John Boehner

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Inside the Cliff Deal: Mistrust, Proposals on Fire, F-Bombs

Negotiations were even more prickly behind the scenes

(Newser) - If you thought fiscal cliff negotiations were testy when Harry Reid took to the Senate floor to accuse John Boehner of running a dictatorship , well, the reality was closer to a hybrid of rioting kindergartners and the showdown at the OK Corral. The lowlight came last Friday, reports Politico in...

On Fiscal Cliff Vote, House GOP Leaders Split

Boehner, Paul Ryan voted aye, as Cantor, McCarthy rejected deal

(Newser) - The bill to avoid the fiscal cliff ended up clearing the House with more than enough Republican votes, but the vote split GOP leaders. Speaker John Boehner cast his "yes" as soon as voting began, but House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy, and Chief Deputy Whip...

Fiscal Cliff Averted: House Passes Late-Night Bill

Obama says it's just 'one step' toward stronger economy

(Newser) - A weary Congress sent President Obama legislation to avoid the "fiscal cliff" of middle-class tax increases and across-the-board spending cuts late tonight, hours before financial markets reopen after the New Year's holiday. The bill's passage on a 257-167 vote in the House sealed a hard-won political triumph...

There's Hope: 'Major Progress' on Fiscal Cliff

But sticking points exist after flurry of overnight negotiations

(Newser) - So just where are we on the fiscal cliff? After Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid hit an impasse yesterday , McConnell called in Joe Biden, and after a flurry of offers that included President Obama and went throughout the night, Politico finds "major progress" and reason for hope this morning....

Obama: Take My Plan, or Offer Alternative

President will push for up-or-down vote on his plan if all fails

(Newser) - The big powwow between President Obama and leaders of Congress has wrapped up with, surprise, surprise, no magical breakthrough on the fiscal cliff. But with four days to go before the deadline, there's apparently still hope. The New York Times , Politico , the Washington Post , and the Hill have similar...

Reid: House 'Watching Movies' as We Go Over Cliff

Accuses Boehner of running House like a 'dictatorship'

(Newser) - It "looks like" America is headed over the fiscal cliff, and if it does, Harry Reid is placing the blame squarely on House Republicans "who are out watching movies," reports Politico . Speaking on the Senate floor this morning, Reid excoriated John Boehner for not simply bringing the...

&#39;Come Together&#39;? Try &#39;Get It Together&#39;
 'Come Together'? 
 Try 'Get It Together' 

'Come Together'? Try 'Get It Together'

Howard Schultz needs a better message for his cups to fix Washington

(Newser) - Yesterday Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced his DC-area stores would write "Come together" on coffee cups, to pressure lawmakers to come to a fiscal cliff agreement. Well, Jonathan Cohn shares his frustration—but he's really frustrated with people like Schultz who think Washington's dysfunction is the fault...

Boehner to Senate: You Figure It Out

 Boehner to 
 Senate: You 
 Figure It Out 
Fiscal Cliff

Boehner to Senate: You Figure It Out

Plunging over the cliff looks increasingly likely

(Newser) - Legislators in Washington don't look terribly motivated to avoid fiscal calamity. There were precious few signs of progress in fiscal cliff negotiations yesterday, with both sides mainly making political statements blaming each other. Here's the latest:
  • John Boehner, unable to pass even his own "Plan B,"

Replace John Boehner With ... Jon Huntsman?
Replace John Boehner
With ... Jon Huntsman?

Replace John Boehner With ... Jon Huntsman?

Next speaker should come from outside the House: Norman Ornstein

(Newser) - With John Boehner's Plan B budget bill bounced , the House speaker's chances of getting reelected on Jan. 3 are dwindling rapidly . Conservatives Republicans firmly control their party, but they lack the votes to push through legislation or compromise with Democrats, so it's time for unconventional alternatives, writes...

