Barack Obama

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Obama Grandparents Photo: Jack Cashill Asserts It's a Fake, but Photoshop Mistake Suggests Otherwise
 Obama Conspiracist 
 Needs Photoshop Lesson 
in case you missed it

Obama Conspiracist Needs Photoshop Lesson

President may not be in that photo, but his knee sure is

(Newser) - An author on a mission to prove President Obama is a fraud asserts that a widely circulated photo of Barack Obama with his grandparents is a fake. In his YouTube video, Jack Cashill explains that Obama has been Photoshopped to appear between his grandparents, and he offers up what he...

Shutdown Charade Was Bad Theater
Shutdown Charade Was
Bad Theater

Shutdown Charade Was Bad Theater

Brinkmanship game disingenuous, reckless

(Newser) - Last night’s “needless, reckless, game of shutdown chicken” was a sham, with both sides drawing out the drama, complains Dana Milbank of the Washington Post . Sure, Barack Obama, John Boehner and Harry Reid all said they wanted to reach a resolution. But “If that were so, a...

Budget Talks Hinged on Planned Parenthood

How the deal came together

(Newser) - When Barack Obama and John Boehner met Thursday night, one issue loomed over the rest: Planned Parenthood. Boehner was insisting that any budget deal would have to defund the organization, something Obama was utterly opposed to, sources tell Politico . Joe Biden said that if that point prevented a deal,...

Government Shutdown: John Boehner, Harry Reid, President Obama All Working to Avoid It
 Nobody Really Wants 
 a Shutdown 

Nobody Really Wants a Shutdown

Boehner, Reed and Obama all pragmatists

(Newser) - The federal government sure looks like it’s hurtling toward a shutdown, but there might be three reasons for hope: John Boehner, Harry Reid, and President Obama. All three are considered pragmatists who don’t seem all that interested in a shutdown, Politico observes. “There is nothing in Boehner’...

GOP Lawyer Writes Articles of Impeachment for Obama

Reagan hand Bruce Fein thinks Libya Invasion 'mocked the rule of law'

(Newser) - A Reagan-era Justice Department official has drafted an article of impeachment for President Obama, arguing that by intervening in Libya without congressional approval, he crossed a legal line. “Barack Hussein Obama has mocked the rule of law, endangered the very existence of the Republic and the liberties of the...

Guy With Obama-as-Hitler Sign Attacked

Witnesses say victim is supporter of activist Lyndon LaRouche

(Newser) - A man and his anti-Obama sign were attacked Monday morning in a San Francisco neighborhood, CBS San Francisco reports. The 29-year-old man had set up a table with political literature, and witnesses say he had an "Impeach Obama" sign showing President Obama sporting a Hitler mustache. A man and...

Dems 'Win' if Government Shuts Down: Boehner

And with no compromise yet reached, that possibility looms

(Newser) - The possibility of a government shutdown looms larger today after yesterday's back-to-back meetings in Washington failed to bring a compromise. For the past week, House Republican leaders and Senate Democrat leaders have been discussing $33 billion in cuts, but John Boehner yesterday said he may seek up to $40 billion....

Obama 2012: From 'Yes We Can' to 'Whatever'

Maybe it has something to do with his failure to deliver on campaign promises?

(Newser) - President Obama is officially running for reelection , but somehow his campaign slogan has gone from "Yes We Can" to "You Know, Whatever," Jon Stewart complained last night on the Daily Show . Obama's first campaign video features supporters with a disturbing lack of enthusiasm, saying (and Stewart is,...

Obama Only Marked Black on Census—Unfortunately

It could have been 'historic teaching moment,' writes Gregory Rodriguez

(Newser) - When Barack Obama sat down to fill out his census form, he checked off one race: black. And as one of the most famous mixed-race people in the world, "he missed an opportunity," writes Gregory Rodriguez for the Los Angeles Times . In the 20th century, the idea of...

Donald Trump: Bill Ayers Wrote Obama's Book

The Donald repeats wild rumor, says he's 'proud' to be a birther

(Newser) - Donald Trump isn’t content with questioning Obama’s citizenship —now he’s questioning his authorial accomplishments, too. In an interview with Laura Ingraham yesterday, Trump espoused the theory that Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s memoir, Dreams of My Father, Aol News reports. Obama is only the president “...

Obama Gets Transparency Award ... in Secret Ceremony

Award is for openness, but meeting was definitely closed

(Newser) - Politico already seemed a little peeved that President Obama was to be presented with a “transparency” award (considering, as the site pointed out in a March 16 story , “his administration acted on fewer requests for information last year even as it was asked for more”), but...

Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low for Obama

In wake of Libya intervention, just 42% like job he's doing

(Newser) - President Obama’s poll numbers are in the doghouse again. Just 42% of the public approves of the job Obama’s doing, compared to 48% who disapprove, an all-time low for the president, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll found that Americans were less likely than...

US Finds Hints of al-Qaeda Among Libyan Rebels

But general stresses it's not the people in charge

(Newser) - US intelligence indicates “flickers” of evidence that there are fighters among the Libyan rebels with ties to al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, but neither group holds significant sway over the movement, Admiral James Stavridis told Congress today. “The intelligence that I'm receiving at this point makes me feel that the...

Obama's Speech Ratings Keep Dropping

...and dropping ... and dropping

(Newser) - Obama just isn't reeling them in like he used to: It turns out 25.6 million of us tuned in to Obama's Libya speech on Monday night. That's down 12% from his August 2010 Iraq speech, whose 29.2 million viewers were down 9% from his speech in June of...

Stewart Slams Obama's Libya Speech

What was up with the anger—and unanswered questions?

(Newser) - “Ten days after we started bombing Libya, President Obama took to the podium to convince Americans that we should … bomb Libya. Starting 10 days ago,” noted Jon Stewart last night. The speech may have been basically well-received , but not by Stewart: First of all, the president seemed...

Obama's Libya Speech Short on Specifics, Still 'Strong'

Reactions are mixed, but most agree he did a good job

(Newser) - Last night, President Obama delivered the Libya speech that some have long been calling for. How did the world take it? A sampling of reactions:
  • Jim Geraghty wasn't impressed with the way Obama's "pretty-sounding phrases" were strung together "without really getting at the questions most skeptical Americans have:

Racist Obama Signs Posted at University of Kentucky

Slurs are posted at University of Kentucky

(Newser) - University of Kentucky officials have launched an investigation after two signs that used a racist slur to denounce President Obama were discovered on campus. One sign was hung on a door of the law school. Another—which read "How Do You Spell N*****? OBAMA"—appeared on a campus...

Limbaugh: Obama and His Boys Are 'Sissies'

Gates, male liberals are 'the new castrati'

(Newser) - In a column for CNN, David Gergen wrote about how "ironic" it is that the advisers who "talked Obama into using force" against Moammar Gadhafi were all women. But Rush Limbaugh was not at all surprised by the fact that "leading male advisers were opposed." Referencing...

Carl Levin: Um, Let's Not Impeach Obama

Because if this is impeachable, so is every war since WWII

(Newser) - A top Senate Democrat tried to throw some cold water on the talk of impeaching President Obama over the military action in Libya, saying that if what Obama did was impeachable, so was every US military operation since World War II. “That one-day kind of story, which is all...

Ralph Nader: Impeach 'War Criminal' Obama

If Bush, Cheney were criminals, Obama is too

(Newser) - Ralph Nader, often a candidate for president and never a fan of the president or anyone who wants to be president , has quickly condemned President Obama's action in Libya , branding him a "war criminal," Mediaite reports. Sound familiar? Nader had the same pet name for George W Bush...

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