Barack Obama

Read the latest post-presidency news about President Barack Obama on

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Obama Talks Trump, More in Final Press Conference

He calls the presidency an 'amazing experience'

(Newser) - After opening with a joke about his infamous tan suit , Barack Obama delved into a wide array of issues during the final press conference of his presidency Wednesday, the AP reports. He said he expects to see a woman president, a Latino president, a Jewish president, a Hindu president, and...

Obama Commutes Most of Chelsea Manning's Sentence

The notorious leaker of Army documents will be freed in May

(Newser) - Former US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning, who made WikiLeaks a household name in 2010, will be released from prison in May after President Obama commuted her sentence Tuesday, the New York Times reports. Manning leaked classified military documents that revealed, among other things, the Iraqi military abusing detainees and...

Obama Receives Letter From Alleged 9/11 Mastermind

Guantanamo prison had been holding onto it for two years

(Newser) - One of the final letters Barack Obama will receive during his time as president comes from the man who allegedly planned the Sept. 11 attacks, the Miami Herald reports. According to CBS News , Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was captured in 2003 in Pakistan, tortured by the CIA, then moved to Guantanamo...

Here's Where the Obamas Are Heading Post-Inauguration

Sunny Palm Springs

(Newser) - The Obamas are heading to Palm Springs after Donald Trump's inauguration Friday, sources tell TMZ . They'll take a helicopter (not Marine One since President Obama won't be President Obama anymore by that point) from the Capitol to Andrews Air Force Base, and from there, Special Air Mission...

5 Lines From Obama's Final Weekly Address

'You made me a better man'

(Newser) - President Obama delivered his final weekly address Saturday, telling the American people, "you made me a better president, and you made me a better man." More big lines:
  • "Over the course of these eight years, I have seen the goodness, the resilience, and the hope of the

Obama Surprises Biden With Country's Highest Civilian Honor

Presidential Medal of Freedom brings vice president to tears

(Newser) - President Obama brought Joe Biden to full-on tears Thursday when he presented his vice president with the country's highest civilian honor, Huffington Post reports. Obama was honoring Biden for his decades of political service when he surprised him with a special version of the Presidential Medal of Freedom that...

This Is the Most Popular Presidential Tweet Ever

'My last ask is the same as my first...'

(Newser) - On one of the last days of his presidency, President Obama sent out the most popular tweet ever tweeted from the @POTUS account, the AP reports. "Thank you for everything," Obama tweeted following Tuesday's farewell address. "My last ask is the same as my first. I'...

Obamas' Farewell Party Was Insanely Star-Studded

'As much star power as a Hollywood awards ceremony'

(Newser) - Barack and Michelle Obama got all the celebrities to turn out for their farewell party Friday at the White House. ABC News says the event had "as much star power as a Hollywood Awards ceremony," and TMZ notes "pretty much every big star who gave [President Obama]...

Obama to Give Farewell Address From Chicago

On Jan. 10

(Newser) - President Barack Obama wants to say "thank you," and he's going to do it next Tuesday from Chicago. In an email statement put out Monday, Obama writes that his farewell address will be the next in what has been a long line: "In 1796, as George...

Teacher Resigns Over Racist Posts About Obamas

He allegedly called them 'spider monkey,' 'first chimp'

(Newser) - An Arkansas high school teacher has resigned as parents and students were planning to boycott school events in response to his references to Barack and Michelle Obama as "spider monkey" and "first chimp." The online posts attributed to Trent Bennett of Malvern High School have since been...

Hottest Science Article of 2016 Written by ... Obama

ObamaCare article tops annual list

(Newser) - Altimetric, which tracks scholarly analytics, has released its annual list of the 100 most widely-discussed scientific journal articles of the year—and sitting atop the list is an article written by President Barack Obama. Obama's "United States and Health Care Reform: Progress to Date and Next Steps" was...

Trump Is Totally Happy With Obama Right Now—NOT!

President-elect accuses president of sabotaging 'smooth transition'

(Newser) - It looks like the honeymoon is over between Trump and Obama. "Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. Thought it was going to be a smooth transition—NOT!" Trump tweeted Wednesday. The Los Angeles Times notes Trump's use of "1990s-style...

Trump Fires Back at Obama With 2 Words

'No way'

(Newser) - President Obama believes he could've won the 2016 election if he'd been able to run on "the notion of a one America that is tolerant and diverse and open and full of energy and dynamism." Donald Trump's reaction: "NO WAY!" In a tweet...

How Obama Thinks He Would've Fared in a 2016 Run

'I think I could've mobilized a majority of the American people': president in David Axelrod podcast

(Newser) - In 2004, Barack Obama delivered the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention and spoke of a united America . Now, in an exit interview published Monday, the president told one of his former advisers that had he been allowed to run for a third term in 2016, he would have...

President Obama Saved the Economy. It Wasn't Enough

Why his presidency was a bloodbath for the Democratic Party

(Newser) - Faced with an "economy in crisis" when he took office in 2008, President Obama preached recovery. And he actually accomplished it, leaving behind a legacy of higher wages and nearly full employment. So why then does his legacy also include "the more than 1,000 Democrats who lost...

Obama Freeway Coming Soon?
Obama Freeway
Coming Soon?

Obama Freeway Coming Soon?

Calif. state senator sure hopes so

(Newser) - Barack Obama may soon have more in common with Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln than his soon-to-be former residence. If Resolution SCR8 is passed by the California Senate and Assembly, Obama—like his aforementioned predecessors—will have a road named after him in Los Angeles, specifically a section of the...

Obama Could Grant a Christmas Wish for 200K

Fearing deportation under Trump, immigrants hope for his pardon

(Newser) - As a teenager, 31-year-old Liz was convicted of fraud after attempting to return an item to a store for her uncle (she was unaware he hadn't bought it there). Years later, she was convicted again after agreeing to pick up a package for a friend, which she later learned...

Obama Makes It Much Harder for Trump to Drill in the Arctic

Presidents uses 1953 law to ban oil leases in much of Arctic, Atlantic

(Newser) - President Obama has designated the bulk of US-owned waters in the Arctic Ocean and certain areas in the Atlantic Ocean as indefinitely off limits to future oil and gas leasing, the AP reports. The move on Tuesday helps put some finishing touches on Obama's environmental legacy while also testing...

Obama to Russia: &#39;We Can Do Stuff to You&#39;
Obama to Russia:
'We Can Do Stuff to You'
The Rundown

Obama to Russia: 'We Can Do Stuff to You'

Obama delivers final press conference of his presidency

(Newser) - President Obama held the final press conference of his presidency Friday before jetting off for his annual Hawaiian vacation. Here's what was said and what was said about it:

Obama Orders 'Full Review' of Election Hacking Claims

He wants it before he leaves office

(Newser) - President Obama wants a "full review" of allegations that Russia interfered in the US election via hacking to be completed before he leaves office, reports Politico . Homeland Security adviser Lisa Monaco made the announcement Friday, noting that the review would also cover threats from outside Russia, per the Huffington...

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