Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Ahead of G20, Obama, Sarkozy Seek United Economic Front

French, American presidents meet at White House

(Newser) - President Obama and Nicolas Sarkozy discussed ways to stabilize the world economy and prevent another global financial crisis today at the White House ahead of the G8 and G20 meetings, Bloomberg reports. While the two countries would seem to be at odds on world finance—many French officials believe that...

Obama Leads Moment of Silence
Obama Leads
Moment of Silence
tragedy in arizona

Obama Leads Moment of Silence

Supreme Court, Congress observe it as well

(Newser) - A somber President Barack Obama led a moment of silence today for a nation stunned by the attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords. On a frigid Washington morning, the president and first lady walked out of the White House to the sounding of a bell at 11 am. They stood next...

It's a New Beginning Today in Sudan
It's a New Beginning
Today in Sudan

It's a New Beginning Today in Sudan

Millions of southern Sudanese vote this week to create a new country

(Newser) - Today's referendum in the southern Sudan is a "chance to turn the page on the past and write a new chapter in history," writes President Obama in the New York Times . "A successful vote will be cause for celebration and an inspiring step forward in Africa’s...

Obama Names William Daley Chief of Staff
Obama Names William Daley
Chief of Staff

Obama Names William Daley Chief of Staff

President makes it official

(Newser) - President Obama named veteran political manager William Daley to be his new chief of staff today, selecting a centrist with Wall Street ties to help navigate a newly divided Congress and a looming re-election. "Few Americans can boast the breadth of experience that Bill brings to this job,"...

DC's Big Mystery: Who Wrote Anonymous Obama Novel?

Book is due out Jan. 25

(Newser) - A mystery is sweeping Washington: Who penned the forthcoming O: A Presidential Novel ? The 368-page, $25.99 book, out for release Jan. 25, is about the Obama administration—and is reportedly written by an anonymous author who has “vast personal experience” with the subject, the Washington Post reports....

Obama Eyes William Daley as Rahm Replacement

The JPMorgan Chase exec has pro-business reputation

(Newser) - President Obama is considering bringing on Clinton-era Commerce Secretary William Daley as his new chief of staff, or slotting him into some other high-level White House job, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The appointment would send a powerful message to the business world, where Daley, a champion of free...

Stewart: Obama Is Luke Skywalker
Stewart: Obama
Is Luke Skywalker

Stewart: Obama Is Luke Skywalker

And he's fighting the Empire

(Newser) - Before its hiatus, the Daily Show was mocking Obama and the Democrats—but a lot has changed in two weeks. Jobless benefits, the 9/11 first responders bill, and the DADT repeal, to name a few. Does this make the president, as all the media insist on calling him, “the...

Obama Signs 9/11 First Responders Bill

Printed copy traveled from Washington to his Hawaii vacation rental

(Newser) - A bill that traveled one long road journeyed a wee bit farther before reaching its end today: President Obama signed the 9/11 health bill into law—in Hawaii. To get it there, a printed copy flew with a White House staffer from Washington to the island of Oahu, and then...

GOP Rep Calls Obama Admin 'One of Most Corrupt'

Rep. Darrell Issa also takes on Eric Holder

(Newser) - Rep. Darrell Issa is coming in like a lion—and intends to go out like one, too. The incoming chair of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee didn't mince words today on CNN's State of the Union, calling Obama's administration "one of the most corrupt administrations" (stepping back...

Promises That Obama's Apparently Forgotten

Lesser known disappointments, from the moon to the peace corps

(Newser) - “There’s not a single thing that I’ve said that I would do that I have not either done or tried to do,” President Obama boasted to reporters this month. Yeah, right. Salon found plenty of evidence to the contrary, including these lesser-known broken campaign promises :
  • The

President Obama's New Year's Resolution Is...
President Obama's New Year's Resolution Is...
new year's address

President Obama's New Year's Resolution Is...

...well, it doesn't involve diet or exercise

(Newser) - President Obama's New Year's resolutions: Grow the economy, create jobs, and strengthen the middle class, though he warned today that the economic recovery is still fragile as the calendar turns to 2011. In his weekly radio and Internet address, taped from Hawaii, the president also said that Democrats and Republicans...

Obama Staying Extra Day in Paradise
Obama Staying
Extra Day in Paradise

Obama Staying Extra Day in Paradise

While us fools toil away, fighting off the Monday morning blues...

(Newser) - If the president isn't working, we don't have to, right? It only seems fair, considering Obama is taking an extra day of vacation. Instead of returning from shaved-ice paradise on Sunday, the president will leave Monday evening and arrive Tuesday afternoon, reports the Wall Street Journal . "After the extended...

Obama Bans Topless Photos
Obama Bans
Topless Photos

Obama Bans Topless Photos

No more hunky 'buff Bam'

(Newser) - President Obama is apparently getting shy (or flabby?) in his advancing years as president. Reporters have been given strict instructions not to snap pics of a topless president while he's vacationing in Hawaii, reports the New York Times . That means no more hunka-hunka shots and no more memorable headlines like...

Tucker Carlson: Vick Should Have Been Executed

Pundit, president don't exactly see eye-to-eye

(Newser) - Safe to say Tucker Carlson doesn’t agree with President Obama’s controversial support of Michael Vick . While filling in for Sean Hannity last night, Carlson said that while he’s a Christian and "all for forgiveness," Michael Vick killed dogs—and Carlson believes “he should have...

Chris Matthews Demands Obama's Birth Certificate Now

MSNBC talkmeister asks: Is 43% of the country stupid?

(Newser) - Add MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews to the ranks of people who are demanding to see President Obama's long-form birth certificate—not because he doesn't believe the president is American, but to quiet the "birthers" who don't believe it. "I am not a birther, I am an enemy of...

2008 All Over Again: Obama to Base Campaign in Chicago

First reelection bid outside DC in recent memory

(Newser) - President Obama’s reelection campaign will likely be based in Chicago, not Washington—a rare move for a sitting president, and one that his advisers hope will help him rekindle the energy of 2008, Politico notes. Usually, campaigns are kept close to the president’s DC home, where they’re...

Obama: Good for Eagles for Taking Vick

President calls Philly's owner to chat

(Newser) - Philadelphia Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie got some pretty high praise the other day for taking a chance on Michael Vick: None other than President Obama called to thank him. "He said, 'So many people who serve time never get a fair second chance,'" Lurie tells the Washington Post...

Obama, Bush Most Admired Men in America: Gallup

Hillary Clinton still tops woman, followed by Sarah Palin

(Newser) - His approval ratings may have cratered over the past two years, but Barack Obama is still the most admired man in America, according to Gallup’s annual poll . Obama took 22% of the vote, cruising past the competition. Who came in second? The Decider himself, George W. Bush, who narrowly...

'Death Panels' Return: Obama Enacts End-of-Life Planning

Obama to add end-of-life planning to Medicare

(Newser) - Sarah Palin's "death panels" are back. The brouhaha surrounding end-of-life counseling forced Democrats to cut it from health care reform, but now President Obama is quietly adding the same policy to Medicare by rewriting regulations, reports the New York Times . Under the new policy, beginning Jan. 1 the government...

Hawaiian Governor's Big Goal: Torpedoing Birther Conspiracy

Says Neil Abercrombie: 'I was here when that baby was born'

(Newser) - Neil Abercrombie became governor of Hawaii on Dec. 6, and sitting near the top of his agenda is a goal that's likely to stir up plenty of fresh controversy—deflating the birther movement. The 72-year-old Abercrombie, who knew Barack Obama's parents in the early '60s when they all attended the...

Stories 1341 - 1360 | << Prev   Next >>