meteor shower

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What to Expect From This Weekend's Perseid Meteor Shower

NASA debunks a rumor

(Newser) - Last year's Perseid meteor shower was an extravaganza . Don't expect the same this year. While astronomers are expecting a decent 150 meteors per hour during peak hours between midnight and dawn on Aug. 12 and 13—a little less than the 200 per hour visible in 2016—NASA'...

Thursday Night's Meteor Shower: Expect a Deluge

160 to 200 meteors expected per hour

(Newser) - Never watched the Perseid meteor shower? This is the year to do it. Though Earth spins through the same ancient comet debris each August, Jupiter's gravity has pulled debris closer to Earth this year, meaning Earthlings will witness twice as many shooting stars as normal, or about 160 to...

How to Watch the Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower This Week

You're either going to want to go to bed very early or very, very late

(Newser) - The Eta Aquarids meteor shower happens when Earth passes through the debris left behind by Halley's Comet, and it's peaking this week, the New York Times reports. The Weather Network reports that most everyone will have a good view of the shower Thursday and Friday. About 10 to...

Leonid Meteor Shower Returns

Peak time for viewing is midnight across the US

(Newser) - Get ready to tune your eyes on the sky: The annual Leonid meteor shower will hit its peak overnight on Tuesday, sending shooting stars above the eastern horizon around midnight local time on both coasts. Unfortunately, clouds will cover much of the skies across the US, but those in areas...

Why This Year's Taurids May Be Better Than Ever

Taurid's fireballs will be extra-enhanced by lack of full moon, dense debris field

(Newser) - Every year the Earth passes through the debris left behind by Comet Encke, and it's that time of year again, which means just one thing: Get ready for the fireballs. That's what you could see in the night sky over the next week or so as the Taurid...

Draconid Shower Lights Up Sky Tonight

24 meteors per hour expected at peak time

(Newser) - Anyone hoping to get a good look at this year's Draconid meteor shower should tune their eyes to the sky Thursday night. Though meteors should be visible in some parts of the Northern Hemisphere—including the US, Canada, Europe, and northern Asia, per Time —on Thursday and Friday...

This Week's Meteor Shower Could Be Best in Years

Aim for tonight or tomorrow to see the Perseids, NASA says

(Newser) - If you want to see a light show in the sky, after midnight tomorrow night will be the best hour of the year and possibly the decade. The annual Perseid meteor shower will be at its peak between tonight and Friday night and NASA says 4am EDT will be the...

Meteor Shower This Weekend
 Meteor Shower 
 This Weekend 

Meteor Shower This Weekend

Quadrantids should be visible late Saturday into Sunday

(Newser) - Sky watchers can ring in the new year again with the return of the annual Quadrantid meteor shower this weekend. An almost full moon might reduce visibility, but those willing to give it a try should bundle up Saturday night and head out between midnight and dawn Sunday, reports Earth...

Get Set for Pre-Dawn Meteor Shower

It's a great year to see the Orionids, astronomers say

(Newser) - The annual Orionid meteor shower will be at its peak before dawn today, and astronomers say that since it is very close to a new moon, conditions will be just right to see around 20 meteors per hour. A NASA spokesman says "observing conditions should be ideal" for "...

Never-Before-Seen Meteor Shower Arrives Tonight

Best viewing is 2am to 4am ET Saturday

(Newser) - If it's clear your way late tonight and early tomorrow morning, you might just glimpse something never before seen from Earth: the Camelopardalid meteor shower . As the AP explains, the planet will tonight encounter debris from the Comet 209P/LINEAR, which was discovered just a decade ago; the dusty debris...

'Brand New' Meteor Shower Born in 200-Year-Old Comet

Camelopardalid could rival Perseids—or be totally lame

(Newser) - About 200 years ago, a comet known as 209P/LINEAR passed through our cosmic neighborhood, leaving a trail of detritus in its wake. Next week, our humble planet will plow through that debris field, and the resulting meteor shower has NASA more than a little excited—as well as not quite...

Koreans on Treasure Hunt ... for Space Rocks

Hunters looking to cash in after a meteor shower

(Newser) - Hundreds of South Koreans scouring the countryside of Jinju with metal detectors are on a treasure hunt—but rather than a gold rush, it's a meteorite-searching frenzy. After two black rocks found near the country's southern tip were confirmed to be fragments of a meteor—the first chondrites...

Leonid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend

But the full moon is working against sky-watchers this time

(Newser) - The annual Leonid meteor shower arrives this weekend, so prepare to be ... not quite dazzled. As it happens, the full moon also arrives this weekend, which is going to cut down on the number of streaks you see, reports USA Today . The Leonids' peak comes in the predawn hours of...

Year's Best Meteor Show Arrives Tonight

Northeast will have best view of Perseids

(Newser) - The annual Perseid meteor shower is upon us, and if you don't know much about astronomy, a NASA rep simplifies it for you: "The Perseids are the good ones." Visible to the naked eye, the August shower will peak tonight and tomorrow, with optimal viewing time between...

Tonight: 2 Meteor Showers?
 Tonight: 2 Meteor Showers? 

Tonight: 2 Meteor Showers?

Geminid is one of year's biggest

(Newser) - Tonight's Geminid meteor shower—one of the year's two biggest—could bring 100 shooting stars per hour, and that's just the beginning. Tonight's sky may actually host two meteor showers, the second spawned by the comet Wirtanen, USA Today reports. That second shower hasn't yet...

Meteor Shower Tonight
 Meteor Shower Tonight 

Meteor Shower Tonight

Leonids peak overnight

(Newser) - The Leonid meteor shower is making its annual November visit, and it peaks overnight tonight, reports ABC News . The Leonids generally aren't the most spectacular of shows, but patient sky-watchers will likely be rewarded given the young moon. If you can't get outside, NASA plans a live feed...

Meteor Shower Tonight
 Meteor Shower Tonight 

Meteor Shower Tonight

Orionids peak overnight

(Newser) - Night owls get a light show tonight—the Orionid meteor shower peaks in the overnight hours. Things should pick up about midnight, but the best viewing will probably be just before dawn. The Earth is passing through debris from Halley's Comet, though the comet itself won't be making...

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight

It should be a great show this year

(Newser) - It's time for the annual Perseid meteor shower, and this year's will be especially good. A waning crescent moon means that the moon won't block viewing, and the peak is on tonight—so go ahead and stay up late to watch. Between midnight and dawn, about 80...

&#39;Supermoon&#39; Coming Saturday

 Don't Forget:  
in case you missed it

Don't Forget: 'Supermoon' Tonight

It occurs when the moon is nearest Earth in its orbit

(Newser) - The biggest and brightest full moon of the year will grace the skies tonight. The "supermoon," which occurs when the moon is nearest Earth in its orbit, will appear only slightly smaller than last year's, which was the brightest full moon in nearly 20 years. It will...

Meteor Show Tonight
 Meteor Show Tonight 

Meteor Show Tonight

Scant moonlight should make Lyrids visible after midnight

(Newser) - The sky is putting on a free light show night. The Lyrid meteor shower is here, and it peaks in the wee hours, reports Discovery News . The Lyrids aren't as big as the Perseids of summer or the Geminids of winter, notes ABC News , but a new moon tonight...

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