
Stories 881 - 900 | << Prev   Next >>

Democrats Who Vote 'No' May Be Vulnerable
Democrats Who Vote 'No'
May Be Vulnerable

Democrats Who Vote 'No' May Be Vulnerable

Nate Silver identifies 10 seats, 6 in NY, subject to primary challenge

(Newser) - Some House Democrats could be in a pickle when it comes to reelection this year if they don’t vote for the health care reform bill this week, writes Nate Silver. He’s identified 10 who might face primary challenges based on their ambivalence about the legislation, pressure from activist...

Democrats: Health Vote Next Week

Pelosi 'delighted' Obama will be present for 'historic' passage

(Newser) - Democrats got ready for a health care rumble today, with Nancy Pelosi telling her troops to clear their schedules, be ready to stay in session, and expect a vote next week. Pelosi will move to pass the Senate's December bill as soon as Thursday or Friday, and though Politico...

Obama Delays Asia Trip to Firm Up Health Reform

 Obama Delays 
 Asia Trip to 
 Firm Up 
 Health Reform 
no holiday for sasha, malia

Obama Delays Asia Trip to Firm Up Health Reform

Congressional Democrats were irked at president for skipping town

(Newser) - Despite White House assurances to the contrary yesterday, President Obama will postpone his Asian trip for three days to focus on firming up health care reform legislation. Congressional Democrats had expressed dismay that the president was leaving the country as the House approached a deal that may allow them to...

Another Quayle, Dan's Son, Enters Politics

Says he's 'even more free market' than dad, but is virtual unknown

(Newser) - Ben Quayle, a Phoenix businessman and, more famously, the son of former Vice President Dan Quayle, is entering politics. The 33-year-old has joined an already crowded Republican primary for an open House seat. “I think people realize that I have to go out and prove myself," he tells...

House Democrats Ban Corporate Earmarks

Parties race to end increasingly unpopular practice

(Newser) - The House erupted in ethical one-upsmanship yesterday as Democrats and Republicans raced to end budget earmarks: House Dems banned earmarks to private industry, and Republicans quickly responded with a call to stop all earmarks, not just those to for-profit companies. The new ban ends a fast-growing practice that has poured...

Pelosi Informed of Massa Concerns Months Ago

It's not clear if Speaker acted on 'gay cruising' concerns

(Newser) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was informed of concerns that NY Rep. Eric Massa was cruising congressional male staffers 5 months ago. Massa's top aide called Pelosi's office last October to report his worries about the congressman's practice of spending time with young gay staffers that had nothing to do with...

Patrick Kennedy Loses It on House Floor
 Patrick Kennedy 
 Loses It on House Floor 
afghanistan coverage 'despicable'

Patrick Kennedy Loses It on House Floor

Rhode Island Congressman blasts media for Afghanistan Coverage

(Newser) - Patrick Kennedy blasted the media on the floor of the House this afternoon, calling the focus on the likes of Eric Massa rather than the war in Afghanistan "despicable." The lame-duck Rhode Island Democrat was speaking—and eventually shouting—in favor of a Dennis Kucinich-sponsored resolution requiring President...

Limbaugh: I'll Move to Costa Rica if Health Reform Passes

Rush will 'go to Costa Rica' rather than face Obamacare

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh vowed to leave the US if Obama's health care reforms come into effect. Limbaugh told a caller to his radio show today that if "this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented—I am leaving the country. I'll go to...

Rush Limbaugh: I'm No 'Champion' of Eric Massa

He pulls back as Steny Hoyer and Robert Gibbs blast ex-congressman

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says the mainstream media has it all wrong about his opinion of former Democratic congressman Eric Massa. “They think I'm a big supporter,” the talk show host said today, perhaps because yesterday he promised to make Massa’s ordeal “a national story,” reports Politico...

Eric Massa Asked Aide for a Good 'Frakking'
Eric Massa Asked Aide for
a Good 'Frakking'
spicy comments dept.

