John Boehner

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Did GOP Cross Line With Letter to Bernanke?
Did GOP Cross Line With Letter to Bernanke?

Did GOP Cross Line With Letter to Bernanke?

Some pundits think Republican leaders shouldn't play politics with Fed

(Newser) - The latest political firestorm comes courtesy of the top four Republicans in Congress (Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Jon Kyl, and Eric Cantor), who wrote a letter to Ben Bernanke urging restraint on the economy. "We have serious concerns that further intervention by the Federal Reserve could exacerbate current problems,...

Boehner Disses Obama Plan as Not 'Pro-Growth'

He also renews his call for a simplified tax code

(Newser) - John Boehner took his first swings at the Obama jobs plan today, calling it “a poor substitute for the pro-growth policies that are needed to remove barriers to job creation in America.” Boehner criticized the "host of new tax credits" it proposes, which he complained would “...

Obama: Taxing Rich Will Pay for Jobs Plan

Prez wants to end tax breaks for the wealthy and oil, gas companies

(Newser) - President Obama has picked another fight over tax breaks for the wealthy—this time to pay for his jobs plan. The White House said today that Obama will seek to end tax breaks over 10 years for oil and gas companies, hedge fund managers, and people making over $200,000,...

Clinton, Bush, Biden Speak at Flight 93 Memorial

Heroism on 93 an example of democracy in action: Bush

(Newser) - The 40 passengers and crew who fought back against their hijackers aboard Flight 93 on 9/11 performed one of the most courageous acts in US history, former President George W. Bush said today at a ceremony dedicating the first phase of a memorial at the nation's newest national park....

Before Speech, Biden and Boehner Talk About ...

Yep, golf, as hot mic reveals

(Newser) - Moments before President Obama's big jobs speech, a hot mic caught a private conversation between John Boehner and Joe Biden. Secret strategy? Tense words? Nope, just golf, and a lot of it, as Boehner regales with tales of a recent outing. Also: Boehner greeted Biden by joking, "I'...

Boehner to Give Jobs Speech of His Own

His address comes one week after President Obama's

(Newser) - John Boehner was still jockeying with the scheduling of economic speeches today, but this time it's his own: The House speaker will give a major address on jobs and the recovery one week after President Obama addresses Congress, reports the Hill . Boehner will speak at the Economic Club of...

Why Obama&#39;s Speech Doesn&#39;t Matter

 Why Obama's Speech 
 Doesn't Matter 
Ezra Klein

Why Obama's Speech Doesn't Matter

Politics is a hopeless morass

(Newser) - President Obama is scheduled to give a major speech on the economy at some point next week, but Ezra Klein has stopped pretending that matters. The idea that Obama’s rhetoric could rouse Congress into action is a fantasy “found in Aaron Sorkin dramas and liberal op-ed columns,...

Obama Blinks, Reschedules Jobs Talk

He switches day at John Boehner's request

(Newser) - Chalk up another one for the Republicans. In the standoff over President Obama's schedule for his urgent jobs speech, Obama blinked. He has agreed to move the date a day later, to next Thursday, which is the same time as the NFL season opener. John Boehner complained about the...

Boehner to Obama: Speak on Another Night

He asks president to postpone address to joint session of Congress

(Newser) - This might not bode well for President Obama's chances of getting Republicans to go along with his jobs plan: The two sides can't even agree on when he should unveil it. In response to Obama's request to address a joint session of Congress on Sept. 7, John...

Bomb Squad Blows Up Briefcases at Boehner's Office

Suspicious briefcases turn out to be harmless

(Newser) - A bomb squad was called to John Boehner’s office in Ohio yesterday to deal with some suspicious briefcases left lying in the doorway. The cases all bore what appeared to be angry messages containing the words “jobs and oil,” WCPO 9 reports. A bomb squad robot “...

Why Fred Upton Is a Smart Pick by Boehner

He has a reputation as a moderate, but he won't act like one: Steve Kornacki

(Newser) - John Boehner raised eyebrows by selecting Michigan congressman Fred Upton for the debt super committee. After all, explains Steve Kornacki at Salon , Upton has the reputation of being a moderate and an "individual thinker" unafraid to buck his party. Might he provide Democrats with the crucial GOP vote they'...

GOP Makes Its Debt Super-Committee Picks

Here you go: Hensarling, Camp, Upton, Kyl, Toomey, Portman

(Newser) - We're three-quarters of the way there. The GOP today announced its picks to serve on the debt "super committee," bringing the total number of seats filled to nine. At the top of John Boehner's list is Texan Jeb Hensarling, who will co-chair the committee with Democratic...

Debt Deal Clears the House
 Debt Deal 
 Clears the House 

Debt Deal Clears the House

Measure clears, will head to Senate tomorrow

(Newser) - John Boehner's House of Representatives tonight voted convincingly in favor of the hard-fought, eleventh-hour deal on the debt ceiling, reports the Wall Street Journal , in a 269-161 vote. Democrats split 95 to 95 over the measure, while hardline conservatives made their objections known, with 66 Republicans voting nay. But...

So What's in the Debt Deal? Ezra Klein Explains
 So What's in the Debt Deal? 
explaining the 'trigger'

So What's in the Debt Deal?

$1T in cuts now with more later—and a 'trigger' to ensure a second deal

(Newser) - No revenues, big budget cuts—what exactly is in the debt-ceiling deal? Ezra Klein sums it up in the Washington Post : $1 trillion in immediate cuts with at least $1.5 trillion more to come; a vote on a balanced budget amendment; and an immediate $900 billion increase to the...

Deal Still Faces Hurdles

Hawks, libs expected to bolt—selling fine print to the rest is crucial

(Newser) - Not so fast. Is the debt ceiling agreement settled? Or could it still go down in flames? "We all may not be able to support it, or none us may be able to support it," Nancy Pelosi ominously told reporters yesterday ahead of today's Democratic caucus on...

Obama, Congress Reach Debt Deal

John Boehner reportedly called Obama to say deal was a go

(Newser) - At long last: President Obama and Republican congressional leaders reached historic agreement tonight on a compromise to permit vital US borrowing by the Treasury in exchange for more than $2 trillion in long-term spending cuts. Officials said John Boehner telephoned Obama at mid-evening to say the agreement had been struck....

McConnell: 'Our Country Is Not Going to Default'

But Harry Reid isn't as optimistic about a deal

(Newser) - The debt deal may rest on the shoulders of Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid , but the two can't seem to agree on how optimistic to be. At a mid-afternoon press conference, McConnell sounded like a deal was in the offing. “Our country is not going to default for...

House Passes Boehner Plan; Senate Rejects It

Harry Reid expected to push his doomed plan now

(Newser) - John Boehner finally got his debt ceiling plan through the House, and it survived all of two hours. The bill passed 218-210 today after the House speaker reworked it to appease Tea Party conservatives. As expected, the Senate promptly tabled it, meaning it is effectively dead. Just after the Senate...

Obama's Approval Rating Hits New Low

Gallup registers him at 40%

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has hit an all-time low of 40%, according to Gallup 's daily tracking. The rating has previously dipped to 41%—most recently in April—but it had risen to an average of 46% during the past two months. At one point in June, it...

Harry Reid: House 'Having Trouble' on Debt Ceiling

Caucuses to meet this morning in scramble to resolve crisis

(Newser) - Harry Reid tossed some zingers at Republicans last night after they failed to vote on John Boehner’s debt ceiling plan. Reid adjourned the Senate just before 11pm, the Hill reports, saying, “I apologize to everyone for the late hour, but we've been waiting for the House to...

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