Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Hillary Does About-Face on Iran
Hillary Does About-Face
on Iran

Hillary Does About-Face on Iran

Or does she? Depends on the meaning of 'with no conditions'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton told a voter in an apple orchard yesterday that she would negotiate with Iran “with no conditions”—the very statement for which she took Barack Obama to the woodshed in July, calling him "naive." The difference? Her campaign tells the AP she doesn't agree...

Students Protest Ahmadinejad Speech
Students Protest Ahmadinejad Speech

Students Protest Ahmadinejad Speech

Police use tear gas as demonstrators rush university venue

(Newser) - Iranian students mounted a rare protest today as Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Tehran University. Opponents shouted “Death to the dictator!” and tried to enter the hall where the president was speaking, prompting police to fire tear gas into the crowd. Protesters also tried to prevent Ahmadinejad from leaving,...

Iranian Gays: We're Here!
Iranian Gays: We're Here!

Iranian Gays: We're Here!

Contrary to prez, community of 'illegal' gays live in Iran, but very quietly

(Newser) - Iranian gays insist they actually do exist, and in large numbers, contrary to statements made by Iran's president to derisive laughter at Columbia University last week. But life there is much more "complicated" for gays than it is in North America. “You can have a secret gay life...

Iran Pledges to Help Keep Arms Out of Iraq

Small dip in militant attacks could reflect successful deal

(Newser) - Iraqi officials claim they've secured a pledge from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to curb the flow of weapons and insurgent support across the Iraq-Iran border. Although Iran has not confirmed this pledge, Gen. David Petraeus said that attacks may have fallen slightly since the agreement last month. Petraeus said it's...

Sanctions on Iran 'Illegal': Ahmadinejad

Iran's prez blasts US policy and 'Zionist regime' at the UN

(Newser) - Today Ahmadinejad attacked "illegal" sanctions on Iran and said that its "peaceful and transparent" nuclear policy should be left to UN watchdog, Reuters reports. Speaking at the UN, he also slammed the "illegal Zionist regime" and blasted the US for occupying Iraq. "The occupiers ... do not...

Columbia Prez Lays Into Ahmadinejad
Columbia Prez Lays Into Ahmadinejad

Columbia Prez Lays Into Ahmadinejad

Head of state answers ‘unfriendly’ intro with contentious talk

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad appeared today at Columbia University, where the school’s president called the Iranian president “a petty and cruel dictator” and excoriated him for his human rights rap sheet, Holocaust denial—which Lee Bollinger called "simply ridiculous"—and nuclear ambitions. The visitor smiled as Bollinger spoke,...

Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm
Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm

Iranian Prez Flies Into NY Storm

Ahmadinejad arrives in NY amid protests

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrived in New York yesterday amid protests and rancor over his schedule of public appearances, including his planned address at Columbia University. In the first of a series of public relations efforts, Ahmadinejad claimed in a television interview that Iran is seeking neither nuclear weapons nor...

VP Mulled Israeli Strike on Iran
VP Mulled Israeli Strike on Iran

VP Mulled Israeli Strike on Iran

Israel would have bombed nuke facilities —and still might

(Newser) - Dick Cheney considered encouraging Israel to launch an air strike on Iran, Reuters reports,  citing a Newsweek claim that Cheney saw the strike as drawing retailation that would, in turn, draw the US into a war. Cheney adviser David Wurmser is said to have disclosed the discussions.

Iran to West: Don't Even Think About It

Tehran says attackers will rue aggression "as they regret it in Iraq"

(Newser) - In a parade flanked by missiles and homegrown fighter jets, Iran unequivocally responded to the West's indirect threats of force against the Islamic nation's nuclear ambitions: "Our message to the enemies is: Do not do it," said the head of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. "They will regret it,...

Iranian Prez Banned From Ground Zero

Controversial leader sought to place wreath on 9/11 site

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been barred from visiting Ground Zero to "pay his respects" during a visit to New York. The city's police commissioner said the controversial president would not be allowed to leave a wreath, citing construction barring visitors from the site. "If there were a...

