foreign policy

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Maybe Obama Isn't American Enough
Maybe Obama Isn't
American Enough
Charles Krauthammer

Maybe Obama Isn't American Enough

Upbringing could explain why he disses US allies

(Newser) - The Obama administration has dissed one traditional American ally after another, with Britain the worst example, writes Charles Krauthammer. In trying to figure out why, he quotes a British diplomat who notes that President Obama is someone who "grew up in Hawaii, whose foreign experience was of Indonesia and...

Obama and Clinton, 'Frenemies' at Last

The former rivals are easing into their new alliance

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have put the bitter presidential campaign behind them to form a solid partnership. They support each other, meet regularly and even joke about their status as 'frenemies.' “We’ve developed, I think, a very good rapport, Clinton said recently. “I see the...

US Agents to Embed With Mexican Drug Police

Obama administration willing to work more closely with Mexico

(Newser) - The US has hatched a plan to embed American intelligence agents in Mexican police units for the first time, in an effort to hunt down drug cartel leaders. In the past, the US has hesitated to share intelligence with Mexican police, viewing them as largely corrupt and incompetent. To avoid...

Godlessness Hampers US Foreign Policy

Report says America ignores world religions at its own peril

(Newser) - President Obama needs to close the "God gap" in foreign policy, or the US will surely continue to feed religious extremism and undermine peace efforts around the world. So claims a report delivered to the White House yesterday, which warns that the "uncompromising Western secularism" of those at...

Unlikely Allies Help Obama in Afghanistan

White House engages with Russia, China, and more, and gets results

(Newser) - Diplomacy has become a major part of Barack Obama’s strategy in Afghanistan; the administration has been proactively recruiting regional allies, even ones that seem like strange bedfellows. Russia, for example, which suffered its own defeat in Afghanistan in part thanks to US covert operations, recently gave a general authorization...

Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary
Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary

Iran Seethes Ahead of Revolution Anniversary

February 11 will test regime, international community

(Newser) - Feb. 11, the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran, promises to bring tests for all parties with a hand in the nation's fate, writes Gerald Seib. Big marches traditionally herald the anniversary, and members of the opposition movement that has bloomed since last June's election will undoubtedly come...

The Best YouTube Questions Obama Didn't Answer

Which 'Rocky' movie is your favorite?

(Newser) - President Obama today answered questions Americans submitted on YouTube, tackling serious inquires on foreign policy, health care, and education. But some of the unanswered questions are too entertaining to be ignored, and New York has collected them. Check out the two little kids preoccupied with the destruction of the White...

National Security Took Backseat in State of Union

Address light on foreign policy as Obama focuses on 'wounded' US

(Newser) - President Obama spent just 9 minutes of last night's speech on the subject of America's relations with the rest of the world. He warned Iran over its nuclear program and spoke of China as an economic threat, but made no mention of Middle East peace talks or the row with...

Haiti Is a Cultural Disaster, Not a Natural One

Progress-resistant country needs 'intrusive paternalism'

(Newser) - The tragedy in Haiti is more a man-made than a natural disaster, caused by shoddy construction and terrible infrastructure, writes David Brooks, noting the 1989 Bay Area earthquake of the same magnitude only killed 63 people. The kind of poverty that caused this catastrophe needs to be tackled, but to...

'Goldilocks' Strategy Wins Prez Time
 'Goldilocks' Strategy 
 Wins Prez Time 


'Goldilocks' Strategy Wins Prez Time

Adopting centrist position is a gamble

(Newser) - President Obama's Afghanistan speech represented a brave foray into the middle ground of American politics, where those who venture tend to get crushed, writes EJ Dionne. His "Goldilocks strategy—neither too hawkish nor too dovish, but just right"—has split his party while failing to win any credit...