Eric Massa Asked Aide for a Good 'Frakking'

Says he was run out of House for opposition to health reform bill

(Newser) - Eric Massa took the opportunity on his weekly radio show yesterday to accuse other House Democrats of running him out of Congress because of his opposition to health care reform—and to reveal the spicy comments that spurred the ethics investigation that forced his resignation. “Now they’ve gotten...

Arizona Dem: Congress, We Need a Paycut

Ann Kirkpatrick wants to take $8,700 hit—first since Depression

(Newser) - Many lawmakers are calling on Congress to once again forego its annual raise, but Arizona Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick is taking things a step further, proposing an $8,700 pay cut. That would amount to 5% of a House member’s base salary of $174,000, and $4.7 million in...

Post-Partisan? Obamacare Push Proves the Lie
Post-Partisan? Obamacare
Push Proves the Lie
charles krauthammer

Post-Partisan? Obamacare Push Proves the Lie

Health care reform is too big for a party-line vote

(Newser) - Barack Obama came to office on the promise of a post-partisan world, but he's about to jam through a monumental health care bill in the most partisan way imaginable, writes Charles Krauthammer. The president insists reform is popular because people support individual items in principle. Of course they do, writes...

House Passes $15B Jobs Bill

Measure offers tax breaks for making new hires

(Newser) - The House today passed a $15 billion jobs bill that gives tax breaks to companies that make new hires. The scaled-down measure passed 217-201 on a mostly party-line vote and now heads back to the Senate. The bill also includes $20 billion for road and bridge construction.

Dem Massa Retiring Amid Harassment Allegations

He cites health; male staffer accuses him

(Newser) - Democrat Eric Massa will retire from the House of Representatives after only one term. The congressman announced his surprise decision amid allegations that he sexually harassed a 20-year-old male staffer, reports Politico . Massa, who's married with two children, said there was no truth to the allegations, though he admitted to...

GOP Lawmaker: Put Reagan on $50 Bill
 GOP Lawmaker: 
 Put Reagan on $50 Bill 

GOP Lawmaker: Put Reagan on $50 Bill

A Democrat counters that he's too controversial

(Newser) - A North Carolina congressman is trying to ensure Ronald Reagan a “place of honor on our nation’s currency” by replacing Ulysses S. Grant’s mug on the $50 dollar bill with the Gipper’s. Republican Patrick T. McHenry has introduced legislation ahead of next year's centennial of Reagan's...

RFK's Grandson May Run for Congress

29-year-old considers carrying on family tradition

(Newser) - A top Massachusetts Democrat said today that one of Robert F. Kennedy's grandsons is considering carrying on the family's political tradition by running for the House of Representatives. Joseph P. Kennedy III, one of the twin sons of former Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy II, may run this fall if Democratic...

Toyota Snowed Regulators to Save $100M

Congress to grill Toyoda over internal document

(Newser) - For Toyota's president the timing couldn't be worse. The day before Akio Toyoda prepares to testify before congress on his safety-riddled products, an internal memo has surfaced in which the firm touts its savings by getting regulators to agree to a cheap but ineffective recall. The 2009 document claims Toyota...

Pistol-Packin' Visitors Now Allowed in National Parks

Congress ditches federal gun restrictions

(Newser) - Be extra nice to the people you meet in Yellowstone—it's now legal for visitors to carry loaded, concealed guns there and in other national parks. Congress has stripped federal firearms restrictions in the parks, leaving limits up to the states where they're located. For nearly a century, the National...

Evan Bayh: How We Can Fix the Senate

It all starts with a bipartisan lunch

(Newser) - Evan Bayh thinks the Senate is so hopelessly mired in partisan muck that the only way out is for Democrats and Republicans to break bread together. "Let’s start with a simple proposal: why not have a monthly lunch of all 100 senators?" he writes in a New York ...

Toyota Chief Will Appear Before Congress After All

Akia Toyoda accepts formal invitation from congressman

(Newser) - Toyota's president has changed his mind and will appear before a House committee to answer questions about his company's recent troubles. The switch by Akio Toyoda came after he received a formal invitation from Rep. Edolphus Towns, reports Bloomberg . "I look forward to speaking directly with Congress and the...

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