confidence...

Pelosi Struggles to Bridge Chasm Within Her Party
Biden Will Try to Break
Logjam Himself

Biden Will Try to Break Logjam Himself

And Bernie Sanders is ticked at two fellow Democratic senators who remain holdouts

(Newser) - The shutdown has been averted , at least temporarily. Now the focus is solely on whether Democrats can reach a compromise on legislation crucial to President Biden's agenda. Toward that end, Biden himself will travel to Capitol Hill to meet with House Democrats later Friday afternoon, reports the Hill and...

Senate Votes to Avert Closure; Manchin Reveals Number
Shutdown Averted,
Pelosi Delays Big Vote

Shutdown Averted, Pelosi Delays Big Vote

Meanwhile, Manchin wants Biden's $3.5T plan cut to $1.5T

(Newser) - Update: President Joe Biden on Thursday night signed legislation to keep the government funded through Dec. 3, with just hours to spare before a government shutdown, the AP reports. Also Thursday night, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delayed a vote on the $1 trillion infrastructure bill. CNN notes Democrats may be...

Colbert Needs Top Hat, Song to Explain Congress
Colbert Uses Willy Wonka
to Explain Congress

Colbert Uses Willy Wonka to Explain Congress

He sings about 'reconciliation' in a top hat

(Newser) - Congress is nearing the end of a monumental week , one in which lawmakers are trying to avert a shutdown as they consider two huge pieces of legislation that could decide the fate of President Biden's legislative agenda. Stephen Colbert attempted to explain all this Wednesday night, in particular the...

'No Room for Error' as Shutdown Deadline Nears

Stopgap bill would fund government agencies through early December

(Newser) - The White House told federal agencies last week to prepare for a government shutdown but it now appears that a shutdown will be avoided just before the deadline of midnight Thursday. The House and Senate are expected to vote on a short-term funding patch Thursday, but CNN reports that lawmakers...

Senate GOP Thwarts Bill to Avoid Shutdown

Republicans block Democrats in first round of a critical week

(Newser) - Republicans in the Senate thwarted a Democratic attempt to suspend the debt limit and head off a government shutdown on Monday night. The vote on a procedural measure to keep the legislative alive was along party lines, CNN reports, 48-50. Approval required 60 votes. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer switched his...

Congress Has Monumental Tasks This Week

A potentially disastrous shutdown, plus the fate of Biden's domestic agenda is at stake

(Newser) - President Biden has relatively little on on his calendar this week, for good reason. The fate of his White House agenda pretty much hangs in the balance in Congress, and he might be needed to woo lawmakers, perhaps even with a trip to Capitol Hill himself, reports CNN . Three massive—...

Agencies Told to Prepare for Shutdown
White House:
Prepare for Shutdown
the rundown

White House: Prepare for Shutdown

Democrats don't have an answer to GOP threats to block lifting of debt ceiling

(Newser) - Lacking a plan to avert the crisis—publicly, at least—White House officials are telling federal agencies to prepare for a government shutdown. Both parties have said it won't come to that, but Congress remains on that course. Government funding runs out on Sept. 30, the Washington Post reports,...

Dems Break Deadlock on $3.5T Budget Blueprint

It passes after Pelosi makes promise to moderates

(Newser) - Democratic leaders have overcome a standoff between progressive and moderates and passed a $3.5 trillion budget plan. A group of moderate House Democrats had threatened to block the plan, potentially derailing a big part of President Biden's agenda, unless there was an immediate vote on the $1 trillion...

Old World Meets New in Latest DC Hangup

Infrastructure bill is stalled by disagreement over cryptocurrency

(Newser) - An old-school political issue—infrastructure—is getting bogged down by the most newfangled of topics. Cryptocurrency. It seems that the giant, bipartisan infrastructure bill is hung up because senators can't agree on how much to regulate the burgeoning field, reports the Hill . The details get convoluted, both in terms...

Emergency Money for Capitol Security Passes

Half of the $2.1B measure will go toward resettling Afghan refugees who helped US

(Newser) - With few dissents, Congress on Thursday approved spending $2.1 billion to cover Capitol security costs and the evacuation and resettlement of Afghans who helped US forces during the 20-year war. The Capitol spending will repay costs incurred because of the Jan. 6 riot, as well as provide for security...

IG: Ross Misled Congress but Won't Face Charges

Justice Department doesn't explain decision on census testimony case

(Newser) - Although an inspector general's report found that he misled Congress about the Trump administration's attempt to put a citizenship question in the census, former Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross won't face any charges. "Our investigation established that the then-Secretary misrepresented the full rationale for the reinstatement of...

Top Democrats Push to Legalize Pot at Federal Level

They're calling for an end to prohibition

(Newser) - Top Senate Democrats have unveiled draft legislation to legalize marijuana, remove federal penalties, and erase nonviolent federal cannabis-related criminal records. The proposal from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden, and Sen. Cory Booker, dubbed the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act, would remove marijiuana, now fully...

Toyota Flops on Certification, Won't Donate to 'No' Voters

Automaker says it heard from customers

(Newser) - Toyota has reversed itself and now says its political action committee will no longer contribute to the Republican lawmakers who voted against certifying Joe Biden's presidential election victory. The move by the Japanese automaker comes after a social media backlash over the contributions, including threats to stop buying the...

Lawmakers Agree to Deal to Investigate Capitol Attack

House could vote on proposed bipartisan commission next week

(Newser) - House lawmakers have reached a bipartisan deal to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol, and it does not include a look at violence alleged to have come from left-wing groups last summer, as some Republicans had hoped. The proposed 10-person commission would focus only on the attack...

Film Studio: 'Sorry for the Pain' of Laverne Cox Dubbing Flap

Universal hired male actor for Italian version of 'Promising Young Woman'

(Newser) - In the Oscar-winning film Promising Young Woman, Laverne Cox plays the role of Gail, the best friend and boss of Cassie, the protagonist. But the Italian version of the movie has now spurred a dubbing controversy, as the voice of the transgender actor has been replaced with that of a...

Widow of Congressman Makes Runoff Election

Susan Wright will face a fellow Republican in Texas; Ron Wright died after COVID diagnosis

(Newser) - A runoff for a US House seat in Texas is set between Republican Susan Wright, whose husband Ron was the first member of Congress to die after being diagnosed with COVID-19, and Republican Jake Ellzey. Democrat Jana Lynne Sanchez was narrowly locked out of the runoff in Texas' 6th Congressional...

Biden Picks Up a Nickname After Ambitious Speech
Biden Picks Up a Nickname
After Ambitious Speech
the rundown

Biden Picks Up a Nickname After Ambitious Speech

Drudge calls him 'Biden Hood,' and Politico makes a similar Robin Hood reference

(Newser) - One thing his supporters and detractors can agree on after President Biden's address to Congress Wednesday night: He went big. As in, Biden spoke of nearly $2 trillion in spending to fund an expansion of government's role in the lives of Americans, along with hefty taxes on the...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>