state of emergency

Stories 101 - 114 | << Prev 

Pakistan Arrests Imran Khan After Escape

Cricketer-turned-MP detained after he flees house arrest

(Newser) - Pakistani police today arrested Imran Khan, the former cricket star turned opposition politician, Bloomberg reports. Khan was initially detained in his house in Lahore, but he escaped to rally students against Pervez Musharraf, whom he calls "the dictator." Khan's arrest comes as a blow to attempts by Benazir...

Bhutto Demands Musharraf Quit
Bhutto Demands Musharraf Quit

Bhutto Demands Musharraf Quit

International condemnation grows against general as crackdown grows

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto demanded today that Musharraf resign as president and insisted she will never serve as prime minister under him. She also said that her party will likely boycott elections in January, the AP reports. Bhutto spoke as police again barricaded her house, ringing it with barbed wire and dump...

Georgia Prez to Lift Restrictions ... Eventually

Tycoon announces bid for presidency, vows to remove 'facist regime'

(Newser) - Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili vowed yesterday to end his country's state of emergency—eventually—asserting that the restrictions, which include a ban on independent TV news, wouldn't cease "on orders of a foreign minister of some country," AP reports. Not enough for some: Georgia's richest man announced he...

Bhutto Fails to Break Barricade
Bhutto Fails to Break Barricade

Bhutto Fails to Break Barricade

Police block her from driving out to lead rally

(Newser) - Benazir Bhutto tried unsuccessfully to break through the police blockade outside her Islamabad home today to lead a rally in a nearby city, the AP reports. "We are trying to pass through because we want to reach Rawalpindi," Bhutto said after trying to drive through the blockade. "...

700 Bhutto Supporters Arrested
700 Bhutto Supporters Arrested

700 Bhutto Supporters Arrested

Bhutto claims 'thousands' of activists have been arrested

(Newser) - More than 700 supporters of opposition leader Benazar Bhutto were arrested overnight, her party claims, in anticipation of a mass rally planned for tomorrow in Rawalpindi to protest emergency rule in Pakistan. In Karachi, five people arrested earlier were charged with treason for making speeches critical of the government; if...

Bhutto Plans Mass Rally; Lawyers Clash With Police

State of emergency continues as ex-PM calls for protests

(Newser) - As lawyers continue to clash with police in Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto has vowed to lead massive public protests to force Pervez Musharraf to restore the constitution and hold elections as scheduled. The Times of London reports that Bhutto is traveling to the capital, Islamabad, today to meet with fellow opposition...

Musharraf's Chaos Leaves US Twisting in Wind

Musharraf power grab a 'big embarrassment' for the White House

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf is gripping not only Pakistan in a tight state of emergency, but also his allies in Washington, the New York Times reports. American officials are stuck monitoring developments as the US-backed military dictator threatens a shaky democracy and spurs civil unrest. Condoleezza Rice called Musharraf’s decision “...

Pakistani Troops Grab Activists
Pakistani Troops Grab Activists

Pakistani Troops Grab Activists

Media forbidden to express opposition views after Musharraf declares emergency

(Newser) - Pakistani soldiers today began rounding up activists, lawyers and judges at gunpoint a day after President Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency, suspending the constitution and banning free speech. Media and police sources say 1,500 opposition figures have been detained; Prime Minister Shaukat Aziztold reporters there have been...

Bush Declares Calif. Emergency
Bush Declares Calif. Emergency

Bush Declares Calif. Emergency

(Newser) - Federal aid will soon be pouring into Southern California: President Bush today declared a state of emergency for the fire-scorched region. Wildfires ripping across seven counties have forced half a million people to evacuate. “We extend our prayers and our thoughts” to them, Bush said. Homeland Security chief Michael...

Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires
Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires

Anti-Terror Squads Probe Fires

As blazes continue, police call for increased powers

(Newser) - As fires continues to ravage Greece, the government has used anti-terrorist forces to question 32 suspects arrested for alleged arson. New fires continue to break out, and Greek authorities are now offering a $2 milion reward to catch arsonists. The blazes have killed at least 60 people since Friday and...

More Flooding Ravages Midwest
More Flooding Ravages Midwest

More Flooding Ravages Midwest

Ohio governor declares state of emergency as waters rise

(Newser) - Ohio towns were turned into lakes as some of the worst flooding in a century spread across the Midwest yesterday, displacing hundreds of people, reports the AP. Locals in the town on Findlay, Ohio, not far from the Indiana border, navigated the submerged streets in canoes as firefighters and volunteers...

In Pakistan, a Birthday Marred by Violence

Nation turns 60 amid bomb attacks and political upheaval

(Newser) - Pakistan celebrates the 60th anniversary of its independence today at a moment plagued by violence and shadowed by political uncertainty, the Independent writes. A roadside bomb killed four civilians yesterday near the border with Afghanistan, where the Taliban is allegedly regrouping. Attacks have multiplied since July from tribal areas to...

Musharraf Backs Down From Emergency Rule

Under pressure, ruling general instead moves toward elections

(Newser) - After wide speculation that he would invoke emergency measures to deal with mounting violence and instability, Pakistan's president put out word today that he will stay the course on elections, Reuters reports. Beset by Islamic militants, constitutional challenges and declining poll numbers, Pervez Musharraf was thought to be on the...

Pakistan Braces for State of Emergency

Stock market reels as Musharraf prepares to expand his powers

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf held a meeting this morning to discuss the declaration of a state of emergency in Pakistan, says the Guardian. Although the government claimed that recent suicide attacks and recent belligerent talk from the White House—not to speak of the Barack Obama campaign—may necessitate emergency measures, opponents...

Stories 101 - 114 | << Prev