John Boehner

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Boehner: 'We're Broke'
 'We're Broke' 


Boehner: 'We're Broke'

But he thinks Obama handled 'difficult' situation in Egypt

(Newser) - Uncle Sam's wallet is so empty, it's enough to make John Boehner cry: "We’re broke," he told Meet the Press today. "What’s really dangerous is if we do nothing...We’re going to deal with the entitlement problem." Furthermore, with Tea Partiers in the...

House GOP Shows Cracks
 House GOP Shows Cracks 

House GOP Shows Cracks

Majority isn't united as the old minority

(Newser) - It’s been a really bad week to be John Boehner. The House’s Republican majority looks to be coming apart at the seams already, after a pair of failed floor votes, a backlash from the right over spending cuts, and Christopher Lee’s scandal-fueled resignation , both Politico and the...

GOPs' Next Big Push: Abortion
 GOPs' Next Big Push: Abortion 

GOPs' Next Big Push: Abortion

The 'No Tax-Payer Funding for Abortion Act' gets HR3 stamp

(Newser) - House Republicans unveiled their next major legislative push yesterday: the No Tax-Payer Funding for Abortion Act, which, as its name implies, would ban federal funding of abortion. It would essentially make permanent the Hyde Amendment, which does the same thing but must be renewed each year. They introduced that legislation...

Smithsonian Boss: I Regret Yanking Video So Quickly

G. Wayne Clough now says he was too hasty on crucifix film

(Newser) - The head of the Smithsonian said he's now sorry he so quickly yanked a video from a museum exhibit featuring gay artists because of warnings by Republican Party leaders that it could trigger "budgetary consequences." It's "the most painful thing I've ever done," G. Wayne Clough...

Snub? Boehner Skips Third Obama Invite

Nope, say aides, he just doesn't like formal occasions

(Newser) - Funny thing happens when you become House speaker: Everyone starts parsing your every move for hidden meaning. Such is the case with John Boehner's rejection of President Obama's invite to the state dinner tonight with Hu Jintao. For the record, that's the third official presidential invitation he's declined, including receptions...

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
GOP's Health Reform
'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic
paul krugman

GOP's Health Reform 'Analysis' Is Assault on Logic

They don't really believe it will kill jobs, writes Paul Krugman

(Newser) - In their effort to repeal health care reform, the GOP has produced “some numbers and charts to wave at the press”—but they’re not part of any “rational discussion,” writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times . Their figures are, in fact, part of the...

GOP: OK, We Do Have to Raise the Debt Ceiling

Tim Geithner warns of catastrophe if Republicans cause default

(Newser) - Tim Geithner sent a letter to Congress yesterday warning of the dire consequences the country will face if Republicans don’t raise the debt ceiling before the US hits it—and newly minted Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan conceded that he was right. “Will the debt ceiling have to...

ObamaCare Repeal Would Tack $230B Onto Deficit: CBO

Boehner slams claim over 'double-counting'

(Newser) - Republicans have hit a potential roadblock in their quest to dump health care reform: the price. Repeal would add $230 billion to the deficit by 2021, according to an analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Reform itself, the CBO has said, would reduce the deficit by $143 billion over...

John Boehner Gave a Very Smart Speech
John Boehner Gave
a Very Smart Speech
ezra klein

John Boehner Gave a Very Smart Speech

Ezra Klein: It's early, but his instincts have been great so far

(Newser) - Incoming House speakers have a long tradition of overreaching in their opening speeches, writes Ezra Klein at the Washington Post . John Boehner took the opposite approach today with his themes of "humility and comity," and that's why Klein loved it. Boehner didn't gloat on behalf of himself or...

Pelosi Jokes About Boehner's Gavel Size

It's larger than most, she tells the House

(Newser) - The strangest moment in today's power handoff in Washington had to be Nancy Pelosi's comment about John Boehner's gavel: "I now pass this gavel, which is larger than most gavels here, but the gavel of choice of Speaker Boehner." The comment set off laughter (eventually from Pelosi herself)...