Bush Will Never Pull Trigger on Iran Bombings

But Salon says vice prez could still 'engineer' a war

(Newser) - Most pundits say Bush will knock out Iran's nuke plants by spring, but months of not pulling the trigger prove he'll never do it - though someone else might, argues Steven Clemons in Salon. Advisers pushing for the military option have lost ground to moderates, and a coterie of neocons...

Iran Boasts of Nuke Potential
Iran Boasts of Nuke Potential

Iran Boasts of Nuke Potential

Ahmadinejad claims 3,000 centrifuges, after UN praises its probe cooperation

(Newser) - Iran is operating 3,000 centrifuges in a bid to enrich uranium for its nuclear program, president Ahmadinejad said today, contradicting a UN report that listed far fewer. But the Iranian president praised the report by the UN nuclear watchdog, which said the country’s rate of enrichment activities had...

Iran is Ready to Fill Power Vacuum in Iraq

Ahmadinejad chides US, dismisses threat of action against Iran

(Newser) - President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech today that Iran is ready to fill a coming power vacuum in Iraq. "The political power of the occupiers is collapsing rapidly," said the leader, who earlier this month assured Nouri al-Maliki that Iran would be happy to help stabilize Iraq...

Iran Executes 30 in Past Month
Iran Executes 30 in Past Month

Iran Executes 30 in Past Month

(Newser) - Iran executed up to 30 people in the past month, mostly in public hangings, in a nationwide crackdown on murderers, sex offenders, drug traffickers, and other threats to "social security," reports the Observer. Human rights advocates say the sweep, also advertised as countering an alleged surge in US-backed...

Iranian Shakes Woman's Hand, Drops Prez Bid

Youtube video shows reformist leader with uncovered females

(Newser) - Iran's opposition leader has dropped out of the race to unseat Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as president after the circulation of a Youtube video that appears to show him shaking hands with a woman, says the Guardian. The video and several photographs of Mohammad Khatami also show the reform-minded former Iranian president...

Iran Erupts Over Gas Rationing
Iran Erupts Over Gas Rationing

Iran Erupts Over Gas Rationing

Leaders fear West will cut fuel imports

(Newser) - Angry Iranians torched Tehran gas stations yesterday and smashed windows as protests against gas rationing turned violent, the BBC reports. Motorists formed huge lines to fill  tanks before new laws took effect limiting Iranians to 26 gallons of gas a month. Despite its oil reserves, Iran is short of refining...

Interest Rate Cut Triggers Panic in Iran

President goes over finance minister's head, ignites sell-off

(Newser) - Iran's erratic president has set off a stock market scare by ordering banks to slash interest rates, despite high inflation and lots of expert advice to the contrary. The move sparked panicked selling and fears of a full-blown financial crisis, the Guardian reports. The new decreed rate is 12%, down...

Why Iran Must Be Bombed
Why Iran
Must Be Bombed

Why Iran Must Be Bombed

Norman Podhoretz on Ahmadinejad, Hitler, and the case for war with Iran

(Newser) - The only way to protect the West from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is to bomb Iran now, writes Norman Podhoretz in Commentary. The irascible neocon blasts left-wingers who downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran, and argues that deterrence won’t stop the Iranian leader once he’s armed.

Why a Kiss On the Lips (or Even the Hand) Can Still Stir Controversy

(Newser) - Richad Gere and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are hardly soulmates, but both got into trouble last week for kissing (not each other) in public. The actor was hanged in effigy by an angry mob for kissing a female Bollywood star during a charity event in India; the Iranian president  reprimanded by religious...

Presidential Peck Sets Off Iranian Sex Scandal

A kiss on the hand lands Ahmadinejad in hot water with hard-liners

(Newser) - Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is at the center of an unlikely sex scandal today, after being caught on camera kissing the hand—even if it was gloved—of a retired schoolteacher. Ahmadinejad's sexy faux pas, at a ceremony honoring the country's teachers, is a violation of Shariah law, hard-liners say.

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>