John Boehner

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Obama- Boehner: Breakup of the Summer

President lets loose with 'primal scream' as the bromance ends

(Newser) - "No drama Obama" was nowhere in sight last night as debt ceiling talks broke down and John Boehner left the building. The president's heated half-hour presser—in which he lambasted Republicans' "seeming inability to arrive at any kind of position that compromises any of their ideological preferences"...

Debt Talks Collapse, Again

John Boehner drops out of negotiations with White House

(Newser) - So much for that "grand bargain." The debt talks between John Boehner and President Obama have collapsed yet again, with each side blaming the other, reports the Washington Post . What now? Obama summoned the leaders of both parties to the White House tomorrow morning to find a way...

Senate Kills House 'Cut, Cap, and Balance' Bill

As for larger deal: 'We're working on it,' says Obama

(Newser) - As expected, the Senate today blocked a House Republican bill to require Congress to slash spending and pass a balanced-budget amendment before raising the nation's borrowing powers. The Senate defeated the Tea-Party-backed "cut, cap, and balance" measure by a vote of 51-46. The defeat comes against the backdrop...

Boehner to House: Pass Deal by Wednesday

Even though 'there is no deal' yet

(Newser) - The House must move to raise the debt ceiling by Wednesday, John Boehner told a closed House GOP meeting. First, of course, a deal must be struck, and as yet, “there is no deal. There is no agreement in private,” Boehner told the press, and leaders aren’t...

Still No Debt Deal—and Now Dems Miffed at Obama

Democrats worry Obama making too many concessions

(Newser) - Sam and Diane. Ross and Rachel. And now the latest "will-they-or-won't-they?" couple seems to be President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner. After speculation renewed yesterday that they were working on a deal, the New York Times maintains a deal is close, while the USA Today says both...

Obama, Boehner Near 'Grand Bargain'—Maybe

Reports cite $3T deal with tax reform, entitlement changes

(Newser) - President Obama and John Boehner are reportedly back at the bargaining table, and they could be near a deal to cut the deficit and raise the debt ceiling. The rumored $3 trillion agreement between the administration and top Republicans could include entitlement changes and set plans for tax reform, reports...

No Debt Compromise In Sight
 No Debt Compromise in Sight 

No Debt Compromise in Sight

One top Democrat says things getting 'very, very scary'

(Newser) - Exasperation is high on Capitol Hill, as the House and Senate barrel ahead with unrelated debt ceiling plans, neither of which resemble the “grand bargain” President Obama wanted. Today, John Boehner will hold a vote on his so-called “Cut, Cap, and Balance” bill, which calls for $5.8...

Gary Younge: Debt Ceiling Battle Reveals GOP 'Madness'
 Budget Battle Shows 
 GOP's 'Madness' 

Budget Battle Shows GOP's 'Madness'

'Dysfunctional' party is pointing the nation toward something like Armageddon

(Newser) - One thing we’ve learned from the debt ceiling debate: Republicans are no longer behaving rationally. They’ve been revealed as a “dysfunctional” party “whose conservative wing is behaving less like a mainstream electoral force than an ultra-left sect being advised by a petulant 2-year-old,” writes Gary...

Poll: 71% Disapprove of GOP's Debt Efforts
 71% Disapprove of 
 GOP's Debt Efforts 
poll numbers

71% Disapprove of GOP's Debt Efforts

Democrats' approval numbers slightly better at 31% to GOP's 21%

(Newser) - Some 71% of Americans disapprove of Congressional Republicans’ handling of the debt crisis, while just 21% support the GOP’s efforts, a CBS News poll finds. Congressional Democrats fare better, but only slightly so: 58% disapprove of their work on the issue; 31% approve. President Obama gets the best poll...

Obama, Congress Still Seek 'Grand Bargain'

New committee to look for $5T in cuts over 10 years

(Newser) - That big debt ceiling deal just won't die: Lawmakers are still working on an ambitious "grand bargain" that would hack as much as $5 trillion from the national debt over the next decade, reports the Washington Post . President Obama, House speaker John Boehner, and other congressional leaders have...

