Barack Obama

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Birthers Sue California ... to Verify Romney

Birther group suspicious because of his dad's time in Mexico

(Newser) - Long-form , schmlong-form . The birthers are at it again, and this time they're not just after Barack Obama—they're going for Mitt Romney, too. Republican primary write-in candidate John Dummett Jr. and six like-minded birthers have filed a lawsuit demanding the California secretary of state check the eligibility...

Eyebrows Raised Over Scrubbed Malia Mexico Story
Eyebrows Raised Over Scrubbed Malia Mexico Story

Eyebrows Raised Over Scrubbed Malia Mexico Story

Spring break article disappears

(Newser) - An article about Malia Obama's spring break is causing ripples across the World Wide Web: The story, which noted Malia's visit to Mexico with 12 classmates and 25 Secret Service agents, first appeared yesterday and then quickly disappeared, BuzzFeed explains. Links to most versions of the story were...

Gingrich Lambastes De Niro for 'White First Lady' Joke

Comment at Obama fundraiser 'inexcusable,' says candidate

(Newser) - Watch out, Robert De Niro, you're on Newt Gingrich's bad side: Gingrich slammed the actor today after De Niro made a joke about first ladies last night at an Obama fundraiser. De Niro, speaking before Michelle Obama at the New York event, wondered, "Callista Gingrich. Karen Santorum....

Bristol Palin to Obama: You Owe Me a Call, Too

He telephoned Sandra Fluke, so it's only fair

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is weighing in on Rush Limbaugh's "slut" mess on her blog , but it's not the shock jock who's the subject of her ire. Instead, she took President Obama to task for calling Sandra Fluke to express his disappointment in Limbaugh's comments ... while Palin'...

RNC Slams 'Obama’s War on Women' in New Ad

Attack focuses on Bill Maher comments, White House 'boys' club'

(Newser) - Democrats often slam the GOP's "war on women," but now it's the Republicans who are hitting back at "Obama's war on women" in a new attack ad, Mediaite reports. The Republican National Committee ad focuses on controversial remarks Bill Maher—who is also a...

Inside bin Laden's Plan to Kill Obama

Documents reveal al-Qaeda leader also wanted Petraeus dead

(Newser) - Documents taken from Osama bin Laden's compound during the US raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader reveal a plot to kill President Obama and David Petraeus. David Ignatius got a look at the documents, which will be available to the public soon, and he reports in the Washington Post...

Vets Rip Flag With Obama&#39;s Face
 Vets Rip Flag With Obama's Face 

Vets Rip Flag With Obama's Face

Removed flag available for purchase online

(Newser) - O say can you see ... Barack Obama? A local Florida Democratic Party office has removed an American flag that replaced Old Glory's stars with President Obama's face after a handful of angry veterans turned up to call it disrespectful. “What really upsets me is that the flag...

Celebs Got Seat at State Dinner
 Celebs Got Seat at State Dinner 

Celebs Got Seat at State Dinner

George Clooney, 'Downton Abbey' actors, John Legend in attendance

(Newser) - British Prime Minister David Cameron and wife Samantha were the honorees at last night's state dinner, but the real VIPs were the other 350-something people who managed to score a ticket. Among them: George Clooney (who sat next to Michelle Obama at the head table, but of course), Warren...

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary
 GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary 
Maureen Dowd

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary

Maureen Dowd thinks Republicans have a bout of 'mass misogyny'

(Newser) - On Saturday, Hillary Clinton took a resounding shot at Republicans. "Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me," she said. "It doesn't matter what country they're in or what religion they claim. They want to control women." Clinton isn't supposed...

After Pouring a $300 Bottle, White House Mum on Wine

Ends state dinner tradition of releasing info about the wine list

(Newser) - Last night, British PM David Cameron enjoyed his very first taste of March Madness, compliments of President Obama. At tonight's state dinner, he'll likely enjoy some American wine as well—but don't expect too many details about the winery, year, or appellation. That's because Obama put...

