Hillary Clinton

Read the latest news about former Secretary of State and First Lady Hillary Clinton on Newser.com

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Michelle Obama&#39;s Famous Advice Is Now Being Flipped

Michelle Obama's
Famous Advice
Is Now Being
the rundown

Michelle Obama's Famous Advice Is Now Being Flipped

Eric Holder: 'When they go low, we kick them'

(Newser) - Michelle Obama gave her fellow Democrats a piece of famous advice during her speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention: "When they go low, we go high." The mantra, delivered during a particularly nasty campaign, is now back in the news for an unusual reason: Some high-profile Democrats...

'Lock Her Up' Finds a New Target at Trump Rally

The crowd reacted when Sen. Dianne Feinstein's name was mentioned

(Newser) - Chants of "Lock her up!" rang once again through an Iowa arena as President Trump rallied supporters Tuesday. But this time, the staple of Trump's 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton had a new target: California Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Trump, in the state boosting GOP candidates ahead of...

Clinton: Kavanaugh Ceremony Was Like &#39;Political Rally&#39;
Clinton, Trump
Trade Barbs

Clinton, Trump Trade Barbs

Clinton calls Kavanaugh swearing-in a 'political rally'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton says President Trump turned Brett Kavanaugh's ceremonial swearing-in at the White House Monday night into a "political rally." At what the Washington Post refers to as a "boisterous" event, Trump apologized to the newest Supreme Court justice "on behalf of our nation" for...

Trump Team Sought Israeli Firm's Help to Defeat 'Bear'

Mueller looks into Rick Gates' outreach to intel company Psy-Group to wage online attacks

(Newser) - Robert Mueller is looking into the Trump campaign's discussions with an Israeli intelligence firm to go after opponents in the 2016 election campaign, reports the New York Times . Specifically, campaign official Rick Gates asked a company called Psy-Group—made up mostly of former Israeli intelligence agents—for proposals on...

Hillary Clinton Appears on Murphy Brown Premiere

Former presidential candidate pokes fun at the email scandal

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton made a cameo appearance on the premiere of the Murphy Brown reboot as an applicant for a secretarial job who says she has "some experience with emails," a line the show's creator said Friday she was surprised that Clinton was happy to deliver. The former...

Texas School Official Explains Move on Helen Keller, Clinton

Dropping them from curriculum is not about politics, says chair of state education board

(Newser) - The Texas State Board of Education has proposed teaching changes that would, among other things, remove Hillary Clinton and Helen Keller from the curriculum. But in an op-ed at the Washington Post , the chair of the state board pushes back against what she sees as "misguided criticism" of the...

Hillary Clinton: &#39;Our Democracy Is in Crisis&#39;
Hillary Clinton:
'Our Democracy
Is in Crisis'

Hillary Clinton: 'Our Democracy Is in Crisis'

She says Trump is as bad as she feared

(Newser) - After President Trump's election victory in 2016, "I hoped that my fears for our future were overblown," Hillary Clinton writes in a blistering essay in the Atlantic . "They were not." In the essay, Clinton slams the "unspeakable" and "monstrous" actions of Trump's...

The Vote Is In: Hillary Set to Be Cut From Texas History Lessons

And also Helen Keller, if state Board of Education's vote is finalized in November

(Newser) - The Texas Board of Education says it's trying to "streamline" the social studies curriculum in its public schools, and one way it plans on doing so is by getting rid of two big names from the required learning plan. The Dallas Morning News reports that on Friday, the...

Trump's Claim About Clinton and China Not Supported by FBI

Says there's no evidence of an email hack

(Newser) - The FBI said Wednesday that it has no evidence Hillary Clinton's private email server was compromised even though President Trump tweeted a news report that alleged the Chinese had hacked it. Trump tweeted Tuesday evening about a report in the conservative Daily Caller that said a Chinese-owned company operating...