Why Hogwarts is Better Than Washington
 Why Hogwarts is Better 
 Than Washington 

Why Hogwarts is Better Than Washington

David Rothkopf on the dark magic afoot in the capital

(Newser) - In honor of Harry Potter’s last cinematic outing—and the debt ceiling negotiations playing out in Washington—David Rothkopf of Foreign Policy has come up with a list of the top 10 ways Washington is worse than Hogwarts:
  • Peter Pettigrew was only a rat sometimes. Unlike politicians like Mitch

'Decision Time': McConnell, Reid Work on Plan B

Standard & Poor's threatens to downgrade US credit, too

(Newser) - With negotiations looking more hopeless than ever, a modified version of Mitch McConnell's backup plan is starting to get some serious traction, reports the Wall Street Journal . Conservatives originally swatted down McConnell's idea—basically giving President Obama the ability to raise the debt ceiling by $2.4 trillion...

Cantor, Boehner: We're Still Best Buds

GOP leaders say they're 'on the same page' over debt ceiling

(Newser) - John Boehner and Eric Cantor put on what the Hill describes as a "buddy-buddy routine" for reporters today to try to dispel notions of animosity between them in the debt ceiling talks. Cantor: “The speaker and I have consistently been on the same page." Boehner, after putting...

EJ Dionne: President Obama Has the 'High Ground' in Deficit Debate; Faces Challenge from Eric Cantor
 Obama Has 
 'High Ground' 
 in Deficit Fight 

ej dionne

Obama Has 'High Ground' in Deficit Fight

But he'd better watch out for Eric Cantor

(Newser) - President Obama has “called Republicans’ bluff on the debt,” writes EJ Dionne in the Washington Post . With a little help from Eric Cantor, Obama has shown that Republicans’ top goal has nothing to do with the deficit—instead, they want to maintain low taxes on corporations and the...

Obama on Debt Talks: 'I Will Not Yield'

...even though 'this may bring my presidency down'

(Newser) - We already knew last night's debt talks did not go well —but not only did President Obama leave "abruptly," he really put his foot down, Talking Points Memo reports: "I have reached the point where I say enough," he said, according to those present....

Debt Talks Bring Out Boehner/Cantor Rivalry

Boehner is more pragmatic; Cantor draws line, refuses compromise

(Newser) - The GOP’s high-wire debt ceiling talks have turned a spotlight on the growing rivalry between John Boehner and Eric Cantor, the Washington Post observes. Until Sunday’s talks, Boehner had been pushing for a grand compromise, while Cantor categorically refused anything involving tax increases. Yesterday, Cantor insisted that he...

Boehner: There's a 'Gulf' Between Us

House won't raise taxes, he insists

(Newser) - John Boehner stuck to his guns in a press conference today, offering precious little hope that a debt ceiling deal was anywhere close to getting done. He thanked Barack Obama for praising his "good-faith effort," but said it mattered little. “Our disagreements are not personal,” he...

Obama: I Won't Sign Any 'Stop-Gap' Debt Deal

President says budget talks will continue 'every day'

(Newser) - Compromise was the theme of President Obama's press conference today, during which he acknowledged that yesterday's budget talks did not result in a deal—but promised that "we're gonna meet every single day until we get this thing resolved." He insisted that he and "...

Last Night's Budget Talks Got Us Nowhere

New huddle, press conference planned today

(Newser) - With just three weeks to go until the US defaults on its debt, White House and congressional officials are planning to resume talks today after a disappointing session yesterday, reports the Washington Post . Last night's 75-minute talks went nowhere, with both sides digging in to their positions and adjourning...

McConnell: Big Deficit Deal Is Dead

Top Republican blames White House insistence on tax hikes

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell is jumping right on John Boehner's pronouncement last night that a broad deal on the deficit is impossible, reports Politico. Appearing on Fox News Sunday this morning, the Senate's top Republican said the White House's insistence that a $4 trillion deal be accompanied by tax...

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