Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Gains in Swing States
  Obama Gains in Swing States 
Poll Numbers

Obama Gains in Swing States

But he and Romney are dead even nationally

(Newser) - Hurricane Sandy has thrown polling into disarray—Gallup, for instance, has suspended its daily tracking poll—but some data is still trickling in for those desperate for presidential election score updates. Here's what we know today:
  • President Obama has expanded his lead in Michigan, and now leads 48% to

Obama's Problem: He Doesn't Seem to Care

Richard Cohen will still vote for him, but not happily

(Newser) - Richard Cohen does not disagree with the Washington Post’s endorsement of President Obama, he writes in that paper —but when he votes for Obama next week, it will be “with regret.” Because Cohen once mistook Obama for an RFK-like figure, only to be proved very wrong....

Trump to Obama: OK, You Can Have More Time

 Trump to Obama: 
 OK, Deadline 

Trump to Obama: OK, Deadline Extended

Hurricane Sandy probably has prez a little preoccupied

(Newser) - Donald Trump is nothing if not magnanimous. Considering President Obama is currently dealing with the devastation of a superstorm and probably hasn’t had time to dig around for his college transcripts, Trump is giving him some extra time to earn $5 million for his favorite charity . “Because of...

Obama 'Not Worried' About Sandy's Effect on Election

But 'millions of people' will be affected

(Newser) - President Obama is assuring Americans that there has been "extraordinarily close coordination" between state, local, and federal officials in the response to Hurricane Sandy, he said in a press conference this afternoon. But "millions of people are going to be affected," he cautioned. "The most important...

Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens
 Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens 

Obama: Ayn Rand Is for Teens

President makes his case, slams Romney, Ryan, in Rolling Stone

(Newser) - The latest issue of Rolling Stone hits the newsstands today, bearing the smiling face of Barack Obama. The interview within is exhaustive, though it mainly treads familiar ground—as the writer, historian Douglas Brinkley notes, "excessive caution is a survival trait" in today's gaffe-driven campaign culture. Some highlights...

Lena Dunham's 'First Time' Obama Ad Causes a Fuss

Conservatives outraged over new video

(Newser) - Lena Dunham released an ad for the Obama campaign yesterday, and it's about as titillating as you'd expect from the creator of HBO's Girls: In it, she talks quite a bit about her first time … voting, of course. "Your first time shouldn’t be with...

Romney Up by 3 in Gallup; Momentum Slowing?

Latest poll still has him ahead, but by a smaller margin than last week

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's lead over President Obama stands at 3 points in today's Gallup tracking poll, and among registered voters Obama actually leads 48-47. The poll is noteworthy, the Hill explains, because Gallup has lately been much higher on Romney than all the other polls; he was ahead by...

Detroit News Endorses Romney
Detroit News Endorses Romney

Detroit News Endorses Romney

'Despite his wrong-headedness on the auto bailout'

(Newser) - Mitt Romney picked up a potentially valuable newspaper endorsement today, one that might do a bit to help blunt President Obama's constant attacks on him for opposing the auto bailout. The Detroit News threw its weight behind Romney, praising his resume of business success and bipartisan deal-making. "Romney...

Colin Powell Endorses Obama
 Colin Powell Endorses Obama 

Colin Powell Endorses Obama

But says he's still a Republican

(Newser) - Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a longtime Republican, is sticking with President Obama in this year's election. He tells CBS This Morning he respects Mitt Romney, but thinks he's been vague on many issues. Speaking of Obama, Powell said the president got the United States out of...

Obama Relents, Releases Off-Record Interview

White House acts after 'Des Moines Register' complains

(Newser) - President Obama got in some hot water yesterday, after the Des Moines Register complained that the White House had insisted on an off-the-record endorsement interview. The 30-minute call "was an incredibly informative exchange" that "would have been valuable to voters," the editors lamented . Obama's critics pounced,...

Trump's Obama 'Bombshell:' I'll Give You $5M ...

If Obama forks over his college transcripts, passport applications. Woot.

(Newser) - Donald Trump's Obama bombshell ? Not so much a bombshell. It's really just Trump sitting at his desk, very loudly and vehemently declaring his opinion that the president isn't transparent enough ... so Trump is pulling out his checkbook. In his promised big announcement , which he made via...

US Soups Up Kill List, Digs In for 10-Year Drone War

Obama intent on making it a permanent feature of US policy

(Newser) - If you thought President Obama's " kill list " was a simple, shopping list-style affair, think again. The military has spent the past two years developing what it calls a "disposition matrix," a complex database keeping tabs on targets and plans to eliminate them, the Washington Post...

Eastwood Stars in Pro-Romney Ad

And Bruce Springsteen writes a song for Obama

(Newser) - Less than two weeks to election day, and celebrities are really stepping it up for their preferred candidates. On the Romney side, Clint Eastwood appears in the latest ad from pro-Mitt super PAC American Crossroads, Politico reports. "If someone doesn't get the job done, you have to hold...

Jon Stewart Composes Debate 'Duet'

The 'Daily Show' blasts Mitt Romney for flip-flopping

(Newser) - To hear Republicans tell it, Barack Obama has been the weakest president on foreign policy since "Flinchington J. Craphispants," Jon Stewart pointed out on the Daily Show last night, so it was pretty shocking when Mitt Romney spent the entire foreign policy debate agreeing with Barack Obama. After...

Obama Says Romney Has 'Stage Three Romnesia'

Campaigns gear up for home stretch

(Newser) - Now that the debates are over, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are gearing up for a sprint to the finish—and given Obama's schedule, he may need to actually sprint. The president intends to visit six swing states in the next 48 hours, in an "around-the-clock" blitz, his...

New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to &#39;Retard&#39; Obama
New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to 'Retard' Obama

New Ann Coulter Brouhaha: Mitt Nice to 'Retard' Obama

Even fellow conservatives are outraged

(Newser) - Ann Coulter must have been feeling ignored, because she's dropped a bomb that's managed to anger even her fellow conservatives. Last night after live-tweeting the debate, Coulter posted , "I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard." Among her critics:...

It&#39;s Time to Talk About al-Qaeda
 It's Time to Talk About al-Qaeda 

It's Time to Talk About al-Qaeda

PJ Crowley thinks it's time to reassess the US strategy in the war on terror

(Newser) - All right, America. It's time we had a talk about terrorism. "We've been at war with al-Qaeda for at least 11 years and still don't know how to have an effective political or, more important, strategic conversation about it," writes PJ Crowley in the Daily...

For 10 Days, CIA Told Obama Libya Attack Was Protest

Despite conflicting evidence

(Newser) - New details are emerging revealing the confusion surrounding the attack on the US consulate in Libya that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead: For 10 days after the attack, the CIA told President Obama in his daily intelligence briefing that the siege came out of a spontaneous...

What to Expect at Tonight's Debate

Foreign policy clash will be tough one for Romney

(Newser) - With the candidates tied at one debate win each—and 47% of the vote, according to a new poll —don't expect either man to pull any punches in tonight's foreign policy showdown in Florida. Pundits think President Obama has the edge, but he is by no means...

The Sad Death of Green Tech
 The Sad Death of Green Tech 
David Brooks

The Sad Death of Green Tech

David Brooks laments the fall of the bipartisan green revolution

(Newser) - Back in 2003, green technology looked like the future, and a bipartisan consensus was forming around it. David Brooks recalls getting a ride in Prius from a conservative foreign policy hawk, who touted it as an antidote to foreign oil dependency. "From that date on, the story begins to...

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