John Boehner

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Surprise! Senate Rejects House Spending Bill 4th Time

Getting used to no progress on solving shutdown yet?

(Newser) - Stop us if this sounds familiar: The Senate today rejected a House spending bill that sought to throw a monkey wrench into ObamaCare. If you've lost track, that makes the fourth time it's happened in the latest shutdown drama, reports CNN . Harry Reid's Senate Democrats rejected the...

Shutdown: Let the Blame Game Begin

'They won't negotiate,' pretty much everybody complains

(Newser) - America is waking up to the first federal shutdown since the mid-'90s, and the more familiar sight of Democrats and Republicans squabbling. Both sides blame each other for the shutdown—with the Dems accusing the GOP of "extortion" to delay ObamaCare and the Republicans accusing their counterparts of...

Senate Torpedoes House Bid to Defund ObamaCare

Ball back in Boehner's court

(Newser) - The Senate has voted 54 to 46 to reject House amendments to the continuing resolution—including the one that would delay ObamaCare. The vote split evenly along party lines, and increases the odds of a government shutdown, the Washington Post reports. As Slate points out, this is the second time...

Shutdown Countdown: What to Expect

Ball now in Senate's court, but not for long

(Newser) - Washington is braced for the first government shutdown in 17 years, which will happen at midnight tonight unless lawmakers manage to break the deadlock over funding and hammer out a deal. Here's what to expect from a day of drama in DC:
  • The House has passed legislation to delay

House GOP Rejects Senate Plan as Shutdown Looms

Boehner still says shutdown unlikely

(Newser) - Word yesterday was that Republicans might attach the ObamaCare battle to the debt-ceiling debate, averting a government shutdown; today, that's looking less likely. Asked whether the House would accept a bill to fund the government after the Senate removes anti-ObamaCare measures, as it is expected to do , John Boehner...

House GOP Mulls New Route to Avoiding Shutdown

ObamaCare fight could be tied to debt-limit measure instead

(Newser) - Now that the Senate has voted to open debate on a bill to fund the government, Harry Reid can remove its measures to defund ObamaCare before returning it to the House. But that doesn't mean the GOP is giving up on the fight. John Boehner could approve the bill,...

It's Shutdown Week, and Nobody Trusts Anybody

Your guide to the next round in Washington's endless fiscal wars

(Newser) - Washington has eight days left before the continuing resolution funding the government runs out, and this latest round of brinksmanship might be the worst yet, for a simple reason: None of the major players like or trust each other anymore, the Hill observes. Here are the relationships at play:
  • President

House Passes Spending Bill, Without ObamaCare

Stands no chance in the Senate as clock ticks toward shutdown

(Newser) - And we're off: The House has passed a temporary funding measure to keep the government running. As expected, the bill is coupled with a Tea Party-backed measure to block President Obama's new healthcare law. The 230 -189 vote sets the stage for a confrontation with the Democratic-led Senate....

Boehner: Fund Government, Defund ObamaCare

Says House will vote on it; debt ceiling being drawn into drama as well

(Newser) - House Republicans have decided to make their latest game of political chicken all about ObamaCare. In a move Tea Party activists have been clamoring for, John Boehner told his caucus today that they would pass a bill to keep the government funded—but that it would defund ObamaCare. Eric Cantor...

Sources Think Boehner's Done as Speaker

Spokesman says he plans to keep the job

(Newser) - Several insiders tell the Huffington Post that John Boehner could exit the House speaker role after 2014, despite his July assurances to the contrary. "The speaker has made clear publicly he intends to remain in his position in the next Congress," says a Boehner rep. But others close...

Boehner: We're Backing Obama on Syria

Obama promises Syria won't be another Iraq

(Newser) - President Obama took a big step forward in his quest to gain Congressional approval for a strike on Syria, convincing the leaders of both parties in the House to back his play. Obama held a meeting with John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, and other top lawmakers this morning, arguing that military...

Specter of Iraq 'Evidence' Hangs Over Obama in Syria

US, Britain face uphill battles ahead of military action

(Newser) - President Obama has concluded that Syria used chemical weapons, but his next step remains a major challenge. As his administration considers military action, it's well aware that a public intelligence presentation—which could occur today—would be the most important of its kind since the run-up to the Iraq...

Politicians Privately Yearn for Smoke-Filled Backroom

Gov. Hickenlooper says transparency causes gridlock

(Newser) - How to unblock the least productive Congress in US history? Here's a counterintuitive notion: Reinstate pork-barrel spending and the smoke-filled backroom, where lawmakers can make legislative deals in private, Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper tells Time . Surprisingly, other politicians agree—some off the record—that modern attempts at transparency and...

Surprise, Surprise: Another Debt Ceiling Standoff Looms

Boehner talks tough ahead of president's speeches

(Newser) - See if this sounds familiar: The White House and House Republicans appear headed toward a standoff over the debt ceiling this fall, reports NBC News . That's after John Boehner's statement this morning: “We're not going to raise the debt ceiling without real cuts in spending. It'...

Boehner: 'Judge Us by the Laws We Repeal'

House speaker addresses Congress' perceived lack of productivity

(Newser) - For those judging the House for its failure to pass new laws and its dogged determination to repeal existing ones ( hello, ObamaCare! ), John Boehner would like you to do, well, pretty much just that. In comments on Face the Nation this morning, the House speaker says Congress "...

House GOP Digs In on Resistance to Immigration

Republicans feel out Dems on bite-sized bills

(Newser) - House Republicans had their first full meeting on immigration reform yesterday, and the results were about as discouraging as expected for reform advocates. John Boehner warned his troops that the party would be politically vulnerable if it didn't devise some response to the Senate's bill, but it's...

GOP Loves Stalled ObamaCare, Wants Repeal

The gloating, and calls to ditch it, commence

(Newser) - Republicans are in elephant heaven today over the Obama administration's decision to postpone the employer mandate portion of the Affordable Care Act, gloating that it proves what they've been saying all along: that the law is, to quote Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, "unaffordable, unworkable, and unpopular."...

Huckabee on DOMA Case: &#39;Jesus Wept&#39;
Huckabee on DOMA Case: 'Jesus Wept'

Huckabee on DOMA Case: 'Jesus Wept'

And other reactions from the right to today's Supreme Court ruling

(Newser) - Liberals who were just yesterday decrying the Supreme Court's Voting Rights Act decision are today singing from the rafters over the defeat of the Defense of Marriage Act . Conservatives, meanwhile, are wailing and gnashing their teeth—and here's some of the most notable and/or over-the-top examples:
  • Mike Huckabee,

GOP Reps: God Told Us to Keep Boehner as Speaker

He narrowly survived January vote after caucus members prayed over it

(Newser) - In the first days of the year, some House Republicans launched an attempt to ditch John Boehner as speaker—but he survived a vote after a number of colleagues said they'd spent the night praying, and God told them to let Boehner keep the job, notes the Washington Post...

Oklahoma's Coburn: I Want Offsets to Pay for Tornado Aid

But Obama promises resources for disaster

(Newser) - Tom Coburn represents Oklahoma, so you might expect him to call for tornado relief to flow to his state no matter the cost—but you'd be wrong. Instead, the Republican senator is demanding that all aid to his state be offset by cuts elsewhere in the budget, a spokesman...

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