Trump Says China Hacked Clinton Emails, Doesn't Elaborate

Says FBI, DOJ must respond or 'their credibility will be forever gone!'

(Newser) - President Trump once again tweeted about Hillary Clinton's emails, though this time with a twist: He claimed she was hacked by China. As some media outlets noted, Trump put forth no evidence backing his claim in the the tweets, made roughly two hours apart. They read:
  • First : "Report

Hillary Clinton: Here&#39;s What McCain Found &#39;Heartbreaking&#39;
Hillary Clinton:
Here's What
McCain Found
sunday talk shows

Hillary Clinton: Here's What McCain Found 'Heartbreaking'

And other thoughts around the Sunday talk show dial

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton appeared on NBC's Meet the Press with praise for her longtime colleague and political rival, the late Sen. John McCain—who "really understood in the marrow of his bones what it meant to be an American," she says, per the Hill . "He knew that...

Chelsea Clinton's Political Future a 'Definite Maybe'

Will she or won't she?

(Newser) - Chelsea Clinton will not rule out a future in politics. Per the Guardian , the daughter of Democratic superstars Bill and Hillary Clinton was plugging her children's book at the Edinburgh international book festival when the question of her potential future in elected office was posed. While bashing Trump, the...

Russian Hack Followed Trump's 'Are You Listening' Speech

Clinton's office was targeted hours after candidate Trump mentioned it

(Newser) - Was Russia listening after all? In a July 27, 2016, speech, then-candidate Donald Trump called on Russian hackers to find emails from his Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, in the US presidential campaign. "Russia, if you're listening," Trump said , "I hope you're able to find the...

Clinton Has 3-Word Response to Inspector General's Report

'But my emails'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton managed to deliver a humorous—and biting—response to a startling revelation in the Justice Department watchdog's report on James Comey's handling of her email controversy in 2016. "But my emails," she tweeted in response to the finding that Comey had used a personal...

Mystery of Mitt Romney's Presidential Vote Solved

He wrote in the name of his wife, Ann

(Newser) - Mitt Romney said long before the November 2016 election he wouldn't be casting his ballot for either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but the person he did vote for has remained a mystery—until now. "I wrote in the name of a person who I admire deeply, who...

Hillary Clinton as CEO? She's Got a Company in Mind

Facebook, she says, while answering hypothetical question

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton was at Harvard Friday to pick up an award, and she's making headlines for her quick answer to a hypothetical question. When asked what company she would like to be CEO of, Clinton instantly responded, "Facebook," reports CNET . The audience then laughed, as did Clinton...

Clinton Pulls Out Hat to Rib Trump at Yale

It wasn't a 'MAGA' hat

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton returned to Yale University this weekend, warning the graduating class of the "tumultuous times" that await them—and then using the school's tradition of over-the-top headwear to rib President Trump with her own unusual hat: a Russian fur cap. The audience laughed as she said, "...

‘They Were Never Going to Let Me Be President’

New book by Amy Chozick chronicles Hillary Clinton's campaign

(Newser) - New York Times reporter Amy Chozick has a new book on Hillary Clinton and the 2016 election, and one anecdote in particular from it was getting attention on Friday. It's from election night, when Chozick writes in Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling ...

DNC Suit Alleges 'Unprecedented Treachery' From Trump Campaign

Complaint says Trump associates 'gleefully' welcomed Russia's help in tilting election

(Newser) - It was a "brazen attack on US soil" during the 2016 election, claims the Democratic National Committee—and now it's suing the Russian government, WikiLeaks, and Donald Trump's campaign for "unprecedented treachery." The Washington Post reports the DNC filed its complaint Friday in New York...

Hillary Clinton: US Didn't 'Deserve' a Trump Victory

Says she won the forward-looking parts of the country

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton told an audience in India that the United States did not "deserve" Donald Trump's presidency and that these are "perilous times." The 2016 Democratic presidential candidate spoke over the weekend at a conference in Mumbai, per the AP . "I won the places that...

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