Biden the Second Most Powerful Vice Prez

He's scaling back from Cheney, but a major player in his own right

(Newser) - Joe Biden is surely not as powerful as Dick Cheney was, writes James Traub. But because Cheney so radically expanded the office of vice president, Biden has been able to scale it back and still become arguably the second most powerful VP in history. Biden has no portfolio—he acts...

Gates Warns Japan Not to Back Out of Troop Deal

Relationship with Asian ally increasingly strained

(Newser) - All is not well between the US and Japan. Yesterday Robert Gates warned the country of serious consequences if it backs out of a troop movement deal the two countries spent 10 years negotiating. Japan’s new ruling party wants to reopen those negotiations, as it moves to redefine its...

Obama Coming Up Short on Human Rights
Obama Coming Up Short
on Human Rights

Obama Coming Up Short on Human Rights

President's actions don't match the promises that wowed Berliners

(Newser) - President Obama's decision to skip the celebrations of the anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall highlights the gap between his rhetoric on the campaign trail and the realities of his presidency, writes Bret Stephens. Obama hailed the "dream of freedom" in his big speech in Berlin last...

Obama Sets Softer Sudan Policy
 Obama Sets Softer Sudan Policy 

Obama Sets Softer Sudan Policy

(Newser) - Though Obama advocated a confrontational approach to Sudan on the campaign trail, his administration will announce a somewhat soft policy toward the country on Monday. Ending months of internal wrangling, the policy is designed use to "pressure and incentives" to bend the government to address US concerns over the...

Obama's Foreign Policy Amateurish and Naive

 Foreign Policy 
 and Naive 
charles krauthammer

Obama's Foreign Policy Amateurish and Naive

Krauthammer finds the Nobel not premature, but ridiculous

(Newser) - President Obama's Nobel prompted Charles Krauthammer to review the administration's foreign policy moves to date, and from Iran to Russia to China, he finds nothing but failure. "It is amateurishness, wrapped in naivete, inside credulity," he complains. "In short, the very stuff of Nobels." Obama gets...

Clinton Praises Russia on Iran
 Clinton Praises Russia on Iran 

Clinton Praises Russia on Iran

Hails cooperation, but no deal on potential new sanctions

(Newser) - The US isn’t seeking further nuclear sanctions against Iran, at least not for now, Hillary Clinton said today, after meeting with her Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov in Moscow. The pair professed unity on the Iranian issue, with Clinton praising Russia for its “extremely cooperative” work. Clinton added that...

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama
Cheney Group Raises Cash
to Save US From Obama

Cheney Group Raises Cash to Save US From Obama

Liz project, Keep America Safe, will target 'radical' foreign policy

(Newser) - Liz Cheney’s new nonprofit launched its first online video today, kicking off fundraising for its anti-Obama campaign. Keep America Safe is dedicated to opposing what Cheney describes as Obama’s “radical” foreign policy. “Whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, you want the nation to be...

Joe Biden Is Obama's Best Gadfly, 'Truth-Teller'

Hardly a joke, veep doesn't mind stirring the pot

(Newser) - Barack Obama's suave, controlled campaign may have winced when gaffe-prone Joe Biden came aboard, but the vice president has proven himself to be a necessary straight-shooter time and again in the administration's tumultuous first nine months. From Afghanistan to health care, Biden has become Obama's most reliable "truth teller,...

Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away
 Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away 

Obama Tells Lama to Stay Away

Move seen as an effort to avoid annoying the Chinese

(Newser) - In a move seemingly designed to appease China, US officials have asked the Dalai Lama not to meet with President Obama when he visits Washington this week. Typically, the Lama “drops in” on the White House whenever he’s in the capital, but Obama doesn’t want to meet...

This Looks Like a Job for the Neocons

Time for America to start flexing its muscles instead of making deals

(Newser) - Neoconservatives are making a comeback and it's about time, writes Bret Stephens. They're back "because Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Il, and Vladimir Putin never went away," Stephens writes in the Wall Street Journal, and because the world wants America to use its strength to stop Iran and North...

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