
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

X-Ray Solves Mystery of Chalky Chocolate

Reducing pores could eliminate harmless but unappealing fat bloom

(Newser) - Have you ever thrown out old chocolate that had taken on a chalky, white hue, unsure if it was still edible? You're not the only one. Food scientists say the harmless change, known as fat blooming, is a major source of complaints and rejections from chocolate lovers and actually...

Scientists Figure Out How to Make Chocolate Healthier

It involves the not-so-tasty-sounding pulp preconditioning

(Newser) - One of your vices could one day be a little more virtuous: Scientists are today announcing that they've figured out how to make chocolate healthier. The findings will be detailed by researchers from Belgium's Ghent University and the University of Ghana at the national meeting of the American...

'World's Richest Candyman' Died on Valentine's Day

Michele Ferrero brought Nutella to the world

(Newser) - Pastry maker Pietro Ferrero invented Nutella amid postwar chocolate shortages in Italy, but it was his son who brought the cocoa-hazelnut paste to the world. Michele Ferrero, who died on Valentine's Day at the age of 89, built the family firm into a $30 billion global confectionary empire, creating...

Brits Flip Over Cadbury Creme Egg Changes

UK-only chocolate switch causes uproar

(Newser) - It's early January, but people in the UK are apparently already munching on a lot of Cadbury Creme Eggs—and many of them aren't happy about some changes inside the foil. The Easter treats used to be made with the Dairy Milk brand of milk chocolate, but the...

Inventor: I Make Farts Smell Like Chocolate

Christian Poincheval says 'fart pills' make a great gift

(Newser) - Christian Poincheval was enjoying a meal out with friends six years ago when he had his eureka moment and the idea for a new product popped into his head. What sparked his creativity? "After a hearty meal, we almost suffocated as our farts were smelly," the French inventor...

Never Give These Foods to Your Pet

Grapes, avocados, cookies are dangerous for dogs, cats

(Newser) - You may have heard that you shouldn't give chocolate to your dog—but how about grapes? Or sugar-free gum? Alternet lists eight foods that humans may consume, but pets definitely shouldn't:
  1. Sugar-free treats like gum, which contain xylitol. The sugar alcohol is extracted from fruits and vegetables to

The World Is Running Out of Chocolate

Two chocolate makers warn of huge annual deficit

(Newser) - Like grabbing a Snickers on the run or savoring a little dark chocolate in the evening? Then brace yourself, because chocolate production is failing to keep up with worldwide consumption and could fall behind by 2 million metric tons annually by 2030, two big chocolate makers tell the Washington Post...

Tasty Solution to Senior Moments: Chocolate

Its antioxidants drastically improve scores on memory tests: study

(Newser) - A new study—conveniently timed around Halloween—points to a tasty way to improve our memories. For three months, study subjects ages 50 to 69 consumed a drink full of cocoa flavanols, which are antioxidants. On a memory test, the subjects scored about 25% higher than did another group whose...

Chocolate-Maker ISIS Decides to Change Name

Belgium company had just changed it months ago

(Newser) - A 90-year-old chocolate company in Belgium got tired of its name of Italo Suisse last year and settled on what it thought was a sure winner: ISIS. Then along came the extremist group Islamic State, known by various names, including, of course, ISIS. "Had we known there was a...

Revealed: How to Make Chocolate-Chip Cookies... Perfectly

No matter how you like them

(Newser) - There is no one universally perfect chocolate-chip cookie: Some of us like them soft, some crispy, some thick, some thin. Fortunately, OZY has the secrets to making them exactly the way you like, and the site is sharing its findings with the world. It all starts with the Nestle Toll...

For Sale: Bathroom Made of Chocolate

Buyer advised not to eat it all at once

(Newser) - The wait is over, folks: You can finally eat your entire bathroom. British bathroom designers and chocolate makers have joined forces to build a sink, bathtub, and, yes, toilet out of chocolate, the New York Daily News reports. Altogether, the set will cost you about $133,000. But the real...

In This Country, Women Pick Chocolate Over Sex

French women say they know where happiness lies

(Newser) - French women have apparently found the key to happiness—in chocolate. According to a new poll , French woman say food (chocolate in particular) is the most important factor in happiness, the Chicago Tribune reports. Men chose sex as number one, and gave it a 7.5 out of ten when...

What Makes Dark Chocolate Healthy?
 What Makes 
 Dark Chocolate 
new study

What Makes Dark Chocolate Healthy?

The bacteria inside us love it: researchers

(Newser) - You've probably heard about the highly convenient health benefits of dark chocolate . As io9 points out, the stuff is good for your heart, your brain, and even your teeth. But just why is it so healthy? Researchers are explaining that the healthy bacteria in our digestive systems love dark...

Thousands to Take 'Chocolate Pills' in Huge 4-Year Test

Study to see whether high concentrations of cocoa flavanols promote heart health

(Newser) - Surely you've heard that chocolate can be good for you : Now researchers are aiming to take all of dark chocolate's healthy components and pack them into pill form, in an attempt to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and heart disease. In previous studies, cocoa flavanols have been found to...

Hershey Ventures Into 3D Chocolate

Company teams with up with tech partner to make special printer

(Newser) - Imagine what Willy Wonka could do with this: Hershey says it's teaming up with a company called 3D Systems to develop a 3D printer that spits out, yes, chocolate, reports CNN . Essentially, the "ink well" would be filled with chocolate, and the machine would use it to produce...

New from Lay's: Chocolate-Covered Potato Chips

Limited-time snack arrives for holidays

(Newser) - Finally, Frito-Lay is saving you the trouble of physically dipping your potato chips in chocolate sauce. The company is releasing milk chocolate-covered chips for the holidays, and they're set to hit shelves next week—though only at Target, and only for a limited time, USA Today reports. "When...

Bookstores' Salvation: Whiffs of Chocolate?

Study finds shoppers linger, buy more in certain genres

(Newser) - Bookstores need all they help they can get in the age of Amazon, and Belgian researchers are obliging with a suggestion: Smell like chocolate. Their study found that people were twice as likely to linger and peruse multiple books if the shop had a subtle scent of chocolate working in...

'Anarchist Chocolatier' Mott Green Dead at 47

He left U.S. to create a sustainable company in Grenada

(Newser) - He was kind of like Willy Wonka, if Wonka had combined his passion for chocolate with social justice. Or as the headline in Haaretz puts it: "Mott Green, Jewish anarchist chocolatier, dies aged 47." Green was born David Friedman and grew up in Staten Island, but he gave...

Oreo Maker Creates Chocolate That Doesn't Melt

Hopes to boost sales in Africa and Middle East

(Newser) - The company that makes Cadbury chocolates and Oreos is launching a new chocolate that can resist heats of up to 104 degrees without melting, and it should be on shelves soon—but probably not the ones in US grocery stores. This isn't a Willy Wonka-style gimmick so much as...

Chocolate Prices Rigged: Canada

Nestle, Mars charged; Hershey already expected to plead

(Newser) - The Canadian branches of Nestlé and Mars were both slapped with criminal charges yesterday, with Canada's Competition Bureau accusing both of price-fixing the chocolate market following a 5-year investigation. Hershey was also party to the scheme, which dates to 2007 and earlier, but the bureau recommended leniency because it...

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