Obama Files Trade Complaint Against China

Says it's trying to 'skirt the rules' when it comes to rare-earth minerals

(Newser) - The US, Japan, and the European Union filed a joint complaint against China with the World Trade Organization today over Beijing's limits on rare-earth mineral exports, which they say violate China's international agreements. In a speech in the Rose Garden, President Obama accused China of "skirting the...

Obama, Cameron: US-Britain Partnership Is Essential

President, prime minister celebrate alliance in op-ed

(Newser) - Barack Obama and David Cameron tout the "special relationship" between the US and Britain in an op-ed for the Washington Post today, writing that the countries' joint efforts have built "the institutions that undergird international peace and security." They note their partnership in a variety of areas:...

Again, Obama Caves to Israel
 Again, Obama Caves to Israel 

Again, Obama Caves to Israel

Peter Beinart on the US' longstanding trend of rolling over to its ally

(Newser) - President Obama hosted Benjamin Netanyahu last week, and unlike Bibi's last visit—a disaster for Obama—this one went well, with Netanyahu seemingly embracing the president. But that harmony came at the cost of Obama's principles on Israel, says Peter Beinart of Newsweek , in a modified excerpt from...

Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim
Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim
Poll numbers

Half of GOP Voters in Miss., Ala. Think Obama Is Muslim

Only 12% said he was Christian in Public Policy Polling survey

(Newser) - Despite years of assertions to the contrary, a chunk of voters continue to believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim. Mediaite noticed this nugget in this morning's Public Policy Polling survey from Alabama and Mississippi: Asked what religion the president is, a whopping 45% of GOP voters in Alabama,...

Obama's Rise Stems From One Lucky Break

Specifically, the pulling of a name from a hat: David Maraniss

(Newser) - David Maraniss of the Washington Post recounts how the rise of Barack Obama from obscure state senator to president of the United States can be traced to one moment of pure "luck and chance." Flash back to Sept. 5, 2001: Obama is a fifth-year legislator in Illinois who...

Get Ready for Obama the Movie

David Guggenheim, Tom Hanks involved in 17-minute campaign flick

(Newser) - Based on its trailer, The Road We've Traveled looks like a Hollywood documentary about President Obama's first term in office, boasting impressive talent like Tom Hanks, who provides the voiceover, and Davis Guggenheim, who directed. But watch until the very end and you'll see a screen reading,...

Netanyahu to Obama: 'We Are You, and You Are Us'

Iran tensions dominate talks

(Newser) - President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu tried to project an image of unity today as the president welcomed his Israeli counterpart to the Oval Office. Speaking to reporters before their closed-door meeting, Obama said, "The United States will always have Israel's back," echoing his AIPAC speech. Netanyahu, meanwhile,...

Obama to Dems: No Cash for You
 Obama to Dems: 
 No Cash for You 


Obama to Dems: No Cash for You

In face of Super PACs, Obama cuts off committees

(Newser) - For Democrats who President Obama showered with cash in 2008 and 2010, well, they'd better get ready to raise their own darn money this time around. As in the last two election cycles, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi recently asked the Obama for America campaign and the Democratic National...

For Obama's Transgender Ex-Nanny, Desolation

Indonesia's transgender population faces brutality, torment

(Newser) - Indonesia is home to 7 million transgendered people who face ongoing harassment, rape, and murder—and Barack Obama's former nanny is among their ranks. Following years of abuse, Evie, born a man, decided to leave cross-dressing behind after a friend was brutally murdered in 1985, the AP reports, in...

Jewish Vote Riding on Obama AIPAC Speech

With Iran, GOP pressuring, Obama needs to shore up Israel position

(Newser) - With Republicans hammering President Obama on Israel, his shaky relationship with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and the looming threat of Iran's nuclear program, Obama's AIPAC speech this morning could be a "a pivotal moment" for keeping the Jewish vote heading into this fall's election,...

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