John Boehner, Republicans Take Over
John Boehner,
Republicans Take Over
breaking news

John Boehner, Republicans Take Over

112th Congress is formally under way

(Newser) - Much pomp and circumstance and gavel-surrendering took place on Capitol Hill today as the 112th Congress got under way, reports the AP . The GOP-controlled House formally elected John Boehner as its new speaker, with Nancy Pelosi moving to her new gig as minority leader. "God bless you, Speaker Boehner,...

Pelosi: No Regrets ... and New Twitter Handle

Outgoing speaker now @NancyPelosi

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi's reign as the first female House speaker ends at noon today, but at least she's now got a shorter Twitter handle. "I’m now @NancyPelosi, 2 characters shorter than @SpeakerPelosi," she wrote to followers last night. ReTweeters "rejoice!" she added. Incoming speaker John Boehner,...

Boehner's First Order of Business: Decrease His Power

Rule package expected to be approved by GOP today

(Newser) - John Boehner may be the incoming speaker of the House, but he doesn’t want a whole lot of power. In fact, one of tomorrow’s first votes could be on a package of rule changes Boehner says will decentralize power—and even allow minority-party members to have more of...

House Schedules Vote on Health Repeal

Two-page bill dubbed the "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act"

(Newser) - The new Republican House won’t waste any time getting in a vote on its top priority —a largely symbolic vote to repeal Democrats’ health care reform law. The bill will be voted on next week, Politico reports. The two-page document is subtly titled the “Repealing the Job-Killing...

GOP Frosh: Screw Populism, Let's Throw Swank Party!

Furious John Boehner will not attend

(Newser) - John Boehner is not pleased with the kids: While the speaker-elect might prefer his caucus stick to the populist message that won them the House, on the eve of taking it over, a dozen freshman Republicans are throwing a lavish DC fundraiser headlined by LeAnn Rimes. For $2,500, Politico...

Which Politicians Had the Best—and Worst—Year?

Hint: The guy in the picture wasn't in the winners' circle

(Newser) - Who had the best year in Washington? Probably Mr. John Boehner, the Washington Post decides. Nobody else believed in Boehner’s vision of a GOP House takeover, but the speaker-elect made it happen. But that’s not the fun question. The fun question is: Who had the worst year? Barack...

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'
Politifact Names
'Lie of the Year'

Politifact Names 'Lie of the Year'

Health care reform no 'government takeover'

(Newser) - This year’s biggest political lie is the phrase “a government takeover of health care,” holds the nonpartisan fact-checking group Politifact . The term "government takeover" was suggested by a GOP strategist, who called on Republican leaders to use it to refer to health care reform—and use...

Is John Boehner Crying Because He's Drunk?
Is John Boehner Crying Because He's Drunk?
Speculation Dept.

Is John Boehner Crying Because He's Drunk?

Speaker-elect's alleged drinking problem the hot rumor on the Hill

(Newser) - John Boehner’s latest public crying episode has gotten Capitol Hill talking, and some are speculating that there’s a simple explanation for the waterworks: He’s drunk. “For years, political professionals have quietly discussed Boehner’s drinking,” writes Matt Lewis of Politics Daily . “Some have told...

Ladies of The View Poke at Boehner's Blubbing

Compassionate conservative, or 'Weeper of the House?'

(Newser) - John Boehner, widely mocked for choking up during his victory speech last month, turned on the waterworks again during a 60 Minutes interview, leaving pundits, and the ladies of The View, wondering whether the incoming speaker of the House is compassionate—or just a crybaby. "A sensitive side isn't...

John Boehner on 60 Minutes: 'I'm an Emotional Guy'

Next speaker of the House chokes up, again, during interview

(Newser) - John Boehner started off his 60 Minutes interview last night talking about his issues with President Obama—but footage of his "Hell no!" defiance quickly gave way to footage of what interviewer Lesley Stahl called " the sob heard 'round the world " on election night. "I...

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