Obama to Boehner: 'I Get That for Free'

Wall Street Journal finds testy relations at bargaining table

(Newser) - The Wall Street Journal has what it bills as a "behind scenes" look at how the fiscal cliff talks went sour this week—on Monday, to be precise—and a few passages stand out to suggest relations between the president and House Republicans may have actually gotten worse since...

Obama: 'I Still Think We Can Get It Done'

He calls for smaller deal on fiscal cliff before year's end

(Newser) - Today's fiscal cliff developments have a familiar ring: More talk, no solutions. But while no miracles emerged from Capitol Hill, President Obama took to his podium to declare, "I still think we can get it done." He wants lawmakers to come back after the holiday to pass...

Is John Boehner Done For?
 Is John Boehner Done For? 

Is John Boehner Done For?

Last night's vote was a telling humiliation: opinions

(Newser) - John Boehner has never looked weaker than he did last night, when Republicans refused to pass Plan B . It "was hardly the first public humiliation" Boehner's troops have dealt him, writes Steve Kornacki at Salon , but "it raises some very basic questions about the House speaker's...

Boehner Calls Off Plan B Vote, Short of GOP Support

Fiscal cliff gets a little more chaotic

(Newser) - Just what the fiscal cliff needed: more chaos and drama. House Republicans called off tonight's vote on John Boehner's Plan B legislation because he didn't have the support to pass it from within his own party, reports the Hill . The bill, which would have extended the Bush-era...

Boehner Scrambling for Votes on 'Plan B'

It's still on for tomorrow, as fiscal cliff rhetoric worsens

(Newser) - John Boehner will forge ahead with a vote on his "Plan B" legislation tomorrow, though it's unclear this evening whether he's got the votes to pass it, reports the Hill . Boehner is looking for a symbolic win against President Obama in the fiscal cliff talks, but he...

Dems Balk at Boehner's 'Plan B'

It would see taxes go up for millionaires only

(Newser) - John Boehner announced his "Plan B" to avert the fiscal cliff today—it would see taxes go up, but only for those making more than $1 million per year—but Democrats were quick to reject it. Both President Obama and Harry Reid said the approach won't protect middle-class...

We Want a Deal, But No Sacrifices
 We Want a 
 Deal, But No 

We Want a Deal, But No Sacrifices

Obama approval near 2-year high

(Newser) - Most Americans are hoping for a deal to avert the fiscal cliff, but it seems that nobody really wants to endure the cuts that both sides say are needed, a Washington Post/ABC poll finds. Some 74% of Americans say they'd be OK with raising taxes on those earning more...

Fiscal Cliff Deal Coming Together

But Obama, Boehner still haggling over numbers

(Newser) - President Obama made a fresh offer on the fiscal crisis to John Boehner yesterday and while it was rejected, the two sides are now so close together that it is no longer inconceivable that a deal to avert the cliff could be wrapped up by Christmas. The rundown:
  • The Obama

Boehner's New Offer: No Fight Over Debt Ceiling

Dems see progress in fiscal-cliff negotiations

(Newser) - John Boehner has made another big offer in the fiscal-cliff debate : He's willing to delay any battle over the debt ceiling for a year. With a new debt-ceiling showdown expected in the coming months, Boehner's offer to let the ceiling rise means giving up a key bargaining chip...

Boehner: I'll Tax the Rich —if Obama Budges Too

House speaker concedes on taxes for the first time

(Newser) - John Boehner inched toward President Obama's position in fiscal cliff talks by offering to increase taxes on the richest Americans—his first concession on marginal tax rates. That would affect at least those earning $1 million or more, sources tell Politico . In return Boehner wants to curb the growth...

Boehner: I'm Not Worried About My Job

Obama says deal still a 'work in progress'

(Newser) - John Boehner today downplayed accusations that his handling of the fiscal cliff negotiations is driven by a fear of losing his position as speaker. "I'm not concerned about my job," Boehner said at a press conference, reports the Hill . "What I'm concerned about is doing...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>